Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology

Chapter 132 Portuguese War Of Restoration

132  Portuguese War Of Restoration

Lisbon, Portugal

Alphonso IV de Braganza was getting ready for his speech in the city center of Lisbon where all his soldiers and nobles were waiting for him. But before that, he had something to make sure of. He walked around in his room, waiting for his knight to bring him the good news. Soon, his retinue knight came into the room, knelt down on his knee, and answered, "Your majesty, the secretary of state is dead, the work is done." Hearing the much-wanted news, he was very happy. That old pig, Miguel de Vasconcelos, was finally dead. He had been an eyesore in his eyes ever since he was appointed as the secretary of state of the Portuguese Kingdom. He was nothing but a pawn placed by that guy Philip IV of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty.

"Good, good, very good. Finally, we can restore our great kingdom like it was always supposed to be."

The knight, still worried, asked, "But your majesty, the Habsburgs of the Holy Roman Empire and the Spanish Empire have the same origin. Wouldn't it be difficult to fight against these two powers?"

Unfazed by his knight's concern, Alphonso sneered, responding with a mocking tone, "Sure, they're both from the same family, so I can understand the Holy Roman Empire supporting Spain due to their familial bond and the Habsburg family alliance. But can they truly support Spain militarily? The Holy Roman Empire just emerged from the ravages of the 30 Years' War, leaving it in a weakened state. Additionally, a revolt in Catalonia further fractured their stability. With so many internal issues, can they genuinely send troops to the Iberian Peninsula? It seems they have their hands full, and considering the only thing they can gain from doing this is a better reputation, it's doubtful that they will act personally."

He continued, "Hence, now is the right time. The British and the Dutch are duking it out, the Holy Roman Empire is in shambles, and we have the support of the French on our side. If we miss this opportunity, I don't know when we will get another chance."

Hearing this, the knight soon understood the king's thoughts, displaying a look of reverence as he prayed wholeheartedly for the success of their cause.

Alphonso eventually reached the adorned city centre, embellished with the Portuguese flag featuring the Braganza family seal. Here, all the nobles of Portuguese origin gathered in full support of the cause for Portugal's independence. His soldiers stood attentively before them, eagerly awaiting Alphonso's speech.

As Alphonso commenced speaking, his voice resonated loudly and clearly. For those soldiers unable to hear him directly, individuals were strategically placed at intervals, ensuring that Alphonso's words reached every corner of the gathering.

"Noble soldiers of Portugal,

As we stand united in our quest for freedom, let us draw strength from the rich tapestry of our history—a history that speaks of valour, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of the Portuguese people. Today, we embark on a journey to reclaim our sovereignty, and I am heartened to see the presence of the local nobility, the very pillars of our society, standing shoulder to shoulder with us in this noble cause. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

From the cliffs of the Algarve to the verdant hills of Minho, the history of Portugal is woven with the threads of exploration, maritime prowess, and the indomitable spirit of those who dared to dream. Our forefathers sailed into the unknown, charting new worlds and leaving an indelible mark on the annals of history. We are the descendants of explorers, pioneers who carved a path for future generations.

Yet, in recent decades, we have found ourselves ensnared in the Iberian Union—a union that was meant to be a partnership of equals but, alas, has become a vessel of oppression. The shackles of foreign rule have dimmed the light of our once-flourishing nation. Our noble ancestors, who bequeathed to us a legacy of independence, would surely weep to see the Portugal of today, a Portugal subjugated and silenced.

But fear not, for the spirit of resistance burns brightly within us. The local nobility, the custodians of our traditions and the stewards of our lands have pledged their support to this noble cause. Their estates, their wealth, and their honour are committed to the liberation of our homeland. Their presence here today is a testament to the unity of purpose that binds us.

My fellow countrymen, as we march into the pages of history, let us carry with us the echoes of our ancestors' courage. Let the stories of Nuno Álvares Pereira, who defended our soil against foreign invaders, inspire us. Recall the bravery of Henry the Navigator, who set sail to open new horizons for Portugal.

