ReLife Player

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Unlocked chapter (11/11)

[A Windless Day (13)]

When D and F Division arrived at Uijeongbu Station, it was past midnight.

The reason for their delay was that a Rank 3 Giganth had rushed ahead and blocked their path.

In the end, D and F Division had to confront the enemy forces, even at the cost of their own losses.

In the process of leading S-class and A-class players within the division to defeat the Giganth forces, Shin Seoyoung was injured.

Although the support team had treated her fractures, it was only a temporary solution. Without proper treatment, her bones would return to a fractured state.

Nevertheless, she did not show any signs of pain and continued to contain the approaching enemy forces.

On the other hand, D Division was not in a condition to engage in combat properly. They had to break buildings or create cliffs on the road to hinder the enemys advance.

Ugh, if we hadnt taken a detour, we might have arrived sooner

It couldnt be helped since the Giganth forces had occupied the area near the bus terminal.

Kang Cheol made a grunting sound as he followed Shin Seoyoung, who was being supported by Gil Sung-joon.

Shin Seoyoung smiled bitterly.

Kang Cheol, along with the players from D Division and F Division, couldnt help but complain.

They had thought that they had successfully restrained the enemy forces, but the Dongil Road leading from Singok-dong to the bus terminal had turned into a sea of flames.

The players tried to use magic to extinguish the flames, but for some reason, the flames were not easily extinguished.

Player Kang Hyun-chul did it.

When Shin Seoyoung saw the flames, her first thought was of Kang Hyun-chul, and admired the unwavering determination within the flames.

It was a magic she couldnt duplicate.

Only he could do it.

Butsomething must have happened at the bus terminal, too, right?

Of course.

In response to Kang Cheols question, Lee Seung-hwan answered briefly.

Eventually, D and F divisions had to turn around and head back toward the bus terminal, where they saw scorch marks all around them.

Curiously, while the roads were scorched black, the buildings were not.

It was as if a clear line had been drawn between what should be burned and what shouldnt.

Thats not all, I want to know what the hell that is.

Probably the magic of the Bang yeon-ji player.

Kang Cheol pointed toward City Hall, toward the trees that filled the gaps between the surrounding buildings.

It was a forest in the direction of City Hall.


While the surrounding trees were all colored in autumn leaves, the tallest tree had purple flowers.

Its a Catalpa tree. Its not supposed to bloom at this time of year, so its strange.

But how do you know that, Noona?

It must beit was the favorite tree of the Bang yeon-ji player, right?

How does oppa know that?

Shin Seoyoung glared at Gil Sungjoon with a piercing gaze.

Gil Sung-joons pupils wavered for a moment as they met her gaze.

He coughed and patted her arm.

You told me about this before.

But do you remember everything I say?

Of course I do. Because you told me.


Seoyoung turned her head with a fresh face.

She was lost in thought as she looked at the Catalpa tree illuminated by the lights installed throughout the building.

Bang yeon-ji <Florist>.

Seoyoung was worried about her, a fellow Twelve Seat who shared similar beliefs.

However, she had to receive information from Do wanjun.

Umm, lets go.


Even so, she had to keep her sad emotions in check.

Now was not the time to be sad.

Regret could be dealt with even after escaping the desperate situation.

With determination in her heart, she exchanged information with the people gathered in the conference room.

The situation was dire.

Uijeongbu Station was under threat from three directions.

First, just a few hours ago, the dead had poured out from the City Hall direction.

The recon divisions that had dealt with the monsters from the bus terminal and Singok-dong had to face the undead soon after.

The players, who were already exhausted from constant battles without rest, couldnt avoid a chaotic situation when confronted by the dead players who turned into undead and attacked them.

The dead players continued to turn into undead, and the recon divisions were struggling to contain them.

What about the monster that raise the dead?

It doesnt seem to be coming out of the forest.

Do wanjun replied in a troubled tone.

In this situation, they had to break through the undead and find the third-rank monster.

The players were in no condition to fight, and they couldnt go hunting for them in the middle of the night when the monsters were getting stronger.

The situation was critical.

Fortunately, Silla Clan had blocked the road down to Uijeongbu Station, but it was only a matter of time.

In the direction of Gyeonggi Government Center, the Gigants forces were descending.

