Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Chapter 30



The morning after the sub party.

I washed my face and went out to the restaurant. Chloe, who was wearing an apron, said.

“Hello, Mr. Han.”

I nodded.

Bread was placed on the table instead of baked potatoes.

“What is this?”

“It’s bread. He said he was a baker.”

Chloe pointed at the woman who was smiling awkwardly next to her. He was one of the new arrivals yesterday. Wheat is not among the ingredients stocked in the restaurant. It looks like it’s made from mashed potatoes.

“Wheat is in the plateau, so you can get it yourself.”

I took a bite of a piece of bread and left the inn.

Good for you. If the variety of food increases, the stress level in the waiting room can be reduced.

In the plaza, Enoch, who came out of the warehouse, was on his way to the armory. I was pulling a cart full of lumber, and there were two strangers next to me.

Enoch nodded at me and then walked past me.

I entered the training camp.

He joined up with Jenna Aaron Dicka, who was waiting for him, and started basic physical training.

A familiar person joined the car training center where basic training was coming to an end. A female mercenary in black leather armor. It was Edith Carlen. She bowed her head to me.

“Please take care of me.”

Without saying a word, I picked up my sword and dagger from the weapon rack. It was a practice weapon without a blade. I tossed it around and Edith took it in a daze.

“What is this?”

“If you entrust your back, you need to know your power. It’s basic.”

“That’s right.”

Edith smiled faintly and swung the dagger with one hand. And he lowered his stance and prepared for battle.

I checked Edith’s status window. Edith, who had absorbed a large amount of sacrifices yesterday, had reached level 3. Even if he was 3, his stats were superior to that of Aaron, who was level 5. The skill level was also higher.

‘But it’s still not enough.’

I straightened the wooden sword.

Edith coldly lit her eyes and ran.

The battle ended with my victory.

Lightening was not used. Because last night I was suffering from a headache for some reason or another. I decided to refrain from using it except in practice.

Even so, Edith was no match for me.

Edith said with a wry smile.

“You’re strong. Being a farmer was a lie.”

“You’re misunderstanding something. Xena!”


“You face it. With a dagger.”

“My main weapon is a bow!”

Even though she was gossiping, Jenna held up her practice dagger.

For a moment, Edith caught her breath on the floor and stood up. And with sharp eyes, he took his stance again.

After the fight, Jenna wiped the sweat from her brow.

“Whee, it was dangerous.”

The result ended in a narrow victory for Jenna. The level difference was bigger than the grade difference.

Edith muttered in a broken voice.

“To think that such a young girl is stronger than me…”

“I’m not young. I ate enough to eat.”

“Are you both mercenaries? Or are you from famous samurai families?”

“No. I’m just an ordinary hunter’s daughter. We weren’t that strong at first either. We were probably a lot weaker than my sister. But after training and fighting here, we got stronger, and now we’re like this.”

“If those guys didn’t show up and steadily developed their strength, I’d be in trouble too.”

Edith is weaker than us in her current state, but she has skills and growth that are superior to 1 star. As the level goes up, the gap will narrow.

“Deception, deception! No matter how hard I try, I can’t catch up!”

Aaron, who was running on the track, exclaimed as if he was unfair.


“Anyway, here you can be as strong as you try. Don’t neglect your training. Whoever you are.”

“…I’ll keep that in mind.”

I slowly looked around the training ground.

Aaron is running with a sandbag. Dika is swinging a sword at a wooden doll on the right side of the training ground. Me and Edith Jenna.

And there were two or three men wielding weapons.

It was the aftermath of yesterday’s mass synthesis. Each one is training with desperate movements. I can’t help it if I don’t want to die. I have no choice but to raise my own value.

still few in number

If you were to rate the number of people gathered here, it would be less than half.

I thought of the two men attached to Enoch, who seemed bothersome.

It would be easier to fall into an auxiliary job than to fight. However, positions for assistant positions are limited. As of right now, at most two per facility. The rest is completely synthetic.

It’s not my business.

I said everything.

I stared at the young man wielding a sword in a particularly sweaty manner.

The basic posture is held. It was one of the ones that was close to being disposed of by the maned wolf yesterday, and it has two stars. name is usher He is the first 2-star hero since Mormont. He had a lower level of swordsmanship.

As I stared at him, Usher fidgeted and swung his sword awkwardly.


“You mean that?”

Usher was startled.

Age around early 20’s. He wears a dagger at his waist. However, it was not a high-quality weapon like Edith’s, but a scrap item that wouldn’t be strange if it broke at any time.

“There’s someone besides you. Come closer.”

“All right.”

