Reincarnation Paradise

Chapter 798: lie in wait for

Chapter 798: lie in wait for

On the magma slope behind the Black Earth Fortress.

Su Xiao mixed among the imperial soldiers, that sense of crisis from before had disappeared, he chewed compressed cookies in his mouth and drank water from time to time to avoid choking.

He couldn't care whether the food was delicious or not during the war, being able to fill his stomach quickly was the key.

Resting in the crowd for a few moments, Su Xiao's sense of loss of energy receded, he had consumed a large amount of physical strength in a short period of time, fortunately, he did not overdraw his physical strength, so his physical strength recovered very quickly, after all, the physical attribute was placed there.

The wounds on his body have been roughly handled, too deep wounds stitched up, shallow ones are not handled for the time being, and a special medical bandage is hastily wrapped up.

After wrapping the special bandage, the wound comes with a cool feeling, this is the analgesic effect of the bandage.

Emperor ** situation is very good, at this time the emperor ** has rushed through the top of the black earth fortress, the tribal army will be forced back to the fortress under the rocky slopes, if you can maintain the current advantage, the emperor ** will not take long to beat back the tribal army.

Taking advantage of the lull in recovering his strength, Su Xiao checked the existing battle achievements.

Existing battle merit: 9243 points.

Seeing this amount of battle merit, Su Xiao was not surprised, roughly counting, he had killed at least 3,000 enemies in this battle, even though he had only fought for two hours, he had after all killed and wounded his way up to the Black Earth Fortress from the back of the Horde Army, cutting down many people along the way.

If it was just more than 3,000 ordinary soldiers, of course there would not be this amount of battle merit, Su Xiao had previously sniped more than 50 Dwarf machine crossbowmen, each sniped Dwarf crossbowman was 60 battle merit points, moreover, when he had previously charged within the Horde army, he had also killed some other special types of soldiers, together with the 1,436 battle merit points that he had previously saved, it was not surprising that he now had 9,243 battle merit points.

Redeeming Sacred Oak Tree Trunks required 9000 battle merit points, Su Xiao's battle merit was already enough for redemption, but unfortunately, nowadays, it was the time of war, leaving the battlefield would be judged as desertion, and the battle merit would be cleared immediately.

Su Xiao's physical strength recovered some, he was ready to continue to the battlefield to get some battle merit, knowing that there were other good things in the battle merit store besides the Sacred Oak Tree Trunk.

Passing through the friendly soldiers, Su Xiao topped the top of the Black Earth Fortress.

The tribal army had already been beaten back to the rocky slope on the other side, and the emperor** was somewhat condescending, which made the tribal army's defeat speed up.

Su Xiao walked quickly across the Black Earth Fortress to the rocky slope, and the tribal army appeared in front of him.

"Compatriots, we can't retreat, behind us is our home."

A minotaur roared, it was true, if the tribal army was repulsed, it would not be as simple as losing the Black Earth Fortress, the empire** would likely drive in and rush into the tribal party's territory for a counter-invasion.

Although the Dragon Empire could not see the barren land of the tribal alliance, it was interested in destroying the cities or villages of the tribal alliance, war should be a back and forth battle, being passive and subjected to invasion all the time would demoralize their side.

The roaring minotaur was exceptionally brave, the minotaur is the strongest branch of the orc race, and its individual strength far exceeds that of other orcs.

Su Xiao stared at the minotaur, he used the cover of the nearby soldiers of his own party and approached the other party silently.

"Imperial scum!"

The minotaur grabbed an imperial soldier with one hand and used the two imperial soldiers in his hand as weapons, slamming them against the other imperial soldiers nearby.

The imperial soldiers formed a circle, they all knew clearly that the minotaur was not easy to deal with, they must not give this guy a chance to charge, otherwise that pair of bull horns would pierce through who knows how many of their own people.

The minotaur was exceptionally brave on the battlefield, he used the two deformed corpses in his hands to smash three imperial soldiers to death.

"Hoo, hoo."

This raw bull's head was panting heavily, he had been fighting for two hours and at least dozens of imperial soldiers had died in his hands.

Just as the minotaur was panting, he suddenly felt a coolness appear behind him and immediately turned his head to look.


The minotaur only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, after which he returned to normal, and an imperial soldier holding a longsword glanced at him before turning to walk away.


The Minotaur was surprised to find that the Imperial soldiers who had surrounded him dispersed and no one seemed to care about him anymore.

"Is this being scared off by me?"

Just as the Minotaur wondered, he heard the sound of dripping water.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Red liquid dipped out of the Minotaur's chest, and he subconsciously looked down, and this movement of his head down caused a large portion of his upper body to fall towards the ground.

After a moment of heavenly rotation, the minotaur's upper body landed on the ground, and he saw a somewhat familiar body standing beside him, that body was chopped off from its chest position, and it stood for a moment before collapsing.

"So I'm going to die."

The sharp pain after being chest chopped hit him, the enemy's blade was too fast, so fast that he didn't notice being chest chopped before.

The minotaur lay on the ground waiting to die, an imperial soldier ran past his eyes, he didn't care, the face of a loved one floated in his mind.

Suddenly, the dying minotaur thought of one thing, whether his loved ones would suffer what he was suffering now.

Thinking of this, the minotaur used his hands to support his body to climb forward, climbed out half a meter, he lunged forward, a bite of an imperial soldier's leg, dead bite, even if the enemy with a sharp knife chopping will not let go of the mouth.

War is so cruel, no one will be soft because the enemy has a family.

After Su Xiao resolved that Minotaur, he approached a few orcs with his sword.


The sound of vibrating wings came, this sound was like having bees flying by your side in the summer.

Su Xiao looked towards the source of the sound, he actually did see a dozen bees, to be exact, a dozen mechanical bees.

These mechanical bees were the same size as ordinary bees, with thin and light wings, red light emitted from the compound eyes in the head, and the part was a peanut-sized cylindrical glass **, which was filled with orange-yellow liquid.

Seeing these bees, Su Xiao subconsciously thought of the enemy Contractor Bomb, and he immediately retreated backwards.


A dozen or so mechanical bees accelerated and rushed towards Su Xiao, these mechanical bees spewed out flames from their legs like a small missile.

Before these mechanical bees approached, Su Xiao didn't feel anything, as if these were just harmless ordinary bees.

Su Xiao jumped back, a layer of energy shield quickly formed in front of his body, he lifted the energy connection with the energy shield, his palm pushed forward, the energy shield panned forward and crashed into those mechanical bees.

Boom, boom, boom

The sound of the explosion was deafening, the dozen or so bees that were not very large in size actually caused an explosion zone that rippled around a dozen meters, and the energy shield with a strength of 50 points was instantly blown to pieces.

A strong wind blew, Su Xiao landed on the ground, and the hem of his trench coat was blown hunting.

Su Xiao's left hand wrapped in a metal arm guard blocked in front of his eyes, he scanned ahead through the gaps in his fingers, looking for any suspicious enemies.


A sharp vibration sensation came under Su Xiao's feet, and he subconsciously jumped up.


An iron rod broke through the ground, and there was an orb at the tip of the iron rod, a pulse of energy spreading out to the surroundings.

Hoo, hoo.

The pulse spread, and the counter shield around Su Xiao gathered into a circle, protecting him.

Splat, splat, the heads of the Imperial soldiers dozens of meters near Su Xiao exploded, their brains splattering in all directions, like a smashed watermelon.

Not only the imperial soldiers, the heads of the nearby tribal soldiers similarly exploded after enduring the pulse.

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