Even though they had defeated the Gigant, its forces still remained.

The biggest problem was the third-ranked Overranked Hundred Face and the third-ranked Siren Glider hiding somewhere in Uijeongbu Station.

After revealing its true form once, Hundred Face transformed into a human appearance and disappeared.

The Siren Glider killed Son Ji-hee and is hiding somewhere in the night sky.

The reason the Reclamation Team turned on the lights to illuminate the night sky was because of this.

Its fortunate that the Gyeonggi Northern Provincial Office is a Red Dungeon. Otherwise, we would have to deal with the boss monster there too, right?


Dangun Clan Lord Jang Bong-jeon breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the Tempest Clans Navigator.

The Navigator, who attended the meeting on behalf of Kang Ye-hee, laughed awkwardly.

By the way, I dont see Blaze Clan Lord and Player Lee Do-jin.

Gil Seong-jun spoke, looking around the empty seats.

Player Lee Do-jin is searching for Siren Glider, and Blaze Clan has gone to the Hwaryong Station to report the situation.


You mean they retreated.

At Guyeounsus reply, Jang Bong-jeon coughed in discomfort.

Gil Sung-joon frowned.

Although they went to report the situation, it meant they withdrew from the front lines.

Blaze Clan, known as the crazy fighters, and some other Clan Lords seemed uncomfortable, just like Jang Bong-jeon.

There was no other choice. Kang Hyun-chul, triggered the Mana Rampage, so we had no choice but to entrust the role to Blaze Clan.

Park Hye-rim, who had been silent, broke the silence and interjected.

She gave them a look as if to say, If you have anything to say, go ahead.

Anyway, with the people we have here, we have no choice but to defend against the enemys forces.

When the mood turned sour, Shin Seoyoung quickly changed the subject.

She looked at a map of Uijeongbu.

Eunha had told her to retreat to Hoeryong Station as soon as they got down to Uijeongbu Station.

Eunha had said that at Hoeryong Station, Moon-joon and the Genesis Clan would be ready to counter the army.

She wanted to believe it.

Everyone was exhausted.

She wanted to leave it to the players to make sure they were ready at Hoeryong Station.

But then she remembered the forces threatening Uijeongbu Station from three sides and shook her head.

Everything hed told her so far had been spot on.

However, she couldnt help but think of the enemy forces threatening Uijeongbu Station from three sides.

If it were just one force, it might be different.

She contemplated the assumption that the they would lead all three forces and descend upon Hoeryong Station, and she couldnt fully accept his advice.

Should they really retreat?

Could they really counter the forces at Hoeryong Station?

Even with <Unbreakable Shield>, it would be impossible to stop the four third-ranked beasts.

Even if the Genesis Clan was the most powerful clan in Korea, there was no telling how far they could go without <Divine Spear> .

It was impossible.

Her intuition told her.

If they gathered at Hoeryong Station and let the enemy forces come to them, the Reclamation Team would completely collapse.

In the worst case scenario, the enemy forces that descended on Hoeryong Station could break through the barrier at Dobong Station and head south to Seoul.

Then it was over.

It was a future she didnt want to imagine.

She looked at the reactions of the Clan Lords, unsure of what to do.

They seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Even the Tempest Clan, which had lost its Clan lord, seemed to want to withdraw from the battlefield, but they were reluctant to say so for fear of being judged.

Everyone here knew it.

Uijeongbu Station must be defended.

Nevertheless, there were some, like Jang Bong-jeon, who said that they should retreat from the danger zone.

We should retreat to Hoeryong Station, where the retreating troops can join forces and withstand the forces!

Jang Bong-jeon shouted, and the clan lords of the smaller clans chimed in.

The Tempest Clan also joined in.

Changhae Clan is.

Gil Sung-joon was about to speak up as well.

[Spreading a message from Cynthia Navigator of Regulus Clan, Uijeongbu Recapture Division E.

Its currently 3:35, and we have confirmed the movement of a group of monsters from the direction of the Gyeonggi North Government Office. The average rank of the group is estimated to be 6th rank, and it has been confirmed that there are more than 150 of them.

We have also confirmed the reaction of a third-rank monster in the direction of the Uijeongbu Police Station. This monster is capable of changing into a human form.

