ReLife Player

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Unlocked chapter (8/11)

[Windless Day (10)]

When Division F arrived at the Gyeonggi North headquarters, they were greeted by a scene of heartbreak.

On one side, supporters were busy treating injured players, while on the other side, players in shock were screaming incomprehensibly.


Shin Seo-young and the rest of division F were speechless as they saw the devastation of the surviving D division.

She grabbed the telepath and shook him as she approached the shaking navigator, demanding to know what had happened in the dungeon.

A single tear rolled down the Navigators dark face.

Gyeonggi Northern Government Center the assault failed. The Uijeongbu Division D Tempest Clan Navigator we we lost as of this moment Gyeonggi Northern Government Center will be upgraded to a dungeon of the highest level, even among the Red Dungeons I propose to the Division

The news delivered by the navigator was bleak.

The D Division, which had survived in the Red Dungeon, had lost 30% of its fighting strength, and the Tempest Clan, the backbone of the D Division, had suffered casualties amounting to half of its members.

Moreover, during the process where Twelve-Seat <Railgun> Shin Myeong-hwan was facing the boss monster alone, he became isolated within the dungeon.

What rank was the boss monster?

Shin Seoyeon asked as she grabbed the tearful navigator.

The navigator, who wiped his tears away with the back of his hand, nodded.

It was a monster weve never seen before. In the dungeon, since the player library is not functional I cant be sure of the rank, but I think its at least third-rank.

At least a third rank.

Shin Seoyoung fell silent.

It was just as Eunha had said.

A monster not listed in the players library.

Normally, when a new monster appeared, the navigators would investigate its characteristics and battle patterns and report them to the player library.

At the Mana Management Organizations Intelligence Bureau, navigators, led by <Index> Yoon Sung-jin, analyze the information and come up with names and hierarchies for the new monsters.

However, if the player library is unavailable, the partys main navigator must temporarily name the new monsters.

Therefore, I will temporarily name the boss monster of the Gyeonggi Northern Center as, 3rd Rank OverrankWhite Fox.

Third-rank Overrank.

The players faces were dark with worry.

Still, they felt that they could defeat the Third Rank Overrank if they reached the center of Uijeongbu.

Besides, it was a boss monster that couldnt leave the dungeon.

But Shin Seoyoung knew that the monster named temporarily by the navigator was not a third-rank Overrank.

It was a second-rank monster.

It was a monster that even the Twelve Seats couldnt possibly defeat.

The best option for that time is to retreat with the remaining people.

Eunhas advice echoed in her mind.

The thought didnt last long.

Clan Lord.

Huh? Yes.

Shin Seoyoung called out to the Changhae Clan Lord, Gil Sung-joon.

He, whose complexion had suddenly turned blue for some reason, replied in a trembling voice.

I, I think we should retreat to Uijeongbu Station and reorganize our ranks.

With our current numbers, we may suffer serious damage in the process of taking down the third-rankoverrank

I think so too. I dont think were capable of taking it down


He nodded, too.

She was about to convey the intentions of Division F to the people who were busy providing medical treatment when a fierce energy suddenly surged from the front.

Player Shin Seo-Young, youre trying to retreat on your own accord!

Sub Lord, you cant do this!

Come to your senses!

Hey! What are you doing? Stop Sublord!

Boldly, Kang Ye-hee pushed aside her Clan members and walked towards them.

With shattered butterfly glasses perched on the bridge of her nose, she glared at the two of them with venomous eyes.

Right now, inside there, Player Shin Myeong-hwan is facing the boss monster. We urgently need to regroup, enter, rescue Player Shin Myeong-hwan, and kill the boss monster! Our mission was to conquer Gyeonggi Northern Government Center!


Shin Seoyoung couldnt help but feel uneasy when she saw her shoulders shaking with hostility.

Kang Ye-hee was a player known for her cold personality.

She had never seen her lose her cool like this before.

It seemed that the members of the Tempest Clan were the same way.

The clan members were anxiously trying to stop Kang Ye-hee, who was glaring at them, ready to kill them both.

Tempest Sublord.

Shin Seoyoung decided to speak as calmly as possible to the woman who was glaring at them.

Were retreating. Listen to me.

Who the hell are you! Who are you to make decisions on your own! We can win! We can defeat them! So why are you making a decision like this!

Shin Seoyoung took out her weapon and Kang Ye-hee took out her bladed twin swords from her waistband almost simultaneously.

Their auras clashed.

Shin Seoyoung manifested her internal mana and forcibly suppressed the energy released by her opponent.

I can do it. I can defeat it!

Kang Ye-hee, still unable to move under the pressure, strengthened her resolve. Having exhausted her mana at Gyeonggi Northern Center, she couldnt even recover properly.

She couldnt control her mana surge, and it manifested as whips of energy lashing out in every direction. Shin Seoyoung used the wind to disperse Kang Ye-hees rampage.

Someone stop the Sublord!


Caster, get over here right now!

Shin Seo-young closed her elemental weapon, and the tip of the fan split in two.

With no one able to reach her, she walked away unscathed.


