ReLife Player

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Unlocked chapter (1/1)

Ty Tom!

[A Windless Day (16)]

Uijeongbu Station.

The players gathered in front of the station anxiously watched the approaching army from all possible directions.

In the distance, beneath the looming dark clouds, monsters, including the third-rank monster Ishimi, could be found.

Meanwhile, to the west of the station, the players were busy fending off an army of the dead, while to the east, they were dealing with a horde that averaged around the fifth rank.

Shin Seo-young, Sublord. What about the retreating forces?

Guyeounsu spoke to her, rushing down the wind like stairs.

He was about to ask what happened to the troops who had disobeyed orders and retreated when he saw her shake her head and sighed.

We will take care of the omnipresence that appeared from the direction of Hoeryong Station, and well dispatch the main force as soon as were in formation at Hoeryong Station, Im sorry.

So, youre saying were supposed to hold them off until the reinforcements come?

Do Wan-jun responded irritably.

Shin Seoyoung could not say anything and bowed his head.

Im sorry.


It was impossible to hold her responsible in this situation.

The one to blame was the troops who had disobeyed orders and retreated to Hoeryong Station.

Realizing his mistake, he apologized.

How is the situation?

Worst. Its impossible to defend Uijeongbu Station with our current strength.

All we can do is, Im sorry, but we have to buy time for the retreating troops to reach Hoeryong Station.

Thats right.

The only thing the remaining troops could do was to reduce their forces as much as possible and buy time for the retreating troops.

Of course, the remaining forces could retreat as well.

The moment all divisions retreated, the enemy force would turn on those who turned their backs and fled.

In that case, annihilation would be inevitable.

The decision to stay at Uijeongbu Station was the same.

Fight if you can, retreat if you must. I will make time for the retreat.

Silence descended.

It was the best option, but no one applauded it.

Already half-heartedly resigned, she looked to the Clan Lords for their reaction.

Her eyes locked with Silla Clan Lord Kim Yoo-jin.

Silla Clan Lord.

Yes, Changhae Clan Sublord.

Where is player Lee Do-jin? Siren Glider, he defeated it, didnt he?

Yes, he defeated Siren Glider and is suffering from mana exhaustion. It will bedifficult for him to return.

Then, Silla Clan Lord, please lead the retreating troops, taking player Lee do-jin with you.

There were three of the Twelve remaining at Uijeongbu Station, including her.

She couldnt leave Lee Do-jin and Park Hye-rim here.

They were younger than her.

She couldnt let them die in a place like this.

She made the same suggestion to Regulus Clan Lord Guyeounsu.

HaIll stay behind and leave Hye-rim to the Silla Clan Lord.

Thank you.

Guyeounsu sighed, deep in thought.

Shin Seoyoung expressed her gratitude.

Guyeounsu wasnt the only one who chose to stay at Uijeongbu Station.

Ill stay as well, Clan Lord Kim Yoo-jin, and my troops, please.

Well stay too.

Well fight until the end.

Well stay too.

Several Clan Lords chose to stay, starting with Do wan-jun.

They spoke as if they had no choice, but with a hint of regret on their faces.

Those who chose to retreat, on the other hand, couldnt help but feel sorry and guilty.

Im sorry.

Were, uh, retreating.

Im really, really sorry.

Those who chose to retreat.

There was no one here to blame them.

Those who chose to stay told them it was okay.

Some talked about seeing them again in the future, others about meeting them outside.

Those who chose to stay and those who chose to retreat promised to reunite.

Even as they realized they would never see each other again.

Player Shin Seo-young.

As Shin Seoyoung stared at the players promising an unreachable reunion, she turned her head at the sound of her name being called.

It was Silla Clan Lord Kim Yoo-jin.

Lets have a drink sometime, were the same age, no pressure.

Yes, Silla Clan, player Kim Yoo-jin.

Changhae Clan and Silla Clan didnt get along well.

As a result, she rarely talked to Kim Yoojin.

To say they werent on good terms would be an understatement, but they were avoiding each other.

Ill see you outside.

See you later.

The battlefield brought the two, who had never talked, together.

Shin Seoyoung looked at Kim Yoo-jin as she walked away from Uijeongbu Station with those who chose to retreat.

