Primordial Sin System

Chapter 389 389-Moon Shadow Clan

Chapter 389-Moon Shadow Clan

The Moon Shadow Clan's domain was a place of ethereal beauty and enigmatic allure, nestled within the embrace of nature's secrets.

This secluded realm lay hidden from the prying eyes of outsiders, shielded by a blend of ancient magic and natural camouflage.

As one ventured deeper into its heart, the landscape transformed into a mesmerizing display of mystical wonders.

Tall, ancient trees stood sentinel; their branches intertwined as if sharing secrets whispered by the wind.

These trees exuded an almost palpable aura of age and wisdom.

In the core of the Moon Shadow Clan.

A beautiful woman was seated upon her throne, surrounded by a multitude of other stunning women who knelt before her on the ground.

This clan consisted entirely of these beautiful women, their allure being a defining trait.

Despite their allure, the clan's enigmatic nature had attracted the attention of many other clans, all drawn in by their remarkable beauty.

The woman's face bore a resemblance to Lucy's, yet she exuded an air of maturity and irresistible charm.

Her aura was potent enough to challenge any peak-tier True Saint in strength.

Gazing at those assembled before her, she spoke, her voice carrying authority.

"Ah, you've all completed the mission I assigned to you."

The group remained kneeling, but one among them rose to her feet, offering a report.

"Matriarch, we've successfully ensnared men from various clans. Through illusions, we've convinced them that we've consummated with them and planted the seeds in their minds."

The matriarch nodded in approval, dismissing them to their tasks.

The clan's members possessed the skill of enchantment, a unique trait known only to them.

They held an ability that allowed them to conceive offspring without engaging in traditional intercourse, provided they consumed a special fruit granted by their matriarch.

This method was how the matriarch had given birth to Lucy as well.


Inside Lucy's dwelling, a man occupied a chair, engrossed in reading reports that Lucy had prepared.

Meanwhile, Lucy moved gracefully, her form shifting as she interacted with him while seated on his lap.

She was naked and moving up and down as she was riding Dave's dragon.

Plak! Plak! Plak!

Lucy moaned softly, struggling to contain her sounds of pleasure, fearful of disturbing Dave.

Her longing for him was overwhelming, and upon finally seeing him, she couldn't resist asking for this intimate moment.

Dave, understanding her desire, had no objections, considering it a reward for her yearning.

"Hmm, so the matriarch plans to enter the Sacred Grounds once a month, harvesting numerous moon fruits from the Moon Tree during the night," Dave mumbled.

"Each member of the clan must remain a virgin. Losing their virginity would lead to their exclusion from the Moon Tree's blessings on the day of worship."

Dave was taken aback by the revelation of this clan's unique reproductive process.

Upon consuming the Moon Fruit, an embryo would be conceived within them.

What was even more astonishing was that anyone could manipulate the appearance of their child, allowing them to deceive others into believing their offspring were natural-born.

They would give birth as normal, with their bodies rapidly healing, preserving their Yin essence, and maintaining their virginity.

A sense of suspicion washed over Dave, particularly given the information he gleaned from Lucy's reports.

The clan's annual worship day involved all members kneeling and praying to the Moon God for blessings.

The reason for their requirement of virginity was rooted in their Yin essence's ability to nourish the Moon Tree.

Their beauty served as a potent weapon, captivating and ensnaring others in an illusion that concealed their true intentions.

As for the matriarch's plans, Dave sensed a veil of mystery shrouding them.

However, for now, he decided to focus on the present night and deliver a memorable surprise to the matriarch.

In this clan where virginity was the norm, only Lucy deviated from that standard.

The worship ceremony was set to occur in the upcoming week, prompting those married to members of other clans to return and make preparations.

While Lucy had lost her Yin Energy due to her union with Dave, the matriarch remained unaware of this due to Dave's Law of Illusion, which he had cast upon Lucy.

This illusion was designed to allay any suspicions the matriarch might have upon Lucy's return to the clan.

"Hmm, considering that all the individuals here are virgins, let me show them the true pleasures of the world,"

Dave mused, setting the stage for an unforgettable night.


A day later, the matriarch awoke from her restful slumber to the sound of a knock on her chamber door.

She was puzzled as to why someone would dare to disturb her, given her well-known aversion to interruptions.I think you should take a look at

Frowning, she permitted the person entry.