Sorry for the delay. Important information first! The presence of a Rank 3 Siren Glider has been confirmed in the skies above Uijeongbu Station. Players in the vicinity are encouraged to take action against the Siren Glider.]

Gigants forces are gathering.

The Hundred Face is back in action, and to make matters worse, the Siren Glider has been spotted.

Players with alarmed expressions stood up from their seats.

Leaving the conference room, they ran through the halls, gathering their divisions.

Shin Seoyoung threw himself out of the conference room window. A gust of wind carried her into the night sky, and she confirmed the omnipresence she felt everywhere.

Once again, they couldnt go down to face that force!

She was sure of her instincts.

While she was concerned about Eunhas advice, there was no way they could be prepared to face them at Hoeryong Station.

After the disappearance of Player Oh Geon-hoo communication with the Telepathists relay base at Hoeryong Station began to fail one by one, and there was no contact with Hoeryong Station.

Even after dispatching a small clan to Hoeryong Station, there was no response for several days.

Their communication did not reflect the current situation.

Even if the Blaze Clan had gone to Hoeryong Station, it had only happened a few hours ago.

While there was uncertainty about whether they had arrived safely, Division B was not ready.

Kyararara Kyararara.


Third-rank monster Siren Glider.

There were few players within the rescue team who could deal with a creature flying through the night sky.

If Son Ji-hee had been there, they could have responded to aerial combat, but there was no one else who could face this creature.

It was when she thought of someone.

There was another player who could handle aerial combat.

As she watched the thunderbolts dazzle the night sky, she thought of the man who had been promoted to the Twelve in his early twenties.

The first reclamation of Uijeongbu.

The reclamation force was unable to retreat from the enemy forces pressing on Uijeongbu Station from three sides.

If they retreated, they would have drawn the three armies to Hoeryong Station, their last bastion.

So they had to deal with the forces coming from all three directions at once.

Yes, all at once.

How do they deal with that? There are several third-rank and above.

Eunha warmed himself with milk from his thermos.

It was past midnight.

It was dark, except for the faint glow of stars in the direction of Uijeongbu.

I wonder why he climbed up here at night.

Eunha thought back to Byoek Haesu, who had visited Namsan Tower at all hours of the day and night whenever he felt uninspired.

During the day, he could see the entire city of Seoul, but at night, he could only see the sparse lights of the city.

In the middle of the night, he couldnt have known what he was looking at when he climbed Namsan Tower.

Nothing but stars.

Nothing but lights.

What was he looking for, what was he seeing, in a time when he couldnt even tell where he was?

Eunha looked out into the dark night and looked up.

There were stars overhead.

He didnt need to think about where he was.

He was under the stars.

The world had ended once, but the stars still shone.

When youre lonely, look up at the night sky.


Because the stars are always there.

This is the time for 20th-century sayings. Youll be called a lunatic if you go out and do that.

Wow, look at this guy. Whos the crazy one talking to, and what is that kind of language you are talking to this hyung?

Come to think of it, your sensibility is really cheap.

Its strange to think that No One Cry, that made the casters bow their faces to have their crests engraved, came from the hands of such a person.

I wonder if noona Seoyoung retreated to Hoeryong Station.

Eunha had intentionally misinformed Shin Seo-young.

The reclamation force would not have to face the army of monsters at Uijeongbu Station, but at Hoeryong Station.

The judgment of the first Uijeongbu reclamation team was not wrong.

If they had met the army at Hoeryong Station, the Hoeryong Station front would have inevitably collapsed.

Im not sure if the army would still have invaded Seoul.

Nevertheless, he hid a lie in the truth.

There was only one reason.

He wanted her to live.

During the First Reclamation of Uijeongbu, Shin Seoyoung sacrifices herself to hold off the oncoming troops.

While other divisions run for their lives.

I cant see that sight.

Shin Seo-young.

Living in righteousness, dying in righteousness.

He mixed lies for her so that such a thing would not happen.

But he knows.

Even so, Shin Seoyoung.

Shell do it again.

Because she is a woman who lives in righteousness and dies in righteousness.

He swallowed the bitter laugh down with the rest of the milk.

Before he knew it, the night had passed.

A blue night came, and the sky hung on the mountain peak was spreading darkly.

The day was getting brighter.

This day she would sacrifice herself.

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