When her figure disappeared between the buildings, she looked back at those who chose to stay.

The soldiers clutching their worn-out weapons were looking at her.

I wont say its the last battle. Well survive.


A shout mingled with the sounds of the dying.

It was impossible to make out what was being said.

It was just a unified cry that boosted the last of their morale.

Without a second thought, the players charged into the fray, manifesting mana from their bodies.

<Bulldozer> Kang Cheol, charge!

Kang Cheol, who had transformed his shield into a blade, took on the monsters descending from the Gangneung direction.

Blocking the onslaught of attacks with his blade, he pushed the monsters away like a bulldozer.

The Hunters attacked the monsters that fell to the side of the blade.

Guyeounsu became the main dealer and jumped over the blade. He imbued his sword with mana from its scabbard and used it to perform a spell that could be used against many.


The sound of a cat meowing.

Do wanjun, who had been waiting for it, ordered his Rangers and Casters to move forward, and then moved himself.

The members of the Myungwang Clan, who hadnt left a single one behind, formed a covering formation around him, swinging their swords and casting supportive magic.

Noona, Ive pushed them all back!

Player Shin Seoyoung! Wind!

Player Shin Seo-young!

Kang Cheol and Guyeounsu called out to her.

Soon, the people on the battlefield stopped calling each other by their titles and started calling each other as equal players.

Hearing her name called, she smiled. She swung the mana in her fan with all her might, tearing through the monsters that had been pushed to one side.

[Player Shin Seoyoung! Masked monsters have emerged from the Paval Crossing!]

As soon as she heard the telepathy, she flew into the sky.

From the east side of the station, she could see a monster made of pure slime moving.

Oh? We meet again.

She raised her weapon overhead before the masked figure could react.

Flying toward the creature, she released several strands of wind.

The winds that had surrounded it merged into one, compressing it.

A mask fell to the ground with a start.

Startled, the mask struggled, but it didnt let up.

At that moment, a signboard fell from above.

With a cold smile, Shin Seo-young turned her head.

Hundred Face, who had created an opening, divided into several masks and scattered.

Ill chase them!

Ill leave it to you.

Guyeounsu chased after the fleeing Hundred Face with some players.

With him in charge, she rose to a height where she could overlook Uijeongbu.

Snipers on rooftops were sniping at the monsters that had dropped the sign.

Overhead, flying monsters roamed in circles.

She created winds to cut off their wings.

She faced forward, not paying attention to the monsters falling to the ground.

Ishimi, who had entered the intersection, had flames in its mouth. The moment it spewed flames, she created a whirlwind to prevent the flames from reaching the players.

The whirlwind that rose with flames enveloped the embers and made them disappear.

She only glanced at Ishimi for a moment. Giving up on facing Ishimi head-on, she widened the distance and threw the winds blade.

She faced the army from both sides with whirlwinds and dealt with the approaching military forces. She extended her clenched left hand and released the monsters magic into the wind.


Ishimi flew diagonally from the ground.

She hastily deployed a barrier and stared at the dragon.

Flames erupted with a loud roar.

A fire that covered the outside of the barrier.

The flames did not go out as if they were waiting for the barrier to melt away.

She focused her mana on the tip of her fan. Compressed into a single point, she slammed it down from above, and the uncontrolled vortex shook off the flames and dropped the creature.

A rumbling sound shook the area, and a cloud of dust rose above the building.

She quickly summoned the wind to blow away the dust and checked if the people fighting were safe, shouting.

People were fighting, shedding blood. They were holding off the monsters rushing in with mana eruptions.

Its okay!

I can do it.

She chastised herself.

Her mana had not yet reached its limit.

She could still do it.

Until her mana drained, if it ever drained.

She created a gust of wind against the military forces rushing toward her. She swept them, tore them apart, and beat them down.

For a moment, she felt dizzy.

In the meantime, she realized that she was using magic without taking a breath.

Breathing hard, she slammed into Ishimi, who leapt out of the smoke, knocking her off balance.

Her body rotated here and there.

She had to regain her balance quickly.

Get away!

The flying creatures seemed to have been waiting for this moment to descend.

Dodged here and there, she twisted to aim at them.

