Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 294: To the New Heavens

Chapter 294: To the New Heavens

Chapter 294

To the New Heavens

Atmosphere was festive, with loud music blaring out into the L.A.s night sky. Flashing lights alerted the living and the sleeping world to stay away, if the music itself did not. Many would think that there were hundreds of souls enjoying the night but, in reality, there were roughly fifty-sixty spread about a roof of a skyscraper, enjoying the slowly-cleared L.A.s sky.

Cain sat on the side, looking at the hanging banner that read Goodbye Cain, youve been such a pain!, his lips pursed. It felt less like a warm, loving send off and more like the good riddance, you punk sort. Shaking his head, he took a sip of beer and moved his gaze forward, looking at the familiar faces. Everyone had gathered here, leaving the Tower and joining the party.

A warm feeling surged within him, comparing the two incomparables. His past life, he was always alone. Ignoring the sendoff, hed have been hard-pressed to find two people to attend his funeral. And yet, now, there were so many, so many people who cared. Granted, a few faces he didnt recognize, but most he did.

Quite a party, eh? Senna sat by his side, grinning.

You drink? Cain asked, his eyes widened.

Oh, come on, she rolled her eyes at him. What? You think Im still sixteen? Besides, werent you the one to give me my first beer?


Thats what I thought, she chuckled. How are you feeling?

Warm and fuzzy.

Oh, Ill bet.

What? I can feel warm and fuzzy, he retorted. Beneath this badass, frigid interior is a delicate soul.

... Im gonna miss you, she said suddenly, lowering her eyes. I... I dont think Ive even had a chance to process it, how quickly it went.

... yeah, Cain said, his expression mellowing out. Its like ripping off a bandaid.

But its not, she replied, looking at him. Youre bigger than a band-aid, dad. Not being able to see you for years... what if I have a question? What if I dont understand something?

I know, he said, reaching out and pulling her head into his chest. But I have a really hard time believing you wont understand something.

Hey, Im being serious!

Ha ha, so am I, Cain said, feeling a gaze on his back. Oh? Is my little angel jealous? Get over ere! Lana sighed with a helpless smile, joining the group hug. I have a feeling even the gods envy me right now. Two unparalleled beauties, one in each arm... ah, the heavens!

Oh, shut it, Lana wrangled herself out of his arms and stared at him deathly while Senna pushed away gently, though still smiling.

No, no, Im serious, Cain pushed. Honestly, I might not even get to do anything while Im there. Ill probably just brag about how Ive got the coolest two daughters in the universe and how I love them beyond love.

... were you always this embarrassing?! Lana asked, her cheeks turning red.

Yup, Senna answered quickly. This is even tame, if Im being honest.

... Im gonna miss you both, he said, his lips trembling. So much, in fact, words havent been invented to describe it.


Dont roll your eyes, he added. Im serious. You two... you make life a beautiful thing. Your mom and you mean a world to me.


... Senna and Lana quieted, lowering their heads.

Even if I spend a thousand lifetimes thinking, Cain added, caressing their heads gently. I will never understand how this leery geezer got so lucky to be blessed with not one, and not two, but three angels in his life. I must have saved a Gods life or something in another timeline and this is my reward.

Then you--

You might have, Senna interrupted Lana suddenly, giving her a peculiar stare whose meaning was lost on Cain. Though, I doubt it. As they say, luck favors the scoundrels. And boy, if you aint one, then nobody is.

True, thats true too, Cain chuckled. And hey, Ill come back with presents. In the meantime, you can try that independence thing Ive heard people talk about. If your mom lets you, anyway. Speaking of which, I can feel her eyes calling me. Catch you later, fireflies! ruffling their hair once more, Cain stood up and walked over toward the roofs railing where Emma was standing, looking at him.

... whyd you stop me? Lana looked at Senna and asked. He wouldnt have stayed.

Of course he would have, Senna rolled her eyes. Stop lying to yourself.

Its not fair, Lana mumbled, nestling her head into her knees. Its not fair.

... yeah, Senna said, pulling the girl over and hugging her. I know. Hey, remember how you used to brag about him when we first met?

