Rosie's Games

Chapter 47: Snake 2

Chapter 47: Snake 2

Since the Duke met with Rosalind, the two had been hunting various animals as they continued to go deeper into the forest. Rosalind had already seen two other animals with red eyes, but she wasn't able to catch them as they were too fast and there were other people around.

Yes, the Princess chose to follow them. Rosalind knew that the woman was suffering, not just from the cold, but from the mosquitoes and other insects that had started to make their presence known.

It had become darker and the atmosphere slowly turned colder as the sun started to set. With the lush vegetation and wet muddy ground, it had been getting harder and harder for them to continue.

"We should stop and camp here for the night," one of the attendants suggested.

"I agree," Rosalind said, not because she was tired, but because she wanted to take the opportunity to catch some demonic animals and absorb their curse.

She was certain that this would benefit her and make her more powerful.

Again, the Duke maintained his silence. Rosalind didn't know if the man just dislike interacting with the Princess or was just not in the mood to talk. He had been silently hunting, protecting them from bigger animals.

She also realized that the Duke had his own spatial bag something that attracted the Princess and the other's attention. Because of this, Rosalind refused to reveal her own spatial bag as she didn't want to attract anyone's envy.

Right now, she wanted to keep it a secret from everyone unless she was forced to reveal it.

"Since there are only three tents, then we will stay outside and guard the place," the attendant said.

"There is no need," the Duke said. "Lady Rosalind will be staying in my tent."

"I don't think that"

"I will be sleeping in the trees," the Duke interrupted Rosalind when she was about to complain. Then he smirked at her and turned around without saying a word.

Rosalind felt her cheeks turn hot.

She had assumed that the man was going to sleep inside the tent with her! How embarrassing!

"Hmph!" Princess Isabel humphed and found a large rock to sit on. Since lunch the Princess stopped talking or forcing any try of conversation with the Duke or Rosalind.

During lunch, the Princess actually took the snake back, leaving one portion of her. It was indeed very petty, but Rosalind just gave the snake back without saying another word.

The Duke's rudeness was indeed a surprise for her, but she thought about her past life and realized that she would rather have a rude person like the Duke, who would tell her what was wrong, than someone who was always smiling next to her and then suddenly stab her in the back when she was not looking.

She learned that lesson the hard way.

After a few minutes, the attendants finally started cooking the meat that they were able to obtain during the hunt while the Princess chose to rest in her tent. Seeing the Princess leave and the attendants busily cooking their food, Rosalind slowly made her way away from the encampment to try and sense some cursed animals.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Rosalind jumped and patted her chest. She then glared at the man who had just appeared next to her. It was none other than the Duke.

"Must you always surprise me so?" she asked, irritated.

"I didn't think it was enough to surprise you."

"I am still a lady, someone who grew up without any experience in life, something like that is bound to make me start."

He made a face as if he was telling her that he refused to believe her words.

"I need time alone."

"Now, I can't let you do that," he smiled. "This forest is dangerous."

She wanted to tell him that the only dangerous person here was the Duke, but chose to close her mouth instead.

"I am catching demonic animals," she said in a voice so low that only she and the Duke could hear.


"I just want to see if I can cure them."

"You are not that kind," the Duke said. "Spit it out."

"How rude of you."

He chuckled. "I do not see you as someone that would find dangerous animals just to cure them," he explained.

"That is none of your business."

"Sadly, you are going to be my wife in a few weeks and that means your business is going to be my business."

She faked a smile. "Until then "

"I just wanted to protect my investments."

That stopped her from responding. Investments? Does he see her as his investment? She snorted and turned her head away.

"Then catch all the demonic animals that you see. I will try to cure them."

"Are you going to faint?" he asked.


"Are you confident?"

"Yes," she frowned. "Hurry up, I will be waiting here."

"Go to that tree and do not move an inch. I will be back," he said. Once again, he vanished. This time, she followed his instructions and found herself sitting on one of the branches. The tree wasn't that tall to begin with, but its leaves were large and could easily hide her from someone.

By now, it was already dark and without her Blessing, she wouldn't be able to travel in this forest on her own.

The sound of nature filled her ears and the rich sound of katydids, cicadas, and crickets made her smile.

She could not recall the last time she was able to sit down and appreciate everything around her. This life was indeed very different from her past.

"What are you thinking about?"

Again, his sudden appearance surprised her. She jolted and lost her balance, almost falling down the tree. However, the Duke was quick to pull her towards him and straight into his lap.

A cold gust of wind surrounded them as she opened her eyes and realized that her face was too close to his. She frowned and immediately tried to move away, but the Duke's hand tightened around her wrist.

"Shhh" he uttered. "Something is coming."


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