Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 49: Elizabeth

Chapter 49: Elizabeth

"Useless! Useless! Useless! All of you are fucking useless!!"

The loud slap echoed in the courtyard as Carol, a burly and sturdy figure, raised her hand and delivered another heavy blow to the orc in front of her.

The two-headed dog orc and the other orcs hung their heads, trembling in fear, not daring to dodge or defend themselves.

After the mission failed and they fled from the clinic, they returned to the Jadeson Manor to report to Carol.

Carol, who was eating and drinking, went into a rage upon hearing the news.

"What's this? You got scared when you saw the fox guards? I spent so much money keeping you around, and you come back here with such a disgraceful face? More than ten Dark Magic Guards and you couldn't even chop off a human's head?" Carol turned back to face the two-headed dog orc, patting its dog-like head with a cold voice.

The two-headed dog orc's legs trembled uncontrollably, not daring to say a word.

Carol had a volatile temper and beating and scolding were common occurrences. If they made her unhappy, they might accidentally end up as wolf food.

"Get someone to chop them all up and feed them to the wolves!" Carol suddenly increased her strength and slapped the two-headed dog orc down to the ground.

Several other orcs stepped forward, intending to take the two-headed dog and the others away.

"Please spare us, my lady... I still have three arrows in me..." The pig-headed orc broke down, scared to the point of wetting himself, begging for mercy.

The other orcs also knelt in panic, pleading for forgiveness.

They were disguised as Dark Magic Guards, strutting around outside, but as soon as Carol gave the order, they would be chopped up and fed to the dogs.

Carol remained unmoved, her face cold.

"My lady, Diana intervened to protect that human beyond our plans. With twice the number of fox guards, they were able to retreat safely. It might be wise to spare them this time and let them redeem themselves." Just then, a yellow rat-like orc stepped forward, speaking in a soft tone.

Carol glanced at the yellow rat orc, "What scheme do you have this time?"

"Please listen to me..."


Harriman Manor.

"It seems that this kid indeed has some strength. No wonder those old farts from the Physician Association are afraid of him." Diana reclined lazily in a soft chair, a smile playing on her lips.

"Miss, Carol probably won't let it go easily. That's why I've ordered a team of fox guards to patrol the streets every night, with a focus on protecting Charlotte." Buddy stood to the side, speaking respectfully.

"You've done well. I can already imagine the look on Carol's face." Diana's smile grew even wider. "However, I still want to test that kid's abilities further, to see if he's worth my investment."

"What do you need me to do?" Buddy lowered his head.

"Starting tomorrow, our people will need to visit the clinic. Send them all to him first. I want to see his surgeries and potions, to assess his skills compared to a mage." Diana spoke leisurely.


"Also, tally up the clinic's revenue. Investments should yield returns, and I never engage in losing businesses."

Buddy nodded and withdrew.


Tonight, many people on Baka Street couldn't sleep.

Charlotte had managed to provoke Carol's anger, but he had immediately gained the favor of Diana. It truly made people envious.

To have Diana mobilize so many fox guards, revealed a glimpse of Charlotte's standing in her heart.

This made many neighbors ponder their relationship with Charlotte and marked him as someone not to be trifled with.

Baka Street belonged to the Harriman family, and embracing Diana's favor was akin to embracing a golden opportunity.

They realized that when they encountered Charlotte in the future, they would have to be more polite.


In the backyard of the Lord's Mansion, a spirited young girl wielding a heavy sword was practicing swordsmanship.

The girl had golden hair tied up in a high ponytail and was dressed in white martial attire. Her sleeves were tied with bands, and she had a tall and slender figure. However, the silver heavy sword she held in her hand was about twenty centimeters wide and over a meter long, giving the impression of great weight.

Despite its appearance, the heavy sword danced in her hands with remarkable agility and grace, creating sharp piercing sounds as it cleaved through the air. The silver sword gleamed under the moonlight, sending chills down one's spine.

"Elizabeth!" An anxious voice sounded from outside the courtyard, accompanied by hurried footsteps. A girl dressed in a gorgeous purple gown entered the courtyard and walked directly toward the girl practicing swordsmanship.

Elizabeth retracted her sword and stood behind her to avoid accidentally injuring the girl rushing towards her. She supported her with one hand and asked with a smile, "What's wrong, Jenny? Why are you so flustered?"

Jenny took a few breaths, looked at Elizabeth, and then said, "Capas... he wants to kill Charlotte!"

"He dares!" Elizabeth's gaze turned cold in an instant, her voice filled with a chill.

"I heard about it at tonight's Chamber of Commerce banquet. There's a relative involved in business dealings in the Abyss, and Capas has entrusted Carol from the Jadeson family to kill Charlotte," Jenny explained.

"Is the information reliable?"


"I'll go out for a while. You should go home first." Elizabeth picked up her sword and walked towards the exit of the courtyard.

Before long, Elizabeth rode a white horse and galloped out of the back gate of the Lord's Mansion, heading straight towards the west of the city.

"Sir, Miss Elizabeth left with a sword, riding a horse towards the west of the city!" The old butler quickly walked into the study and reported to the middle-aged man who was reading a book.

The man wore a well-fitted black suit, had neatly combed back hair, and sported a mustache shaped like the character '' on his face. He calmly picked up the silver cup beside him and took a sip of water. "She received the news?"

"Jenny just informed her."

"All right, no need to worry about her. Let the young ones experience it themselves." The man waved his hand slightly.

The butler acknowledged and left the room.

Behind the bookshelf, within the shadows, a figure swayed slightly.

"Go, but make sure she doesn't get hurt." The man took another sip of tea.

The figure stopped moving, and the room became quiet once again.

"Charlotte..." The man gently caressed the teacup in his hand and sighed after a long while.

The sound of horse hooves shattered the tranquility of Calva's streets as a white-clad figure with a sword made its way straight to the Deno Manor in the west of the city.

At the entrance of the manor, two guards who were dozing off heard the urgent sound of horse hooves and instinctively grasped the long swords at their waists. They simultaneously shouted, "Private estate ahead, please stay away!"

Before they could react, the sturdy oak gate of the manor had been cleaved open by a single sword, crashing down with a loud thud.

The white horse leaped over the heads of the two guards, charging directly through the broken gates of the manor.

In the courtyard, the bonfire burned brightly.

Seven or eight succubi in thin veils were dancing passionately, every movement captivating and arousing the desires of men.

Capas lay on a thick animal skin, resting his head on one succubus's thigh while his hand fondled the collar of another beautiful succubus. Some were feeding him wine, and others offering meat, all enjoying themselves.

The gate suddenly shattered, causing the succubi who were dancing to panic and retreat to the side.

Elizabeth sat tall on her white horse, looking at the disheveled succubi and Capas lying among the women. Her gaze revealed undisguised disgust. Pointing her heavy sword, she coldly asked, "Are you Capas?"

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