Primordial Sin System

Chapter 406 406-Purple Star Eyes

Chapter 406 - Purple Star Eyes

The second prince's name is Wagner Royal, and he possesses a special talent that makes him stronger every time he sustains damage to his body or survives an event that almost kills him.

At the age of 960, his talent is considered mediocre by others, but it shines in the late game.

Many looked down on him because of how lazy and weak he was, but he never entertained those who sneered at him. He remained silent, hiding in his own world.

<Orc King Body>

This unique physique grants its owner a remarkable regenerative ability, rendering them hard to kill. Whenever the physique incurs damage, the owner simply needs to rest, and the body will absorb and refine the injuries, strengthening it further.

The Orc King Body is a special kind of body that can fix itself really quickly when it's hurt. But what's even more amazing is that when it gets hurt and then gets better, it becomes even stronger than before.

So, let's say someone with the Orc King Body gets a cut or a bruise.

When they heal, their body doesn't just go back to normal – it uses the hurt part to make itself stronger.

This means that the more they get hurt and heal, the tougher their muscles and bones become.

It's like their body turns the damage into energy to make them super strong.

So, if they keep getting into tough situations and recovering, their body keeps getting tougher and stronger over time. It's kind of like their body learns from the injuries and uses them to become a powerhouse of strength.

Had others been aware of his talent, they would undoubtedly have been envious. However, Dave differs in this aspect, as such a physique holds no value for him; his titan physique surpasses it.

The disparity in their physique's power is immense, akin to comparing a child to an adult.


Time appears to move slowly, and those observing are anxious, for Dave's 10-minute limit is about to expire.

Many shake their heads, realizing that comprehending such a technique within such a restricted timeframe is implausible. Not everyone is like Dave, who possesses the monstrosity to grasp such a technique at such a young age.

Dave gazes at a particular person whom he finds most intriguing among them all. He remains unsure whether she can astonish him.

Initially, he hadn't entertained the idea of taking anyone as his disciple, deeming it tiresome. However, upon scanning everyone on the stage, he identifies an interesting individual and decides to offer her an opportunity.

Only a minute remains before the 10-minute mark comes to an end. Other geniuses and eminent talents from various clans have already conceded, with even Jiang Chen and Venice shaking their heads, focusing solely on comprehending the technique.

Suddenly, a staggering aura emanates from the stage, drawing everyone's attention to its source.

There, they discover a small girl who appears to be around 12 years old, seated on the ground, her body enveloped in golden light.

She possesses a charming aura, standing at a height of 4'5 feet. Short black hair frames her face, and a pair of purple eyes captivate those who look upon her.

Though her visage is smudged, it fails to conceal her cuteness.

Clad in tattered garments, she gives the impression of not belonging to a prosperous family.

Dave smiles and murmurs, "Very good."


The little girl was overjoyed to have grasped the Fist technique that the young master had demonstrated to them.

Her name was Caryll, and she had become an orphan after her family perished in an attack by a fierce beast.

She was taken in by her aunt, the sole caregiver. At just 12 years old, her aunt fell suddenly ill, leaving her distraught and desperate to find a cure.

Wanting to earn money, Caryll faced rejection from potential employers due to her youth and unkempt appearance.

While wandering the city, she realized that others seemed to be not aware of her presence, except when she spoke.

This newfound ability thrilled her, leading her to successfully rob a wealthy noble.

Her plan was successful and with her ill-gotten gains, she returned to her aunt, hoping to secure medical treatment.

However, the doctor declined, citing the mysterious nature of the ailment and taking her payment without providing aid.

Despite her frustration, her weakness left her powerless to challenge this outcome.

Her aunt reassured her, advising her not to stress over finding a cure and that she could leave at any time.

Refusing to give up, Caryll learned of an upcoming tournament in the royal arena.

Even with her powers limited to the golden body stage, she hoped to catch the attention of a prominent figure who could assist her aunt.

The tournament was a grand affair, drawing numerous attendees.

Despite the impending punishment, she took the gamble, managing to enter the arena unnoticed.

Even the True Saint failed to perceive her aura.

However, upon seeing Dave, she sensed that he could help her and there is something extraordinary about him.

Anticipating her early elimination in the first round, she withdrew temporarily to avoid the True Saint's aura.

She reappeared for the second round.

Although unfamiliar with cultivation, Caryll decided to comprehend the Fist technique.

To her surprise, her purple eyes radiated then a golden light covers her body, making her visible to all.

Perplexed by the presence of a child in the arena, many were taken aback, casting doubts on the Royal Clan's security.

The emperor, having memorized everyone's aura prior to the tournament, was astonished to have missed hers.

Initially inclined to punish her for rule-breaking, their envy grew upon witnessing her mastery of the Fist technique.

Becoming Dave's disciple was viewed as a tremendous blessing, even by those who had given up.

Amidst continued comprehension efforts, Dave suddenly appeared before her.

Having fully grasped his simplified technique, Caryll was stunned by his sudden appearance, showcasing his strength.

Dave observed her purple eyes and deduced why she had easily mastered the technique: her eyes possessed an exceptional talent akin to his photographic memory.

"Purple Star Eyes," Dave uttered.

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