Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 335 - 335: This Fruit Doesn’t Need to Be Washed

Chapter 335 - 335: This Fruit Doesn’t Need to Be Washed

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At noon, Consort Rui hosted Qiao Mai in her palace with Jiamei.

The emperor accompanied them, though he initially hesitated. He attended to observe Qiao Mai up close.

Thinking of the New Year’s Eve banquet, the old emperor struggled for conversation as they ate.

“Madam Qiao, the magical way you produced items out of thin air that day, is it a trick or a skill?”

“It’s both. Magic is considered a form of skill, isn’t it?”

“Oh, can you show us another trick now?” “It depends on what Your Majesty desires.”

“What else can you produce?”

“Fruits. ”

“What about the set of jewelry you gave to Consort Rui that day?”

“I already had that set of jewelry on me. I intended to give it to my in-law.”

The emperor questioned, attempting to unveil the mystery, “Are the fruits in your shop also magically produced?”

“Your Majesty, that’s like asking for a recipe. Will I reveal the secrets of my trade?”

“With this hot weather, I crave melons. Can you conjure up a few for me?” “Bring a table and some trays. Cover them all with large red cloths.”

Qiao Mai smiled, glancing at the emperor. She sensed his suspicion, but she didn’t care. Let him guess; she wouldn’t admit anything.

The more she acted this way, the more the emperor grew wary of her. Let him continue guessing; it was challenging for him at his age.

Effortlessly, she conjured a variety of melons on each tray. It happened before them, yet none of the three could make sense of it.

“This is Qilin Watermelon. It has thin skin, red flesh, and is sweet. In this weather, you must want something chilled. This is Golden Melon, your favorite. This is Honeydew, this is White Jade Melon, this is Horned Melon, this is Sweet Melon, and this is Papaya. Although it lacks flavor, it has a breast- enhancing effect. ”

The three gulped, watching as Qiao Mai lifted each piece of red cloth, introducing a different type of fruit, leaving them thoroughly amazed.

“Can you produce anything else?”


Since the emperor was so keen on seeing through her abilities, she decided to indulge him.

“Rui, last time, I gave the chance to the empress. This time, it’s your turn. Let me watch.”

“Can Jiamei also choose?”

The mother and daughter opened their mouths in surprise, “Oh.”

Consort Rui thought for a moment. “I like apples. Can you?”

Qiao Mai smiled, moved the melons aside, and covered the trays with red cloths.

“Watch closely.”

She swiftly uncovered one cloth, revealing a pile of red. “These are red apples.”

Another cloth revealed yellow. “These are yellow apples.”

“These are green yellows.”

“This is Snake Apple, a variety of apples. This is Sugar Heart Apple, and this is Cream Apple. The taste of each apple is different. If you want to know the flavor, you can have someone cut them into small pieces. Jiamei, what do you want?”

“Aunt, I like any sweet fruits.”

In no time, Qiao Mai conjured several sweet fruits for her—firstly mangosteen, incredibly sweet, followed by mango, lychee, cherry, winter jujube, and persimmon.

The fresh fruits left Jiamei in awe.

“Wow, these fruits don’t seem to be in season.

Suddenly, the food on the table lost its appeal. The three gathered around, and the emperor quickly instructed someone to wash the fruits.

“Your Majesty, you don’t need to wash them. You can consume them directly.”

“Don’t need to wash?”

“Let it be. I don’t want to explain. If you want to wash them, let someone do it.”

After saying this, Qiao Mai paid no more attention to him. Instead, she and Jiamei indulged in eating.

These fruits originated from her space, containing spiritual energy. They satisfy cravings and also bring benefits to the body.

The old emperor enjoyed the fruits immensely, forgetting the tense scene in the study just a while ago.

“Madam Qiao, will Jiamei be your only daughter-in-law in the future?” “Ah, what do you mean, Your Majesty?”

“I’m thinking that once we’ve chosen the heir, I’ll bring Consort Rui to your home. Is that acceptable?”

“Why not?”

“I’ve noticed that staying in your home is comfortable and relaxing. Everything smells nice and pleasant. I bet even sleeping would be dreamless.” “It seems Your Majesty needs a good rest for some time.”

“Yes, everyone is eyeing this position. While it’s good, it’s also tiring.”

“You’re not old yet, just in your fifties. For the position of the heir, older candidates won’t do. You can groom the younger ones; there will always be someone suitable. In history, have some emperors lived a long life? Yes, but very few. Most are busy with state affairs. You can’t have everything. It’s a matter of life or power, depending on Your Majesty’s choice.”

Consort Rui watched Qiao Mai speak boldly to the emperor and was frightened into silence. Surprisingly, the emperor didn’t get angry. How strange.

“I heard Madam Qiao is highly skilled in martial arts.”

“Good enough to protect my family.”

Hearing this, the emperor speculated, “Madam Qiao, aren’t you enticed by wealth and power?”

“Those who are capable don’t care about such things. We long for freedom and vast horizons.”

“Then why did you get a title for your husband?”

“Isn’t that what he deserved? Our family contributed so many prescriptions, bringing immense benefits to you. I am a businesswoman; it’s a matter of trade rules. ”

The emperor was dumbfounded. Was there such a perspective? How did he not know? Under the heavens, who dared to negotiate conditions with him? Only her. Truly a daring woman, fearless of anything.

Qiao Mai left the old emperor speechless. No matter how he looked at it, it seemed like the imperial palace was her garden.

Others were constrained, but she was carefree and speaking with ease!

After returning from the imperial palace, incessant rain fell over the capital. Qiao Mai wondered about her husband’s disaster relief efforts in the South.

Up to now, there had been no sign of his presence. Ling’er’s side also remained calm. Since the incident, no man had come to harass her.

Half a month had passed, and Qiao Mai became a bit anxious. One night, she left the capital, following her divine sense to find Yuan Jiaqi.

Flying along the way, she complained. It was stuffy, hot, and humid.

The north was fine, with just a little over a month of humidity.

In the southern regions, especially in low-lying areas, there were continuous puddles of water, and clothes rarely dried.

Living conditions were challenging everywhere. Qiao Mai shook her head and sighed.

Following her consciousness, she encountered more and more disaster victims. Fortunately, relief supplies seemed to have been distributed in areas with a higher concentration of victims, indicating Yuan Jiaqi was not far away.

Finding a secluded spot, she selected an ordinary set of clothes from her space, disguising herself as a village woman with a bag slung over her shoulder, and continued walking along the official road.

The area had been affected by floods, transforming the once-flat road into a different landscape after the waters receded.

In the middle were deep wheel imprints, obviously left by heavy loads. Qiao Mai sighed; she was a worrier.

Slowly advancing, she traveled southwest.

She used her spiritual power to sense. Not far away was a city, not large, probably a small county.

Arriving at the gates, she didn’t see many disaster victims. The gate was open but quiet.

No one asked for an entrance fee. She directly entered the city. Inside, it was lively; some victims rested on both sides of the streets.

Carrying a bundle, Qiao Mai squatted in front of a family of victims.

“Has the court distributed relief supplies?” “They have. Silver has also been distributed.”

“Then why are you still here?”

“Some officials came, arranging the victims with the county magistrate batch by batch. We came late and are in the back.”

“I see.”

“Where can we collect relief supplies?”

“Up ahead, past two intersections, turn right, and keep going. On the left is a magnificent gate with the words ‘County Office.’ The high-ranking officials from the capital are there.”

“Thank you! ”

Qiao Mai arched her hand and went to the county office. At this moment, there was a long line outside. Qiao Mai used teleportation to go in..

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