Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 128: Sacrifices

Chapter 128: Sacrifices

"Your majesty, we found these two tied up in Lord Massen's room"

The guards brought two young girls who were blindfolded and hands tied to Don

"Wait I know these girls"

After looking at the bruised faces of the two girls, Lamar recognized them 

"They are Tisha's friends"


"Brother Lamar is that you?"

The two girls also seemed to have recognized Lamar's voice and started to shed tears of happiness thinking they were saved. Seeing Lamar and the girls know each other, the guards looked at Don for his decision as Don nodded and let them take off their blindfolds and ropes around their wrists.

The moment their blindfold was removed, they leaped at Lamar and hugged him tightly without even noticing Don or the mess around them.

It took several minutes for the girls to stop crying and let Lamar go and Don had already started to roam around the house to familiarize himself with it.


And when he was searching Massen's bedroom, he found a false safe under the bed and when he opened it, there was nothing but gold and silver in it.

It took half of Don's strength to lift up the monstrous chest from the ground.

"Amaryll and Uncle Dior would be very happy"

"We are not taking this to Everlight"

Agoria need this wealth more than Everlight and hearing Don, Arrora agreed with him with a gentle smile

"Bring some of our men here and tell them to search through every corner of this house, I don't want to leave anything behind"

"What about Cassek? Do you want me to find the bandit Massen told us about?"

Surprisingly Don shook his head

"He would have already heard the incident by now, after all, he's a spymaster. Split your men into two groups, send one group to search for the bandit camps without engaging"

Arrora took a mental note as Don continued

"the other group, coordinate with Joel's spies and gather all the information about every noble in Agoria, If Massen has this much wealth, I bet they have too"

"It's going to sound funny to you, but what if they gained it fair and honest?"

" It does sound funny, have you met nobles before?"

Don met a fair share of Nobles in his lifetime and all of them were corrupted in one way or another. Some individuals in some noble families might be an honest man, but if looked into their family as a whole, Don knew he could find many skeletons in their closets.

And Don understands the reason for Arrora's question, she was from a noble family too but for Don that didnt mean, her family was formed by men and women with no sins.

"You know I was born in a noble family right?"


Don said while rummaging through the gold coins in the chest to see if Massen was keeping within as Arrora walked at the bed and sat 

"What is this?"

As expected Don saw an old worn out book inside the chest and he started to skim through the contents of the book.

However the more he skimmed through the details, the more he felt disgusted by the book and finally, he couldn't bring himself to read more as Don burnt the book with his hellfire

"OH, what happened?"

Just by looking at Don's face, Arrora knew something wrong with that book or he wouldn't have burnt it to oblivion

"The two girls before, they weren't meant to be his playthings"


"They were sacrifices, he was going to eat them"


Arrora suddenly stood up from the bed like it was on fire when she heard Don

"That SCUT!"

Don had no idea what that means but he guessed that's how they cursed someone in her homeland

"How many innocent girls would he have eaten until now?"

"None, until now he was eating the raw hearts of the magical beasts,"

She somehow became a little bit calmer 

"So the girls?"

"Virgin girls, they were going to be his dinner, for the first time"


"It was how he cultivates, the sacrifice of those girls would have made him reach the grandmaster level"

It all made sense to Arrora, the monstrous body, the way he prevented from moving. He was using this unholy evil cultivation method and thinking about this, Arrora couldn't help but wonder what evil thing wrote the book.

"It's better if I stay behind when our men search this place, I want to make sure that there are no more of these evil things in the house"

"Yes, you do that"

As he said, a light ray came out of space rings and disappeared in a flash along with the contents in the chest.

Leaving Arrora in the room, Don came back to the hall and saw Lord Clemo was still waiting for him with Lamar

"Your majesty, you're back"

Lord Clemo bowed and almost touched the ground with his forehead seeing Don. Since the previous owner was thrown into jail, the maid and servants were came before Don and stood in a line

"You guys still have a job"

As expected when Don said this, most of them looked relieved and let out a sigh but still, they were terrified of Don. Considering their previous owner Lord Massen who spent most of his time cultivating, they didn't know what happened behind the doors. And compared to Lord Massen, Don terrified them the most.

"How much do they earn in a month?"

Don asked Lord Clemo as he pondered about it for a moment before answering

"An average of six to eight Arians"


Looking at the confused face of Don, Lord Clemo realized that he was not familiar with the currency system of Agoria

"How much do they earn in a year in gold coins?"

Maids and servants couldn't dream of earning life energy stones as their wage 

"One or two gold coins, your majesty, depends on their position"

After counting the servants and maids, Don retrieved the coins from his space ring as a stack of gold coins appeared before Lord Clemo.

"Each get two"

Lord Clemo was slightly surprised but he was not going to ask Don any questions anyways as he nodded

"You won't embezzle it right?"

"I don't dare, your majesty"

After seeing what happened to Lord Massen, Lord Clemo would never even dream of double crossing Don or even disappointing him and from today onwards he decided to respect and fear him as a mixed breed between god and devil.

Leaving Lord Clemo to his newly assigned job, Don headed outside to go back to the castle as the guards followed him with absolute respect and fear.

In a single day, Don's reputation spread across the kingdom and the people became more afraid of him than respect him. The nobles were completely terrified and some of them even tried to escape the kingdom but they were stopped by soldiers in black armor, Don's men.

Fortunately, Arrora didn't find any more cultivation books in the house but she did find two more chests full of jewels and silver coins. Joel was currently on his way to Agoria after spending some time with each of his trainees while Arrora's men were searching for bandits camps throughout the kingdom.

The next day everyone was shocked at the news of Lord Massen somehow escaping the prison and then found dead in the town square with his throat slit. Also, some early day workers reported that seeing a short bulky guy disappearing in a flash from the town square.

And the farmer who lost his lands to Lord Clemo became one of the richest farmers in the kingdom in a single day. Leaving the kingdom in Arrora's hand, Don went to close door cultivation since the investigation of nobles and the search for the bandits were still going on.

Because he was in the threshold on peak low level of Star level, Don chose one of the secret rooms built under the castle to prevent attracting unwanted attention towards him in case of a breakthrough.

Arrora personally stood guard when she was not dealing with Lord Clemo about the issues in the kingdom. When Arrora was unavailable, Don's men stood guard taking turns.

During Don's close door cultivation, the army of Emir was safely returned to their kingdom which made King Harold realize that he had been played by Don all this time and even started to suspect Don in the explosion that killed Prince Nikalas. Queen Bella and Uncle Steve could never leave KAte's side since she had never regained her consciousness until now and King Harold was putting out requests for healers to come to Korrinth and heal Kate, especially her face.

The news of Don torturing Lord Massen and stripping the noble title shook the nobles in Korrinth. And hearing that Lord Massen was a peak level great master and still got his fingers sawed off by Don sent a cold chill all over King Harold's body, he felt glad that he didn't get that kind of treatment from Don and warned his men not even to take a step inside Agoria or Emir.

While Kate was unconscious, Darlene was cultivating and training for the Cold Moon Palace selection even though she knew that she would make it.

Still the beating she took from Don, affected her mentally which started to hinder her cultivation and she still kept feeling the pain inside her neck due to Don's kick to her head even though she was healed by Randal.

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