To our local nobles, whose heraldic crests flutter in the breeze alongside our national flag, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your commitment to this cause echoes the ideals of our ancestors, who valued freedom above all else. Together, let us revive the spirit of the Portuguese people, a spirit that has withstood the test of time.

Soldiers of Portugal, with the support of our noble allies, let us march forward with unwavering determination. Our swords shall be guided by justice, our hearts fueled by love for our homeland. May this be the dawn of a new era—a restoration that heralds the return of Portugal to its rightful place among the nations of the world.

Onward, my comrades, for Portugal and for freedom!"

As soon as the speech ended, cheers broke out among the soldiers and the nobles as they started chanting.

"For freedom!"

"For freedom!"

"For freedom!"

"For freedom!"

Looking at the reaction of his subjects, Alphonso was very satisfied with his speech. Soon after, he arranged a banquet for the nobles who were supporting him. He laughed and talked with other nobles who came to greet him, their glasses clinking. However, soon his personal knight came to inform him.

"Your Majesty, Thomas Costa has requested to seek an audience with you. He informed me that there is an important matter to discuss with you."

His eyebrows raised with this surprising news. "Why would Costa come to me?" He found himself confused. Because, It would take at least a month on the fastest ship from Lisbon to Mumbai Port, so if there were no important matter, no one would make frequent trips.

He was very satisfied with his relationship with India now. Although he was very envious of the wealth of India, he had no power to take it. Maybe he would consider it in the future, but for now, he was enjoying the preferential trade with India. He had a large quota of spices at a discounted price, which was making the Portuguese a lot of money. Recently, many merchants set off to India to do business, so he couldn't complain.

Costa, who arrived in Portugal, was surprised because when he left Portugal, it was still a state in the Iberian Union. Now it had turned into an independent Kingdom, and his master, who was previously a Duke, had now become a king. This was all too surprising for him, but he was nonetheless happy.

Meeting his majesty Alphonso of the Braganza, Costa quickly knelt down as he greeted, "Glory to your majesty, let the Lord of Light shine brightly upon you."

Alphonso, after the formalities, asked, "So tell me, what brings you here? Didn't I entrust you to handle matters regarding India? Why did you suddenly come back?"

Alphonso, upon hearing the question, promptly responded, "Your Majesty, the King of Vijayanagara proposed a trade. They are willing to exchange a lot of military supplies like medical concoctions, leather equipment, helmets, boots, and even muskets that they have developed in-house, in exchange for grain."

This revelation surprised Alphonso; he would have expected that a country with one of the most fertile soils in the world would be short of grain. "Isn't their country very rich? Why would they need grain out of all things? And what is this about this medical concoction? I can understand leather equipment, but will this medical concoction work?"

"Your Majesty, I am afraid you don't know. After Vijayanagara waged war on the Mughal Empire, as you probably already know, after a year of gruelling battles, they finally won, successfully reclaiming three territories. When they reclaimed these territories, they required a substantial amount of grain to rebuild the regions, which were in bad conditions. Additionally, prior to the war, they had already produced a surplus of military supplies, resulting in an overstock. Consequently, they are now requesting that we exchange these surplus military materials for grain. As for the medical concoction, some of our people tested it, and there were no side effects. Although the bishop was vehemently against using this kind of 'pagan' medicine, our soldiers appreciated it greatly as it was very cost-effective and efficient."

"Holy Lord of Light," Alphonso exclaimed. After learning that Vijayanagara had conquered three territories from the Mughal Empire, he started to feel uneasy. The thought of this growing power becoming even stronger made him uneasy, but he quickly set aside his worries. At present, they enjoyed good trade relations, and he did not have the time or resources to hinder India's growth. As for what would happen in the future, no one could predict.

"Alright, then make this trade happen. Although their muskets will not be more advanced than ours, at least they will be cheap. I don't think the Restoration War will end very soon, and cheaper weapons could save a lot of finances. As for the medical concoction, procure a small amount, and let's see how the army reacts."

Costa, upon hearing the order, nodded his head as he left the king's residence. After spending a few days with his relatives and friends in Lisbon, he departed with thousand-ton merchant ships, with grain in tow.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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