Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 39: Stench

Chapter 39: Stench

"Keira, are you there?"

The fairy knocked on the door again.

Knock!! Knock!!

"You don't have to knock it, Reili." Corona responded over her repeated door knocking as she had realized something when she was noticed something that was amiss.

"Why? She always is like that sleepyhead, you know?" Reili questioned the petite god about the reason for that. The petite god answered her shortly,

"The door is open."

After the petite god answered the fairy, he pushed the door gently. And the door opened slightly.

"I smell a strong stench of the dead body!" The goddess commented while covering her own nose.

"Yes, it is. And it's really hard for me to cover my nose as I'm partially dog as well." Reili remarked over the situation that happened. But, she was not able to dodge the smell as she knew that she was a dog as well. And the dog was still able to smell the stench despite its nose being covered up.

"Shall we go in?" The goddess asked the two. The fairy answered her,

"You should stay here. I can fight and so do with Corona."

"I have to go with you guys too! Don't forget that we are a group of the team!" The goddess shouted to both of them when they are rushed in. However, they had gone inside anyway. It led the goddess to said,

"Well. I should let them go in instead. Hmm..."

She opened her system to check any information that she could gather from the #Information section. However, a shadowy figure had lurked onto her for any moment.

At the inside of the house, it was a part of the petite god and the goddess who had going inside for the investigation.

They are tried to walk in as there were so many obstacles that they had to overcome. And it led the petite god to say,

"There must be someone attacked here."

When the petite god was trying to move the derbies outside, the fairy had to try to sniff the floors and the walls whether she could be able to find the clue, and it led the petite god to compliment the fairy.

"The dead body stench is nasty and yet, you can withstand it."

Reili answered his statement,

"Well. I can't say much about it. We could not be able to avoid the stench anyway, so adapting is a must!"

Then. They proceeded to go in until it was dark enough that led the fairy questioned the petite god,

"Can you use light magic?"

"My actual body could, but this body could only be able to do the physical attacks." The petite god answered Reili. For her, it was normal that the petite god had stated so since she had gained the big picture beneath their behavior.

"How about we call..."


"What? Gunshot voice?" The petite god reacted to the gunshot voice when he wanted to say something to the fairy. Then, Reili questioned the petite god.

"What happened? I heard that ear-piercing voice as well."

"You guys are all out of the league when it comes to the gunshot game. I can guess it easily that it must be a Technoknight's doing."

The petite god had hurried to go back to the position when they were started in. So do with the fairy who looked at the petite god who had gone back with full force, and she enchanted water magic to protect both of them through her staff.

"Water: Shield!"

"Thanks." The petite god acclaimed her. Then, both of them rushed out until they had arrived at the light.

When they had arrived at the light, the screaming voice being heard by many people as the petite god tried to observe at the left and right. Reili sniffed the stench again and at this time. It had shocked her as she stated,

"This stench... it's Kuso's blood!"

"What?" Corona looked at her with a shocked face, he knew that the goddess would not be able to be defeated easily. However, the fairy had pointed to the broken wheelchair and some sub machineguns that had been scattered anywhere.

The petite god rushed to the crime scene straightaway after she had realized that the goddess was not there.

The petite god had to observe the situation at the left and the right, then she looked at the bloodstain location which led him to give the conclusion,

"He must be put that swear intentionally."

"What swear?" The fairy looked at the petite god,

"My body had a system where you put a swear means that you must not disobey it. However, I can tell that she had spanked someone to make her butt explode. And it gives us the hint towards where she will be."

"But that's your body... How come?" The fairy questioned the petite god mindlessly as she had unable to figure out what happened. Then the petite god answered the fairy's confusion.

"In his world, blood and fingerprints are one of the best ways to track where the people are going at the last time. And I started to figure out why my butt is kind of itchy. Probably because of that."

"So you are talking about..." The fairy looked at the petite god, and then he answered.

"Yes. I think Kuso knows that you have an acute sense of smell. This is why he is doing this. And then..."

The petite god looked at the stain of the blood that was looked like someone had been dragged away towards the grasses. Then, the petite god remarked as he pointed towards the bush.

"Let's focus on that direction."


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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