H-huh?! What... what are you talking about?! I never did that!

Sure you did, Senna snickered. I remember distinctly-- my dad is amazing! and my dad is the strongest and my dad is the coolest. Truth is, I was kinda thankful. You were like my venting station--whatever I wanted to say about him but thought was too embarrassing, you went ahead and said it anyway. And you know, he is all of those things, and more.

... what? We shouldnt hoard him because of that?

Oh, no, we definitely should. And we will, Senna said. But, you gotta let him out every once in a while. Even by handicapping himself for years by never going into the Tower, hes somehow still the strongest. Doesnt that speak to the insanity? Just imagine. His strength from six years ago... still outpaces all of us today. If he wanted, he could have shot past all of us long ago..

But he didnt.

cause he didnt want to, she added. For the first time, I think, I saw him wanting to do something. Every other time he went into the Tower, it felt like he simply needed to be there, that if he wasnt there, then he was wasting time. Honestly, it hurt me, it hurt us, seeing him like that. One time, he told me that utterly abandoning the Tower would be as easy as breathing for him. So, to see him want something, yearn for something... yeah, it hurts like a bitch that he wont be with us, but well have him for lifetimes to come. Let him have a few years. And, perhaps, by the time he returns, youll step out of that Im too cool to say my dad is great! phase. To be fair, it took me until I was twenty. So, you still have some room.

... Lana rolled her eyes but didnt pull away, her eyes inadvertendly finding him, even among dozens of other souls. They all blurred and vanished, with the whole rest of the world seemingly disappearing beneath the weight of those two figures leaning against the wall. The older she grew, the more she understood who her parents were. As a young girl, she would indeed always claim her dad to be a hero. Little did she know, however, that she was underselling him still.

What did the girls want? Emma asked Cain as he joined her. She dressed specially for the occasion, putting on a cocktail dress that she hadnt worn in over fifteen years. She was beyond shocked that it fit still.

Just a chat with their favorite daddy, Cain replied with a smile.

God, you can make even the most innocent things sound so dirty, Emma sighed.

... we shouldnt have had this party or whatever the hell it is, he sighed.

Why? Having second thoughts?

Second, third, fourth, Cain replied honestly. Honestly, the only reason I want to leave is because itd be too embarrassing to stay after being thrown a farewell party.

Pfft, ha ha ha, wow, thats the most you thing Ive heard you say in a while.

Yeah, yea, laugh it up. You wont be laughing when its three in the morning and youve got that tingle.

... Emma looked at him oddly for a moment before her lips broke out into a smile. Ill be thinking of you.

Yea, that ought to kill the tingle, I imagine.

Hey, she smacked him gently. I know you love coping, but its too early in the night for copium, no? Did you say goodbye to the others? Taimas been asking about you.

... no, Cain replied. In fact, Im about to leave.


Look around, he said, smiling lightly. Everyones laughing, drinking, having fun. Stopping it all just for some sod-ridden speech so I can douse them in cold water... is it even worth it? By the end, itd feel like a funeral more so than a sendoff. This is perfect.

You just dont want to deal with saying goodbyes, right?

Yeah, pretty much.

You never were good at them, she said, fixing her hair.

To be fair, its not a goodbye. Just a see ya later hater. Cain said, taking another sip. This one night... was just to etch your faces.

... Cain.

Hm? he turned around, facing her, surprised at her serious tone and her using his full name, something she rarely did.

Youre not allowed to die, she stated factually.


Ill be waiting, she added. A year. Two. Three. Ten. Ill wait until Im old and gray and decrepit and pissing and shitting myself on the hourly.

Wow, thanks for the image.

Im serious.


Youre not allowed to die, she repeated again.

... neither are you, he said after a brief moment of silence, landing his fingers against her chin and lifting her face up slightly. Love you, Em.

Love you too. Emma closed her eyes and leaned in, expectant. However, the soft sensation of his lips pressing against hers... never came. Slowly, she opened her eyes and found him gone, like the wind. Looking around, he was nowhere to be found, with none being the wiser. The singing and the drinking and the celebrating continued, faces alight in joy. But he was gone. He was gone.

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