Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 133: Dealing with the bandits

Chapter 133: Dealing with the bandits

The tears started to flow out her eyes like a fountain as a smile appeared on her face.

She was hugging and kissing the boy without a break, the boy hugged onto her neck and didn't let go. Don already came to his throne and looked at the happy reunion as the woman finally let go of her son and realized that Don was not in front of her but he was sitting on his throne.

"Thank you, thank you, your majesty" the woman knelt and shouted in gratitude as the villagers now looked Don with more respect and less terror.

"Bring me the injured children to me, tomorrow" Don said to the woman and turned his gaze towards the old woman

"You don't need to write any letters anymore, stay here, and tell me everything that's wrong with Agoria. I can't do anything about the rain, yet but I will fix everything else one way or another"

After he said, Don looked at Lord Clemo as he stepped forward to receive his orders

"Give her a generous amount of gold after you are done with Ryan's place, now I need to be somewhere else"

The villagers saw Don's figure become like a blur and in a flash, he disappeared from his throne leaving the villagers startled.


(A few moments ago)

Arwen was standing on a tree branch and looking at the bandit camp in the middle of the forest. The elven archers were tactically placed on the treetops and branches to give them a height advantage.

The others like dwarven men and demihumans were hiding in the bushes and behind the big trees waiting for Arwen's order to attack.

"Archer 1, take out the bandit walking away"

Arwen ordered one of the elven archers as the archer shot an arrow at the bandit who had no one watching him.

"Kill confirmed"

The archer said looking at his arrow sticking out of the bandit's head, the rain and the thunderstorm helped them cover the sound of the bandit's body hitting the ground.

Arwen was glad he learned these tactics from Knight as he already took out some of the enemies without alerting the others, Arwen was using the environment and surrounding to his advantage, he was trying to use the stealth approach as much as he could without jumping into a full-blown battle.

"We have twelve bandits outside and an unknown numbers inside the tents"

"we shou' cut those bastards now, I had enough sneaking around"

An annoyed dwarven voice heard in Arwen's head 

"No, not yet. We can still take some of them out, Archer 6 you can kill that bandit now, Archer 4 kill the bandit beneath you the exact moment Archer 6 takes the shot"

Even though the dwarves were annoyed, they stood still until Arwen gave them the order to move.

The two archers didn't fail to kill the bandits as Arwen ordered, and looking at the bandit camp from Arwen's location, he couldn't find more enemies to take out stealthily.

"Alright, Archers and infantry get ready, Dark angels ready to take out the strong ones inside the tents"

"Finally some action"

"I hate this rain an' Forrest"

Ignoring the voices in Arwen's head, he took out his bow and prepared to fight


The moment Arwen gave the order, the archers on the trees started to rain arrow on the remaining bandits in the camp as the infantry jumped out of from hiding and ran towards the camp to kill the bandits

The dwarven battle cry and the sudden rain of arrows startled the bandits and caught them off guard,

"What's happening?"

"Where are they?"




Looking at the sudden attack, the bandits shouted and tried to form a defensive formation but it was too late as they saw a group of black-armored men with shield and axes running at them while the invisible archers taking out their fellow bandits

It was an overkill from Don's part to deploy his own men from Everlight to deal with the bandit camps but he wanted to make sure that nothing goes wrong with this mission

While the archers and infantry were dealing with the bandits outside, the dark angels started to bring fireballs upon the tents to burn the bandits inside except for the big tent in the center of the camp to capture the leader alive.

Fortunately, there were no surprises waiting for Arwen in this camp as it only took a couple of more minutes to kill all the bandits and capture the bandit leader alive. And considering the leader was just a mid-level mage, the dark angels captured him without breaking a sweat.

"Alright, send in the reapers"

The goblins and the others finally came out of the hiding with their sacks and started to rummage the place around as they took everything that looked shiny and valuable, they didn't even let the bodies go unsearched.

"Hey knock it off"

Arwen shouted at one goblin when he saw the green guy kicking the dead bandit in the balls.

"Tie him up and bring him with us"


The rest of the camps were not an exception to Everlight's forces, the only different thing that happened in each camp was the approach of each team. Arwen tried the stealth approach as Stodemar went all in from the moment they reached the campsite while Glacia got lucky and finished the entire camp without alerting a single soul. And for the last team that led by a demihuman, used the Forest to its full advantage and killed the bandits but one of the men got injured and saved from the certain death by the healing potion.

After tying the four bandit leaders, Don ordered Arrora to drag the four of them through the streets to get the people talking and just like he was thought, Don's men got all the attention from the people living in the capital as they even stepped out of their homes in the rain to see the black armored soldiers and the four people that they were dragging to the castle.

And when Arrora was on her way to the castle, she saw the commotion from the place where nobles live and guessed Don did something exciting while she was away.

When she reached the capital, her guess turned out to be the truth as Lord Clemo and the guards were carrying chests full of valuables to the castle.

"What's all this?"

Arrora asked Lord Clemo as he ordered the guards to carry on and walked towards Arrora

"Your majesty went to the noble district again, Lady Adria"

"Who got killed now?"

"Some mercenaries Lady Adria, and also his majesty broke almost every bone in Lord Ryan's body and threw him in jail "

"And what did this Ryan do?"

Lord Clemo let out a long breath of sigh and started to narrate the events from her departure to Arrora and walked with her to the throne hall.

While he was telling her about what Ryan did to the kids, he almost felt like Arrora was going to run to jail and kill him but fortunately, nothing like that happened.

Arrora's anger only calmed down a bit when Lord Clemo told her that Don cured the kid and asked the villagers to bring the rest of the kids to him tomorrow.

"These four are?"

Lord Clemo asked seeing the four people who were dragged by Don's men

"Just the leaders of the bandit camps, soon we will capture the other three"

The speed of their action really shocked Lord Clemo and he could guess what's going to happen to these four.

Coming from Everlight to Agoria, Arwen could see the difference is like black and white. Everlight now turned into a lively place whereas Agoria resembled a ghost town with constant rainfall. But after seeing what Don had done to Everlight, he knew that Agoria would soon change into a whole new different place.

Just like Arwen, Stodemar was also scanning the city and studying the worn-out buildings in it. He was hoping that Don would put the dwarves in charge of rebuilding the city so he could destroy all these buildings and build it all again from scratch.

Me King"


Lord Clemo looked at the tall man when he saw the man referring Don by his name but to his surprise, Don didn't mind as he nodded sitting on his throne as Arrora went to stand beside Don.

"Did you have any trouble?"

"No, everything went just according to the plan"

Don looked at Stodemar who was still wearing the black helmet to hide his dwarven features

"Stodemar, take some men and walk around the city. I want to fix things up"

"I have so many ideas, me king"

Don could hear the excitement in the dwarf's voice as Don knew that putting dwarves into this matter is the right choice

After receiving his order Stodemar nodded and left the throne hall taking some men with him while Don decided to deal with the four leaders.

The four of them were already shivering and shaking due to fear as well as their drenched clothes. And to Don's surprise, one of the leaders looked like a woman, but that was not going to save her from Don's punishment.

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