Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 145: The Enarin Kingdom and the Gathering

Chapter 145: The Enarin Kingdom and the Gathering

Gabriella and the merchants were already waiting for Don when he entered the throne hall as they stood up from their seats.

"Sit" Don motioned them to sit as he sat in his throne

"I took a look at the quotations and discussed it with my people, Gabriella"

Don could see the concerned look on the merchants' faces but Gabriella looked neutral and did not show any reaction

"You got yourselves a deal" as he said, Don waved his hand and then, a pouch filled with low-quality life energy stones appeared before him and flew towards Gabriella

Unlike before, after hearing Don a relieved look emerged in Gabriella's eyes as the merchants smiled in delight

"Inside, you will find half of the full payment, I'll give you the rest when you bring the promised goods"

"We would bring them as soon as possible, your majesty" She rose from her seat and said with the bow


"How's the construction work going?"

"it will go better if it's nae for this damned rain, me king"

Don could see the dwarf was pretty annoyed and frustrated by the Agoria's weather

"When that Gabriella girl delivers tha materials, we can start work on tha roads, my king"

" The people, are they treating you alright?"

"at first, they seemed a little aff seeing that I'm a dwarf but now they be getting better"

Having an army of dwarves and elves roaming around would definitely bring trouble to his doorstep as Don let only a couple of dwarves to reveal their identity because sooner or later, the people had to come to terms with the new reality but for now, a couple of dwarves wouldn't draw much attention from the higher rank kingdoms.

"Finish the construction work as soon as possible, when we start building ships, I want you and your men in the project"

"o' course me king, we dwarves have so many ideas an' techniques aboot building a ship," Stodemar said with excitement 

"How much longer will it take to finish the construction works?"

"at least three months for tha houses me king, tha road works will take even more time"

While Don was talking with Stodemar, Don saw a guard standing in the corner waiting for him

"What's the matter?"

"Your majesty, this has just come for you"

It was a royal scroll with a griffin symbol etched on the outside, the guard handed the scroll over to Don as he motioned the guard to leave the throne hall

When Don opened the scroll, Stodemar could smell the fragrance of lavender and lilac as he waited for Don to finish reading. The scroll was an invitation to the gathering of rank 4 kings, that's going to happen in the Enarin Kingdom, one of the most powerful kingdoms among the rank 4 kingdoms.

The invitation did not state any specific purpose for this gathering but it seemed rather a friendly get together among the kings. The ancient dungeon was a month away from opening so it could have been the reason for this gathering but no matter, Don now had to decide whether to visit the Enarin kingdom or not.

"me king, be everything alright?"

"Yes, it's an invitation to a gathering"

"When be this gathering, me king?"

Stodemar knew that balls, gatherings are pretty common among the nobles and kings

"In five days"

"What be ye going ta do, me king?"

Don couldn't help but see a tinge of nervousness like he was hiding something in the dwarf's eyes

But before Don could ask anything, Arrora appeared behind him and whispered into his ears

"Knight said that three hundred and eighty-five people joined in the army and the orcs returned without causing any troubles"


Indeed this was good news that now Don had nearly nine hundred troops in his army.

"And I've reached the grandmaster level"

Hearing Arrora, Don's brows slightly raised in surprise as her speed of cultivation was truly astonishing. Because of the bound energy in her magical core, she would be stronger and more powerful than a normal low-level grandmaster. And since Knight talked about going into closed-door cultivation soon, there was no doubt that Knight would reach the next realm in cultivation. However Knight was a divine beast so even after reaching the grandmaster realm, Arrora had no chance to put up a fair fight with Knight, not that she would fight with Knight.

Looking at her excited face, Don patted her shoulder 

"Now go to Everlight, bring Joel and Arwen, we are going to Enarin "

Don gave the scroll to Arrora as the dwarf stepped forward

"Me king, can I go to Everlight? I left some tools there"

"Alright, tell Knight about this gathering and meet me here soon, we should leave tomorrow morning"

It was a good opportunity and time to meet the other kings as well as expanding the name of Everlight. Moreover, since Emir and Agoria became part of Everlight, they had to be considered as one kingdom, the kingdom of Everlight. And after constructing a road connecting Agoria and Emir, traveling between the two kingdoms would feel less like they were separate kingdoms.

After returning from the dungeon, Don was also thinking about renaming Emir and Agoria as Kingdom Dawn of Everlight and Kingdom Azur of Everlight. These renaming of two kingdoms had to be done as a massive to reach everywhere and everyone, declaring the name of Kingdom Everlight even more and at that point, he had to have some relation with other kings so they could be invited to the ceremony because currently, he had more enemies than allies.

"Your majesty"

As Don was thinking about this, Lord Clemo came looking for him

"Your majesty, are you attending the funeral?"

"Who died?"

"Cassek and Tisha your majesty, Lamar's sister"

Lord Clemo was surprised when he heard Don's question as their murder was the hot topic in the kingdom and the guards were still searching for the killer

"Why would I attend that? Cassek was a trash and that girl was no better than him, she was in it all the time"


Clemo was shocked to hear such accusation on that innocent little girl 

"She was Cassek's sweetheart, Lord Clemo, I captured them both in the last bandit camp and threw them in the dungeon"

It was a lot to take in for Lord Clemo as he never thought that she would be Cassek's lover since she acted like a victim all the time and the story he heard about that she was kidnapped and lost her finger made him really feel pity for Tisha.

"Don't speak about this with anyone, Lord Clemo, and keep an eye on Lamar"

"Yes, your majesty"

"What do you know about the Enarin kingdom, Lord Clemo?"

"It said to be the most powerful kingdom amongst the rank fours, your majesty not to mention they are crazy rich"

"Take a seat and tell me more"

Lord Clemo sat on the seat allocated for him as Don seated himself on the throne 

"Enarin acts as the leader for smaller kingdoms in this part of the empire your majesty, of course, it's not a written law but since its the strongest kingdom, others should or have to listen to them" Lord Cleo paused for a moment

"Your majesty, can I ask why you're suddenly interested in Enarin?"

"I've just got the invitation to attend a gathering at Enarin "

"Gathering? Weird" Lord Clemo rubbed his chin 

"Usually the gathering would be held every five years and it's only three years from the last gathering but anyways, your majesty, are you attending?"

"What do you think? Should I go?"


Lord Clemo frowned and had a doubtful look on his face as he couldn't guess Don was asking his opinion seriously or he was just playing with him

"I think you should attend, your majesty"

"And why is that?"

Don wanted to get Lord Clemo's perspective on this matter since he had more experience around here than him

"Everyone's heard about you, your majesty but no one has seen you except king Harold so this might be a great opportunity to show your face" Lord Clemo explained as he continued

"Also your majesty, as you may know, you have to mingle with other kings, strike an alliance and keep them close to rule the kingdom smoothly, we don't know when we need an alley or two"

"Why don't you come with me, Lord Clemo? I lack the experience in this kind of politics"

Lord Clemo never imagined that DOn would admit it because he had already guessed that Don lack the experience in politics or he wouldn't have demolished the noble title and killed Lord Ryan and Massen but he couldn't show his thoughts on his face

" no, your majesty, you don't lack anything"

"Come on, Lord Clemo, you don't have to lie, I know I don't have experience in politics but I'm willing to learn and you seem like a good teacher"

Hearing the compliment from Don, Lord Clemo felt fearless for a moment as he grinned ear to ear

"You overpraising me, your majesty"

It felt different and nice to Lord Clemo to talk with Don without having an urge to throw up or fear for his life for once and he was beginning to think that Don has another side to him

"And I'm honored to accompany you in the gathering of the kings, your majesty"

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