Poison God's Heritage

Chapter 187 - Buying Your Way In

Chapter 187 - Buying Your Way In

"Do you know when the competition is being held?" I asked the group I was sitting with.

"It’s tomorrow at noon, but if you want to join I think you’re late. The registrations have ended," Ji Tai said.

"Oh, that would be a pity, but could you just show me where I can find the registration area? I could try my luck you never know," I said.

"Just head down the main street, once you’re close to the Black Tower Pavilion, you’ll find any booths next to it. try your luck, you never know what might happen."

"Thank you, brother Ji Tai," I said and left the restaurant and headed to where I was informed.

This is some seriously big news. Because not only will this reveal more of the Poison God’s Secrets, I’ll be able to learn more if I were to obtain another book. Perhaps they are identical, or maybe there is a difference between them. Having two copies will make it so I can learn more about the Poison God’s Heritage.

I walked as hurriedly as I could, passing and dodging every passerby as I hurried to the booths.

Only to find someone familiar there, screaming his lungs out at a man who looked utterly terrified of the man, he had the same look of a cashier while a customer was threatening to sue or call the manager.

The kid constantly slammed his palm on the booth, "As I said! it was some random asshole who slowed me down at the gate, I could have been here ages ago! You can ask around!"

"But sir Lang, the rules say..."

"Fuck the rules! Do you think this competition will even have any value if I’m not in it? Do you know how many donations my father gives to the Black Tower, and how many annual assists he hands over to the Sword Mountain Sect? Do you?!" the kid called, and while he was at it, a large group of people stopped to watch the commotion and see what was going to happen.

Soon, an old woman came to the booths and saw the ruckus, she had a dignified look on her and seemed slightly annoyed by the behavior of the kid, yet apparently, after a few words, the man in the booth accepted the kid and handed him a token.

"Good! You should have done this in the first place and made it easier for the both of us!" the kid humphed like an angry twelve year old girl and turned.

"Can I also have a chance to partake in the tourney?" I asked once I was close enough to the same booth.

"No! Time is already up, you are late." The man said.

"But you just accepted that kid," I said.

"Don’t call him that, if he hears it, no one can guarantee your life. He might be snobbish but he is the son of a very influential person." The man said.

"Junior cultivator," the older woman said, "Though this might look unfair to you, exceptions will be made because power is king. Lang Ho’s father, Lang Hua Xu, is one of the richest and most powerful people in the northern sides of Zhou County, so unless you can rival him in influence, strength or wealth, don’t try and ask for the same privileges."

’So basically what she means is, I can buy my way in if I have the capital.’

I pulled a small pill from my inventory and handed it over to the woman, "Would this be enough?"

The woman frowned then as she was about to speak something, she stopped and snatched the pill from my hands.

"You...you’re really something, aren’t you."

"It’s something I happened upon while I was traveling, I’m not interested in my looks, but I think it would do wonders to someone who needs it," I said like hell was I gonna call out a woman ugly or old, especially someone who could decide if I could enter this tournament or not.

"Wise choice of words..." the woman said.

"Give him a token. Be here tomorrow, the tournament will take place in a separate location." She said and happily moved away to take the pill.

It was nothing too precious, but for a woman, that pill is a life saver. A beauty pill that can correct the passage of time on one’s skin, and it was of pretty good quality.

Soon after I took the token I headed out and away from masses who also wanted to join the tournament. But since that lady left, they all had to try and convince the man in the booth, who will never take such a decision to accept them unless his superior was there.

I headed out and looked for an inn to spend the rest of the day in. And also I needed some time to do some study. And since I had a time dilation function within the Lord of Lords, I can use it to work.

The nearest inn didn’t look too shabby so I walked inside and paid ten medium-grade spirit stones for one night. It was expensive but at least the room was nice.

The moment I entered the room, however, I spread my divine sense all over it and noticed that it had a few hidden inscriptions. They were spying inscriptions.

One was under one of the bed’s feet and one under a vase that was placed on a window.

I did a quick job of the formations by removing them, and almost a few seconds later. I heard a knock on the door.

"Sir, we’ve yet to fully clean up the room, would you mind waiting for a few moments before our servants make it more appropriate for such an esteemed guest as you to stay in?"

"No need, I already cleaned up everything that I didn’t need in the room," I said hinting to him that I already know about the formations and didn’t care.

"Right then, since you’ve come at a special time, we’ll offer you free meals if you wish, I’ll have the servants bring them to you."

"No need, I’ll be cultivating and don’t want to be disturbed."

"Right sir, then have a nice stay," the man said and I heard his footsteps moving away from my room.

I pulled a small talisman and placed it on the door and enabled it. This immediately created a barrier that will stop sound and divine sense from disturbing me.

I then pulled the Lord of Lords token and used it to teleport inside the pagoda.

Once inside I headed to the white room area and began by creating talismans to replenish my already diminishing talisman stockpile.

Explosive talismans, sound disrupting talismans, stun talismans, fire, water earth, and even wind talismans.

Finally, I made a few that had some nasty effects, ones that could stick to a person and create an electric shock. This I derived from the Lord of Chains method along with the Imperatrix of Lightning’s Devil Sealing arts.

Though this lighting current isn’t sustainable and costs a lot of Qi to enable. It can prove handy in paralyzing someone.

Then I called Y over and began by studying his vocal inscription. But later I realized that this thing is actually too complex to finish in one sitting and I still had more to do. So I had to delay X’s speech inscription for a little while.

Then I pulled the reactor and inspected it, finding a few dents and bends, that was easily fixed that now I wasn’t as pressed for time as I was back in the Deeps.

Then removed the brass strips that were broken and mended, and replaced them with copper wires that I got from the Ji Tai sect.

This will increase Y’s functions and better transfer heat to his swords.

Done with that, I pulled the many spiritual herbs I had on me and ordered the automaton that was managing the Lord of Lords pagoda to bring me any spiritual herbs that were ready for harvest.

Many had grown since I last planted them, due to the time difference and the rich Qi, so the Automaton brought a huge pile of spiritual herbs to me.

I then began by refining pills using my Heart Flame.

Poison pills, attack pills, healing pills, and soul rejuvenating pills. I burnt through the herb pile with so much speed that one would think that I set the small mountain of spiritual herbs on flame.

Once that was done. I sat down and took a few Soul Rejuvenating pills to heal back the mental stress. Then pulled the Law Slab I got from the Laughing Slaughterer pagoda. And began studying it.

As I understood, Gravity is not a standalone law, but it is a minor part of Space Law. So trying to understand Space without having a decent understanding of Gravitational Law is pretty much shooting yourself in the foot.

And since I had managed to get to the Small Success Stage in Gravitational Law I could study Space Law to an extent.

But the moment I closed my eyes and tried to gain insight into the Space Law Slab, I was disappointed to not be able to see the Law Lines.

Sighing, I had to give up on trying to do things the easy way. So I was going to do something I might regret.

I’ll be using the Egg of Delusions, but I hope it won’t crush me under its gravitational weight.. But the only way to find out is to try it.

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