She felt a searing heat on her back. As soon as the barrier melted, she hastily called in the wind.

The sparks that popped up burned her hair and left burns on her back.

She gritted her teeth and cast a spell that rose vertically from the ground.

She raised her hands above her head and brought them down, creating a huge air pressure that descended on the entire city.

Buildings crushed under the pressure created by the wind collapsed into pieces.

The monsters were no exception.

Ishimi, buried in the rubble of the building, spewed flames and roared.

The ground collapsed, and the road was engulfed in flames.

Ha, ha, ha.

Screams echoed from the sea of fire.

She wielded her resonance weapon. The first priority was to put out the flames that had engulfed the area.

Monsters clung to her from all sides, as if they wouldnt leave her alone.

She unfurled a barrier from the surface of her skin, forming a sphere and pushing them back.

She maneuvered the wind to blow away the pesky creatures and extinguish the flames that engulfed the road.

I can still do this.

Just a little more!

I can do this.

There was still mana left in her.

So move, body.

The forces were still rampaging.

They had to be stopped.

I needed strength.

I wanted to save people.

So I needed strength.

I just needed power.

I desperately wanted to be strong.

So move.

Do you want power?

It was then that she heard a voice.

She couldnt tell if it was a man or a woman.

And yet, she couldnt rule out the feeling of familiarity.

What do you want?

What she wished for was

A world bathed in white.

When she realized it, a sensation that was both unfamiliar and familiar enveloped her entire body.

When I realized, the wind had died down across Seoul.

The wind had stopped.

As if it hadnt been crying.

Sitting atop Namsan Tower, Eunha watched the pillar of light soar into the sky.

He knew what the flash was that pierced the clouds.


The manifestation of the Gift of <Miracle> .

In the end, Shin Seoyoung hadnt listened to his words and had manifested the Gift.

I wished not to use it

A <Miracle> came with the power to rebuild the world and cannot avoid a price.

The <Miracle> that Euna had previously manifested had rebuilt the world at the cost of her own mana, but the <Miracle> that Shin Seoyoung activated was different.

She exerted the power of a <Queen>, befitting the title, to confront the army converging on Uijeongbu Station. But she would pay a suitable price for it.

With her mana circuit damaged, she fell into a state of incapacitation as a player.

To protect people, she had become a player. But now, she would never be revived as a player again.

Thats not all

<National Heroine>

That was another alias for her.

After performing a and falling into an unconscious state, she dies after being subjected to unspeakable acts by her clanmates.

At that time, Gil sung-jun Clan Lord called for the execution of the clan member who had killed her. To keep her death from being tarnished further, he coined the term <National Heroine> in the media, recounting the episode of her going to protect Uijeongbu Station.

The <Queen> who was almost like a <National Heroine> due to her heroic actions in the first Uijeongbu Reclamation War met a tragic death, ultimately becoming a <National Heroine>.

After all, she lived in justice and died in justice.

Thus, Eunha characterized Shin Seo-young as a woman who lives and dies by her principles .

In fact, he didnt even like her before his second life.

Despite her heroic side, he couldnt understand her resolve to sacrifice herself to save people unrelated to her.

There was no extraordinary sense of humanity.

Truly, she lived and died by her principles.

Thats how he labeled her.

In his eyes, she was not the <Queen> the players praised, nor was she the <National Heroine> who sacrificed herself to protect her loved ones.

To him, she was merely acting out her humanity.

Thats why she entered the category of his happiness.

She was somewhat skewed.

She didnt seem to have a reason to live, and she seemed to be clinging to a ridiculous ideal.

They were similar in that aspect.

Unable to find a reason to live, living because they couldnt die.

I did everything I could.

Heve done everything he can.

All that remains is to wait for the outcome.

It was the best he could do with a childs body.

Still, he couldnt help but feel helpless.

His happiness was growing, but his hands were too small.

It would always be this way.

Eunha watched the fading rays of light and realized he had only a short time left.

His time to choose was short.

Having spent his life as a player, there was only one choice he could make to preserve his happiness.

In the end, I am.

Time is running out.

Now, all I can do is do my best with what I can.


Please, Uncle Bruno.

Eunha prayed that his wish would not be in vain.

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