Her personal secretary, drenched in sweat and aghast, stepped inside.

"Matriarch, something of significant magnitude has occurred," the secretary stammered out, her face contorted in a mixture of fear and urgency.

Startled by her secretary's demeanor, the matriarch, known as Ciela, accepted the reports handed to her.

The contents left her stunned, as she had not anticipated anyone having the audacity to perpetrate such actions against her clanmates.

"Is this true?" Ciela inquired, a sense of apprehension washing over her.

She sensed that her secretary's visible unease held deeper implications than the words spoken.

The secretary, typically strong even among Imperial Saint Emperors, seemed to have lost her composure.

Trembling hands delivering her response, the secretary relayed the troubling events.

"Last night, a thousand women from our clan suffered humiliation. Their yin essence has vanished, leaving them in a state of disarray. These women awoke with flushed faces, recounting how a charismatic man had entered their chambers and ensnared them."

"This man possesses an ability to charm women, rendering our clansmen powerless against his advances due to his formidable strength. Remarkably, their recollections of his face have been wiped clean, leaving only an impression of his striking handsomeness and strength."

"Upon awakening, the women discovered themselves bathed in a thick, white substance. Strangely, a portion of them has experienced an enhancement in their beauty, accompanied by reports of heightened talents."

Ciela's emotions transformed into a fiery rage.

"What? How dare he?" she thundered.

"Our sacred ceremony is fast approaching, and the sanctity of our participants is paramount. Any impurity risks undermining the ceremony, potentially leading to divine abandonment."

Seething with anger and disbelief that anyone would dare to disrupt her meticulously laid plans, Ciela knew she needed to take immediate action.

The matriarch wasted no time, summoning the victims to gather intelligence regarding their attacker's identity, seeking answers that could preserve the honor of the upcoming worshipping ceremony.

An hour later, a gathering of a thousand women stood before the matriarch.

Their skin radiated a luminous glow, their beauty and charm elevated to new heights.

Even the matriarch herself, renowned for her own beauty, was momentarily taken aback by their transformation.

A hint of envy flickered within her, briefly coveting their flawlessly smooth skin and the removal of any impurities.

Seeking answers, she encouraged the women to be candid and hold nothing back.

Overwhelmed by facing the matriarch's presence, some found the courage to share their experiences.

Amidst the hesitant confessions, one woman's story emerged: as she slept, an enigmatic, handsome man, whose face remained elusive in her memory, had appeared.

She recounted her body growing feverishly hot and her own consciousness succumbing to an overpowering instinct.

Initiating a kiss, she had been acutely aware, yet her actions felt involuntary, guided by an unknown force.

Though she blushed in shame, she couldn't deny the undeniable pleasure that ensued, lasting for hours.

Upon awakening, she was astounded to find her talents advanced, breaking through previously insurmountable realms.

As one woman's tale unraveled, a chorus of similar experiences arose.

Astonishingly, it seemed that each of them had encountered the same mysterious man.

While some expressed anger, acknowledging the compromising nature of their experiences, they also conceded to the undeniable benefits – their talents markedly improved, and cultivation became a more attainable pursuit.

This collective account left the matriarch perplexed.

She grappled with the puzzle of how a single culprit could appear in multiple places, engaging with numerous women simultaneously.

She speculated that the man might be capable of creating clones to accomplish his clandestine deeds.

Fueled by anger and a desire to erase this stain from the clan's history, a chilling impulse took hold of the matriarch.

She would use a skill to kill them silently.

"Moon return"

Suddenly, their bodies started to lose their lifespan, and everyone was filled with horror.

"What are you doing matriarch?"

Many shouted in fear as they didn't expect their matriarch to have a plan to kill them.

They didn't expect their matriarch would want to eradicate them just because they lost their yin essence.

They were formed from the essence of the moon tree so killing them was like giving them back to their source, the moon tree.

The essence of the tree helps them to even fool some strong individuals except for a True Saint powerhouse.

Everyone was scared and didn't expect their matriarch to be brutal and didn't hesitate to kill them.

They were in despair, but a binding light suddenly covered them and every one of them disappeared in the place in a second.


The matriarch's eyes constricted, and she was shocked because she didn't see how they disappear.

She cannot even detect their aura anymore.

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