Player Kang Ye-hee, I know your heart.

Kang Ye-hee screamed with tears in her eyes.

Her pupils turned red.

The runaway mana was causing her genes to mutate.

If it didnt stop here, she would either become a monster or explode.

Shin Seo-young used her weapon, armed with immense mana, to strike her down.

The ground seemed to cry out as Kang Ye-hees rampant mana subsided.

I I will save theClan lord

Im sorry.

Shin Seo-young lost herself in the sight of her calling out Shin Myung-hwans name even as she was losing her mind.

Was this choice right?

Was there really a second-rank monster in the dungeon?

Was it the best decision to withdraw the division and abandon the attack on Gyeonggi Northern Center?

Maybe just maybe

Shin Myung-hwan might still be alive, waiting for reinforcements inside.

Maybe just maybe

With their current forces, they could defeat the boss monster.

Maybe just maybe

Yes, maybe.

Maybe not.

You must not go.

If Eunhas advice hadnt come to her mind, she would have walked to the Gyeonggi North Government Center.

Oppa, please.


She was reluctant to tell her division her decision.

Worrying about Kang Ye-hee as she was carried away, she entrusted the situation to Gil Sung-jun.

As of this hour, Division D will come under the command of Division F.

Also, D and F Divisions will return to Uijeongbu Station as soon as their status is checked.

At that moment, the ground shook.

The players panicked as the ground shook beneath their feet.

I wonder where these guys have been hiding all this time.

Theyre getting closer.

Guardian Kang Cheol and Dealer Lee Seung-hwan suddenly detected the movement of mana and turned their heads.

The sound of the ground shaking was also coming from the direction they turned to.

We have confirmed the appearance of monsters in the direction of Hyojja, Gonje, and Eoryong sectors

Six monsters of the Fifth Rank or higher have been identified in the direction of Hyjja! Four monsters have been identified in the direction of Gonje so far, and the Eoryong has not been confirmed due to the distance!

An omnipresence has occurred between Hyojja and Gonje! The size of the omnipresence is 4th rank, correction! The size of the omnipresence is 4th rank overrank, 3rd rankwhat is this.

The navigators quickly began to analyze the situation.

The more they saw the approaching forces in the distance, the more they couldnt believe their conclusions.

The player library is not functioning!

Its still loading!

They didnt even need the player library to confirm the hierarchy of forces.

Their experience was screaming danger.

This is just like he said.

Shin Seoyoung smiled bitterly as she received the information brought by the wind.

At this point, there was nothing she could do but follow Eunhas advice and retreat.

One last thing, noona.

Dont think about holding the formation at Uijeongbu Station, but go down to Hoeryong Station right away.

At Hoeryong Station, Moon Joon and the Genesis Clan will be preparing to meet the enemy.

The wind swirled.

She closed her eyes once more and manifested the mana in her body.

The gusts of wind followed the direction of her fan.


She looked at the approaching enemy forces, especially the main culprit causing the tremors.

Uijeongbu Reclamation Division F, Changhae Clan City Management Department Dispatch Team, since the player library is currently not functioning, I will temporarily name the giant-type monster leading the charge as a Third Rank Gigant!

Dangun Clan member and Twelfth Seat  <Demon Bullet> Son Ji-hee was lying on the roof of a building near Uijeongbu Station.

She loaded her rifle.

Son Ji-hee, she was a sniper.

Snipers who sniped from a distance were not allowed to reveal their location.

Therefore, she had to move as soon as she attacked.

The problem was that monsters were all over the roads of Uijeongbu Station.

They had to make sure they killed the ones that could turn the tide.

Naturally, the 8th rank corpse rats were out of the question.

The target was a fourth-rank monster or higher.

With the bullets she had, she should be able to catch it off guard and pierce it right through the forehead.


She caught her breath.

Examining the area, although she was annoyed, she decided to target the monster that Clan Claude Jang Bong-jeon was dealing with.

The most dangerous-looking monster was the one wearing a mask.

She adjusted the scopes magnification and aimed at the masked creature.

Dont Mind.

Take it easy.

The spell she recited to herself before pulling the trigger.

She advanced the trigger.

The target was the large mask located at the creatures center.

That was its weak point.

Lock On.

She cast the spell.

The magic formed at the end of the barrel was designed to assist the bullet in hitting the target.

Got it!

Just then, the creature exposed its vulnerable weak point.

As she was about to pull the trigger without missing the opportunity



She froze in place.

There was a monster behind her, no, above her head.

She released the tension in her finger that was about to pull the trigger, intending to retrieve the rifle from the holster on her head without the creature on top noticing.


The monster didnt give her time to react.

Descending from the air in a linear shape, it grabbed her waist with its front paw.


Its front paw shattered her waistbone as it broke through the barrier she had deployed.


A sniper is finished the moment their position is exposed.

Even if its a Twelve-Seat.

The third-rank monster Siren Glider ripped her body in half and flew into the sky.

That day, the reclamation division realized something belatedly.

The reason they were able to set foot deep into Uijeongbu was not because they were strong, but because the monsters had drawn them in.

Ngl that was scary.

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