Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 40: Betrayal

Chapter 40: Betrayal

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Kazuko looks towards me for confirmation as I nod to him. After my approval, Kazuko walks to the spy and hands over the scroll to him.

The spy examines the scroll for a while confirming its contents. After examining the scroll for a while he returns the scroll to Kazuko. As Kazuko is about to return, a sharp glint flash in Spy's eyes as he stabs Kazuko with a sword hidden underneath his undergarment.

We are shocked to see this as blood trickles down from Kazuko's chest. Kazuko spurts out a mouthful of blood as he looks at spy in disbelief.

"Kill them and get rid of their body. I have secured the scroll."

The spy takes the scroll from Kazuko's body as he proceeds to run away. Around twenty ninjas in Kumo outfit surround us start to attack. All of them wields Tanto or short blades as they start to attack us.

'Lightning Style: Thunderstorm'

They all perform a co-operation jutsu as bolts of thunderbolts start to strike toward us. Both Shisui and I make some hand signs,

'Wind Style: Violent Wind Breakthrough'

'Wind Style: Compression Bomb'

The jutsus from both sides collide as they cancel each other out. After the first failed attempt, the Kumo Ninjas start to run around us as they encircle us.

I have already exhausted most of my Chakra and I can only use Taijutsu now. I fork out a Chakra pill from my pocket as I gulp it down. I have to use Taijutsu to fight them. I have only mastered one gate out of Eight Gates formation and I still haven't completely mastered the second gate of the Eight Gate.

It is quite risky to open the gate without mastering it, but I try to open it anyway as I am left with no choice. I hope my healing can cope with the damage caused by the stress of Eight gates.

"Gate of OpeningOpen.Gate of HealingOpen

After opening two gates my speed increases drastically. I draw my Chakra blade and start to attack the enemy ninjas.

"Shisui I will try to handle twelve enemy ninjas, you take on seven and Mami try to combat one of the remaining ninjas."

I try to formulate a combat strategy to buy some time to recover my Chakra. Mami is a medical ninja, so her combat capabilities are the lowest of us all.

'Lightning style: Lightning Dragon'

A giant lightning dragon attacks me as I coat my Chakra Blade in wind Chakra and attack the dragon to disperse it. All of the ninjas throw many kunais with paper bombs attached to them as they attack me.

'Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu'

I am able to deflect most of them but some are still able to bypass and stab me as they explode. I dodged a part of the explosion with my speed but the shockwaves hurl me to a nearby tree as I collide with it. The bone of my right arm broke as I used it to cushion my impact. I lie helplessly on the ground as enemy ninja closes on me.

Shisui is also pushing himself hard as he continues to flicker around creating multiple afterimages and combat enemies.

'Mami. Where is Mami?'

I look around to search for Mami, one of the Kumo Ninja is attacking Mami as she is barely holding against him.


The enemy ninja uses a decoy and Mami fells for it. He uses this chance to slash her stomach with his sword. Blood started to leak from her wound as she mumbles,

"Save.. me, Izuna.. nii-san."

She fell on the ground as a pool of blood gathers around her. Her eyes were wide-opened as she breathes her last. Izuna's thoughts were a mess and he starts to lose his sanity,

'The spy betrayed us, I still couldn't believe the outcome of the mission. We put our lives on the line to obtain the scroll just to get betrayed.

My team member, my friend died because of this betrayal. Mami and Kazuko lost their life in this mission. Am I about to die as well? Why it has to be in such a way? I still haven't lived enough in this world to die so early. No, I can't die. I won't die. Nooo..'

Rage clouded Izuna's mind as his heartbeat start to increase. His nerves start to pop out as massive amount of Chakra start to gather around his eyes, his Sharingan activates on its own.

The Tomoe's in his Sharingan starts to spin rapidly as they began to merge. The tomoes merged together as they formed a five cornered star shape with overlapping sides similar to three triangles crisscrossing each other. The pattern overlaid upon the silver sclera as the star patterns start to rotate.

The disturbance in the Chakra activated the 'Sin Seal' as strange totems marks start to crawl out from the seal. The totems crawled all the way to his eye as they start to enter in his Mangekyo Sharingan. The right side of his body gets covered in totems as his clothes are ripped apart.


Intense pain assaulted Izuna as he clutched his head and start to yell in pain. A large amount of information starts to enter his mind as blood starts to trickle from his right eye.

'Mangekyo Sharingan: Limbo Hengoku'

A shadow of Izuna starts to form from nearby space as it ripped Reality and materialized in front of him. The shadow has similar clothing to Izuna with the only difference being the shadow devoid of any color. The Shadow floats in front of Izuna as it looked at him.


The 'Sin seal' activates as the Grimoire appeared once again. The metallic Grimoire floats in front of him as the middle eye on the Grimoire opens. The eight pointy edges around the eye stab in the Limbo and the eye separates from Grimoire.

The 'Sin eye' attaches itself to Limbo Shadow and appears on Limbo's chest. Similar strange markings appear from the eye as totem marks appear on Limbo's entire body. The black totems markings start to merge together, a large black Scythe appear in Limbo's hands.

The Limbo clutches the scythe as it turns towards the approaching Kumo Ninjas. Without uttering a single word, Limbo starts a slaughter as it massacres the Kumo Ninjas.

Panic ensued among Kumo Ninjas as they are unable to locate their assailant. One after another Kumo ninjas starts to die as they tried to dodge the unknown enemy in vain. Limbo butchers them one by one as Izuna stood lifelessly on one spot.

Izuna loses consciousness from the chakra drain, the 'Sin Seal' continues to cover his body in totems. A demonic black horn condenses on the right side of Izuna's head as the totems fuse together. Black fumes start to rise from his body as the totems continue to take over his body.

The possessed Izuna draws out his Chakra blade. The dark energy starts to cover the blade as the blade elongates and forms a dark longsword. Black fumes and purple flames cover the blade as Izuna swings it around.

'Darkness Style: Violent Hell Flame'

Izuna stabs the longsword in-ground as purple flames erupt from the sword. Ground cracks as the flames continue to travel beneath the ground. They erupt beneath enemy ninjas as 'Kumo ninjas' are turned to ashes.

"Demonit's a Demon."

The Kumo ninjas look at Izuna as their blood freezes from fear and their face turns ashen white.

"Mission failureI repeat mission failure. We need to retreat as soon as possible."

One of the ninjas shouts as they start to retreat.

'Darkness Style: Corrosion Chains'

Purple corrosive chains come out from Limbo's chest and Izuna's hand as they wrap around the limbs of the ninjas.

'Darkness style: Shadow Step'

Izuna disappears as he re-appears near enemy ninjas. The heads of remaining ninjas rolled on the floor as their body corrodes to dust. Izuna stabs the Longsword in-ground as he roared,


Limbo Shadow hunts down the escaped spy as it executes him. The Shadow picks up the scroll as it returns to Izuna. The Sin eye returns to Grimoire as the Shadow merges back with Izuna.

The dark totems on his body return to 'Sin Seal' and Izuna turns normal. A faint scent of blood and death permeates in the air, Izuna lays unconscious on the ground.

Shortly after, Shisui arrives near Izuna and picks Izuna on his shoulders and starts to dash towards the Village. The tomoes in Shisui's Sharingan start to spin rapidly as they merge together to form a four-point pinwheel pattern Mangekyo Sharingan.

Tears and blood start to trickle down from his eyes as he dashes towards the village.


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