Primordial Sin System

Chapter 449 449 - A Message of Hope

Chapter 449 Chapter 449 - A Message of Hope

Chapter 449 - A Message of Hope

As the ceremony unfolded, and the attendees paid their respects to the protectors, a profound sense of unity and gratitude filled the air.

This gathering of people from all walks of life, brought together by their shared reverence for the protectors, was a testament to the hope and resilience of the human race.

The protectors, seated on their elevated platform, represented not just power and strength, but also a beacon of hope for a better future.

In this turbulent and chaotic world, they were the reason why humanity could still find moments of peace and happiness.

One by one, as the audience hushed in anticipation, each protector delivered a speech that resonated with the hearts of those gathered.

The sight of all five protectors appearing together in one location was a rare and inspiring spectacle, evoking feelings of enthusiasm and joy among the onlookers.

The protectors had earned the unwavering respect and reverence of the people because they symbolized the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.

In a world marred by oppression and fear, the protectors were the embodiment of courage and hope.

No one dared to disrespect them, for they were the guardians of the human race's dreams and aspirations.

It was Fu, the one who had initiated the decision to trust Dave, who took the stage as the final speaker.

With a dignified demeanor, he gazed out at the crowd below, knowing the gravity of the message he was about to deliver.

"People of our human race,"

Fu began, his voice carrying the weight of their shared struggles, "We have endured countless years in this chaotic place, where the overlords' tyranny cast a shadow over our lives."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, for they had all felt the oppressive grip of the overlords and their chaotic world.

"Now," Fu continued, "We, the protectors, bring you tidings of hope."

His words hung in the air, eliciting a collective intake of breath from the audience.

"We have discovered a path, a way to leave this place behind and journey to the human worlds beyond," Fu announced, his voice ringing with determination.

"In these new lands, we shall forge an environment where fear shall have no place, where we can live without the constant threat of oppression."

A wave of excitement and anticipation washed over the assembly as Fu's words settled in. The crowd's faces reflected a mixture of hope, disbelief, and wonder.

"What? Is it true?"

"Finally, we will not be hunted by the monster again if it's true."

The prospect of leaving their chaotic world behind and creating a new world filled with possibilities was a dream they had scarcely dared to imagine.

"Now we can continue the ceremony and have fun."

The people of the human race, who had endured years of suffering in this chaotic world under the oppression of the overlords, stood in stunned disbelief.

It was as if the very ground beneath them had shifted, and for the first time in a long time, a glimmer of hope had broken through the darkness.

But as the truth of the protectors' words began to settle, the atmosphere transformed.

A wave of excitement and exhilaration washed over the crowd, starting as a murmur and swelling into a roar of enthusiasm. The people couldn't believe what they had just heard.

As the grand ceremony continued to captivate the audience, a hushed anticipation settled over the square.

The protectors of the human race—Fu, Lowis, Ren, Hilda, and Dan—sat poised on their high platform, their eyes trained on the stage, waiting for Dave's arrival.

The decision to trust this enigmatic young man was a momentous one, and they couldn't help but wonder what he would bring to this gathering.


Then, as if from a dream, he appeared. Dave entered the square with a gentle stride, his presence almost unnoticeable amidst the dazzling performers who had graced the stage before him.

He was unlike anything they had expected.

Dave seemed almost fragile, a stark contrast to the powerful cultivators that typically commanded such ceremonies.

He moved with grace, but there was no aura of cultivation surrounding him.

His demeanor was that of an innocent young man, his face untouched by the burdens of power or authority.

His eyes held a spark of curiosity as if he were a mere spectator at the event.

"Wow, this place is lively."

It was his appearance, though, that left the protectors and the entire audience stunned.

Dave was exceptionally handsome, his features chiseled and refined.

His presence exuded an effortless charm that drew every eye in the square towards him.

He was an embodiment of purity and innocence, and his captivating face easily attracted the attention of everyone present.

"So handsome!"

As Dave walked further into the spotlight, the women in the crowd couldn't help but react.

Their eyes lit up with admiration and desire, and some even let out involuntary gasps of admiration.

"I finally found my dream guy."

"My boyfriend looks like trash compared to that man."

Dave's presence had a magnetic effect on them, causing them to admire him openly.

Their whispers filled the air, as they couldn't help but be entranced by the young man's striking appearance.

"Fvck, fuck, fvck"

Conversely, the men in the audience found themselves envious of Dave's charismatic looks.

His effortless charm and the attention he garnered from the women around him stirred a twinge of jealousy among them.

They couldn't help but acknowledge that Dave's appearance had the power to sway hearts.

They looked at the crushes and girlfriends and saw how shining their eyes were.

Amidst the murmurs and admiring glances, Dave continued to walk with a serene and unassuming grace.

It was as if he were unaware of the commotion he was causing. The protectors, however, shared a knowing glance with one another.

"So strong."

Hilda, who prides herself as a Divine Monarch, feels terror from Dave's body.

Ren looks at Dave and feels a bad premonition. Fu on the other hand is smiling and happy to see him come.

Despite Dave's seemingly ordinary appearance, their instincts told them otherwise.

They sensed that beneath that facade of innocence lay a depth of power and wisdom that was beyond their comprehension.

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