Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 287 Exhaustion

Chapter 287 Exhaustion

As Shi Tian retrieved the medical kit from the Dimension Ring, he couldn't help but appreciate the convenience of such advanced technology. It was a stark contrast to the harsh and primitive world that he had initially awakened to.

Back then, when he was severely injured by the Armored Rat's attack, he could only grit his teeth and muster through the pain, praying that the wounds would heal by themselves. 

Luckily, he was in far better condition now than in the past.

"I should probably thank the previous tenant for having a medical kit prepared for me. I only need a few more things to complete it," Shi Tian muttered, gratitude in his heart for the deceased previous tenant's generosity.

It was always right to show gratitude when someone had extended a helping hand, even if that someone was no longer alive. A silent prayer for the departed tenant's well-being in the afterlife was a small gesture that cost him nothing.

Of course, that might not be the case if the previous tenant was still alive. If the previous tenant was still alive, then Shi Tian's reaction would be different.

After paying his respects, Shi Tian began to clean and dress his wounds. 

He worked methodically, though not as efficiently as a professional would. The medical kit contained an assortment of supplies, including antiseptics, bandages, and pain relief medication.

However, some of his wounds were on his back, making it a challenge to disinfect them or apply bandages. Nevertheless, this difficulty was nothing compared to what he had endured in the past, surviving with just one arm.

Cleverly, Shi Tian detached his mechanical right arm and used it as a makeshift back scratcher. The ingenious device, designed for those who preferred solitude and self-sufficiency, was now proving its worth.

The back scratcher was long, slender reach allowed Shi Tian to tend to the wounds on his back, albeit with some difficulty.

As Shi Tian improvised a way to treat his back wounds, using his detached mechanical right arm, he couldn't help but appreciate the adaptability that had become second nature to him in this new and unforgiving world.

Whether it was using advanced technology like the Dimension Ring or repurposing a mechanical right arm as a back scratcher, he had learned to make the most of the resources at his disposal.

The wounds were painful, and the process was far from pleasant, but Shi Tian endured it stoically. He had faced more severe challenges and knew that this was just another obstacle on his path to survival.

Once he had done the best he could with his injuries, Shi Tian turned his attention to his gear and equipment. 

His boosters' suit had taken a beating during the encounter with Theobold's elite soldiers, and it needed repairs.

Fortunately, he had some spare parts and tools in his inventory. With a focused and determined mindset, Shi Tian began the meticulous process of repairing his boosters' suit. 

It was a task that required both skill and patience, but he knew that having a functioning suit was essential for his survival in this hostile environment.

"That's why mechanics are the best. I can always repair them and come back stronger," Shi Tian muttered to himself, a sense of pride in his chosen classpath.

Had he chosen another class path, he might have been completely helpless in the current situation. 

Of course, it was a bit of an exaggeration, but Shi Tian used humor to lighten the mood and prevent himself from dwelling on his injuries.

Mechanics were versatile problem solvers in this post-apocalyptic landscape. 

Their ability to repair and modify technology gave them a significant advantage. In a world where advanced technology was both a blessing and a curse, being able to maintain and improve it was a valuable skill.

With each carefully calibrated adjustment and each damaged component replaced, Shi Tian could feel his suit gradually returning to its optimal condition. 

Naturally, it wasn't in perfect shape, given that he didn't fully understand its properties.

To complete the repairs, he would need to consult Mary, who possessed the most knowledge about boosters' suits. He put the suit back on, activated its invisible function, and felt the weight of exhaustion from the intense battle earlier.

The skirmish might have appeared fast-paced, but it demanded a great deal of quick thinking and adaptability to achieve the results he had. His only mistake had been underestimating the leader's resilience amidst the chaos and distraction.

That lapse in judgment had nearly cost him his life, and Shi Tian now understood why Vanessa and Mary had such little confidence in his abilities.

"Hey, IC, do you think the soldiers can track me here?" Shi Tian asked, referring to the integrated chip implanted within him.

Right now, his vision and perception are limited. He had no tools or devices to help him detect nearby enemies, let alone traps to defend against monsters. 

Almost all of his arsenal had been used against the elite soldiers, leaving him with only one smoke grenade, a stun grenade, and a few more bullets. The Esper special bullets were now in the low twenties, indicating their scarcity.

A few seconds later, the integrated chip responded to Shi Tian's question.

Description: Given your current location and the limited technology the elite soldiers are likely equipped with, it's highly unlikely that they can track you here. The cave's natural rock formations and your boosters' suit's invisible function should provide adequate concealment.

Shi Tian sighed with relief. It was reassuring to know that, for the time being, he was safe from immediate pursuit. 

However, he couldn't afford to be complacent.

"The elite soldiers might not have advanced technology, but their personal skills are not to be underestimated. They were able to remain hidden while tracking us until we increased the scope of detection, so it's clear they are skilled in their own right," Shi Tian murmured, his caution undiminished.

He had learned a valuable lesson about underestimating his enemies, and he wasn't about to make the same mistake twice.

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