Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 119: Double Cross

Chapter 119: Double Cross

The sudden turn of events shocked every single one on the battlefield especially King Harold and Kate.

"Darlene, what the hell are you doing?"

King Harold shouted as Darlene quickly turned her gaze away from Don to Arrora.

"Don't be hasty Adria unless you want your king to be a cripple"

Don could feel the coldness of the ice block covering his body penetrating through his muscles and just like Darlene said, she could injure anyone's magic core with this coldness and affect their cultivation.

"If you harm a single hair on his body!"

Even though Arrora knew that Don is way more powerful than Darlene, witnessing Don was attacked by surprise by Darlene, Arrora became furious. From Arrora's point of view, the ice block surrounding Don looked so thick as well as cold that Arrora thought it could even harm a grandmaster like Don and that's why Don was still caged and frozen by it. And the icicle hanging above his head looked like it could drop and pierce through Don's head in a flash.

Also, Arrora had never thought that Darlene would decide to attack Don in front of his whole army.

"I have to say Adria, you are more powerful than you look. So tell me where did you learn your sword techniques?"

Darlene didn't care about the freezing Don before her as she asked Arrora

"Oh not another move shorty"

Before Arrora could answer Darlene's question about where she learned her sword techniques, Darlene noticed the short figure in the Archer unit tries to take out an arrow.

The men of Everlight were not dumb as they knew that any sudden movement could harm Don looking at the icicles hanging above his head and the sword on his throat.

"Darlene answer me! what's the meaning of this?"

King Harold had no idea what's going on before his eyes as he had a mixed feeling of fear and nervousness seeing Darlene mess with a king of such a powerful army.

"Well you do deserve the truth father, me and him we were never in love"


The words Darlene had just spoken sounded like someone poured hot oil into his ears. Everything that happened recently was due to the fact that Darlene's newly found love. However now she was saying that she was never in love, King Harold almost coughed up blood in anger thinking about the pressure he felt these last few days.

"Look father, how can I marry that?" Darlene pointed at her and then at Prince Jowan who was lying under Arrora's feet beside his unconscious father.

"I brought Don here to act as my lover, so I can convince the Agorians that they can't face two kingdoms at once when I annul the marriage "

While Darlene was talking to her father, Arrora expected Don to break out of the ice at any time but he was still frozen in the ice.

"So all this time, you were lying to my face? What about your mother?do you know how much stress you put us through"

"To achieve my dreams, I have to do things like this father. But all is said and done, it turned out in our favor isn't it?"

Unlike King Harold, hearing Darlene a small grin appeared on Kate's face as she stepped forward towards Don and Darlene

"What's your plan here Darlene?"

For the first time in a while, Don opened his mouth and asked Darlene as she looked at him and his men in the battlefield before answering

"Well, there's no harm in telling you.I'm going to take you as a hostage Don"


The moment King Harold heard Darlene, he shouted at her. Since he saw the massacre of the Agorian army by Don's men, he did not want to make an enemy out of Don. He planned to use Darlene and manipulate Don into helping them after he saw the army of Everlight in action but now taking their king as a hostage would certainly make Korrinth as an enemy of Everlight and he did not want that to happen.

"Relax father, I'll keep him locked up until I get into the Cold Moon Palace, then with them as my backing, we can take what we want in this part of the lands"

Darlene always aimed big and complained about the size of Korrinth, the lack of resources in Korrinth for her cultivation. And hearing about her plan, King Harold realized that she's already started to put her secret plans into play.

"But we don't have to do this?" King Harold pointed at Don and asked

"So what will you do when Don here wants to take Korrinth too, just like Emir and Agoria"

It was a valid question as King Harold realized that since they weren't in love, it wouldn't be a surprise if Don decided to conquer Korrinth with his powerful army and he could achieve that goal without breaking a sweat.

However, no matter how powerful he is in a rank 4 kingdoms, he and his army was still a weakling compared to the Cold Moon Palace, one of the superpowers in the empire. And unlike before with Agorian matter, Korrinth was not bound to Don by any agreements so the Cold Moon Palace would certainly intervene if Don tried to harm Korrinth, their disciple's home. 

So if they could prevent Don from taking the throne of Agoria now and protect Korrinth from his army's wrath for two more months, Agoria would be theirs.

And even though taking Don as a hostage and keeping him locked up for two months seemed like a risky and somehow hurried plan, it looked like it could actually work.

Of course, Darlene thought about seducing Don and keeping him around her after seeing the Everlight Army, but she realized that after she gets into the Cold Moon Palace, she would have the chance to meet many princes, even the princes from the Archeron Kingdom. At that point, having a fake lover would hinder her plans.


While this was happening on the land, there were two figures looking at the scene from their flying swords way above from the ground.

"You did pick a ruthless girl as your future disciple, Bernard"

The old man called Bernard was a bald-headed man who looked like in his mid-fifties and wore a red robe while a chain attached to the number '2' hanging on his chest.

"I would have chosen that girl called Adria if not for the darkness around her, Randal"

Unlike Bernard, Ednus looked tall and young, had dark skin and silky smooth white hair.

" filthy half-blood, such a disgrace to my kind"

Randal spat as he said looking at Arrora.

"Life is too short to waste on hating others, Ednus"

"Well it's a good thing we dark elves have longer lifespan than you humans"

After spending enough time with dark elves, Randal had already grasped the point that it would be a waste of time to convince the dark elves to change their hate towards the elves and half-elves.

"Have you ever heard about this Everlight Kingdom before?"

"Who cares about these rank fours? It's probably another backwater kingdom "

Ednus said as Randal rubbed his chin for a moment 

"A backwater kingdom with such an impressive army, tell me that doesn't seem strange"

"You do notice they are mostly elves and lowly dwarves behind those armors right?"

"It seems like that kid spent a fortune on slaves"

Randal said looking at Don as Randal seemed unconcerned about what's happening below them.

"Well, what are you waiting for? go and take her as your disciple before the rain ruin my clothes"

Ednus could see the ominous black clouds starting to gather for a heavy downpour as he said.

"Not yet,let's see where this goes"


Still, Darlene and King Harold were discussing the pros and cons of the plan as the tension between the soldiers of Everlight and Korrinth started to rise.

As this was happening, Don couldn't help but feel like someone was watching them but no matter how hard he spread his battle energy around him, he couldn't find anyone spying on them.

"So father, do you agree with me?"

After seeing Don's army, he would have happier if Darlene and Don were really lovers but since they were not and Darlene seemed to have enough with this fake lover drama, he decided to take the throne of Agoria himself instead of letting Don and merge it with Korirnth after killing King Garreth and his son.

"Thank god Darlene, I knew you wouldn't love a weakling like him.we are better than that"

Seeing the smug on Kate's face while mocking Don,Arrora wanted to dash forward and rip Kate's throat off and she was unable to guess why Don didn't break out of the ice or even try to.

"What the heck lets do it"

Just as Darlene, Kate and King Harold agreed to move forward with their plans, Don started to speak

"Making me defeat the Agorians, holding me as a hostage to stop my army, taking Agoria, hmm not a bad plan"

"What's happening?"

As King Harold heard Don, he saw smoke radiating from the ice as he could see the ice melting around Don. 

"But you forgot one thing Darlene, I'm DON"

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