The man slowly approached me.

“My name is Usher Roderick.”


You can tell that much by looking at the stat window.


“Did you hear the explanation about this place yesterday?”

“I heard. There is an existence called Master, and we were summoned to fight here. I also took in what you said yesterday.”

I took out a wooden sword from the display stand. and get into position

“You know what I’m about to do?”

“I know.”

Usher raised his wooden sword with a nervous expression.

However, the gaze is directed in this direction. He didn’t look away or even step back.

‘At least the basics are in place.’

“What are you doing outside?”

“The mercenary’s porter…”

Usher muttered and looked at Edith.

Edith was practicing archery with Jenna at the shooting range.

“Carrying luggage, standing guard, making camp…”

“For something like that, you seem to know how to fight.”

“Because I wanted to become a mercenary.”

Usher gave a self-deprecating laugh.



I jumped up and ran. The sword drew an arc. Usher let go of his sword and sat down.

Even though it was one accord, they shivered but did not close their eyes to the end.

It would be the difference between 1 and 2 stars.

That evening the weeding out of the newcomers began.

Whether it was aspiring to an assistant position or not, the Master did not distinguish. Aaron volunteered to participate, but was not accepted. two people died And two more were synthesized. The synthesis target is Usher. He became level 3.

Others entered the daily dungeon as a routine.

The mine where you can get the fire attribute stone has not been opened yet.

And again that morning.

At my call, 6 people gathered at the training ground. Me Jenna Aaron Dicka Edith Usher. Usher and Dika’s skills are a little lacking, but they are immediately capable of being put into a dungeon.

“Why is it early in the morning? I’m going to die of sleepiness.”

“shut up.”

He left the grumbling Jenna alone and continued.

“Does anyone know why I called you guys here?”


The party was silent.

Then, suddenly, Dika raised her hand and answered.

“Are you choosing a member?”

“Isn’t the party decided by the master?”

“I can make a suggestion.”

Perhaps Amkena will not be able to refuse.

There is a principle that many people, including myself, emphasize in the pick me up strategy. The strategy I wrote is also focused on.

Dicka bowed her head with a melancholy expression. The maximum number of people per party is five. He seemed to think he was going to be eliminated, just like in the trio.

“Release your expression. It’s not like you’re abandoning someone.”


“From now on, we’ll be split into two parties. There are six of us, so we can split into three for now.”

If you can clear all floors with one party, there is no need to split the party.

But this game is not like that. As the floor goes up, the number of parties required for the mission gradually increases. Dozens to hundreds of people on special missions.

Also, it was essential to raise a sub-party in case the main party was annihilated in an unexpected accident.

“Two leaders. One is me. The other is Edith.”


Edith blinked and pointed at herself.

“do not want to do it?”

“It’s not like that, but Jenna rather than me…”

“He can’t.”

“What about me! I can do well too.”

Illusion is free.

Edith asked.

“By the way, why should we have a party?”

It’s a bit hard to explain here. Many ears are listening.

I called Edith to the plaza and explained.

The first reason to split a party is to reduce the risk of annihilation.

If you invest everything in the main party and it goes bankrupt, you will not be able to recover it. Therefore, the master usually divides power and deploys it. It is similar to diversifying stocks.

The second is to increase training efficiency by competing with multiple parties.

The first or second principle is understandable from the point of view of a master, not a hero, but you need to know it if you are going to lead a party anyway. I explained this too.

Edith seems to have been indoctrinated with the general concept, but there are many things that get confused in the details. While explaining, he took time to explain concepts such as levels and skills slowly.

The final reason for the party is that, as I said before, five people cannot cover all floors.

“It becomes difficult when too much power is concentrated in one party.”

“That’s right?”

The 5th floor was an example.

The difference in skills between the members was severe, and the whole party was in crisis as Gide and Hanson fell behind.

This also applies to large-scale missions.

Missions can be divided between each party, and if one party does not do its job, the other party may suffer damage. I needed a proper sub party that wouldn’t hold my ankle.

“Wouldn’t there be a lack of staff?”

“The Master will fill in for himself.”

The last car was chosen randomly, but there are principles for paid summons.

One can only hope that Amkena learns that.

After sending Edith back to the training center, I brought back the items I had prepared in my room. It was a round tube filled with long paper.

I said as I put it on the training ground.

“It’s a lot.”

“What kind of lottery is this?”

“Did I ever do anything bad to you? Follow me in silence.”

There are four swallows in the barrel. I painted the ends of the swallows with red and blue pens, respectively.

“I’m red. Edith’s blue.”

“Are you splitting the team with this?”

“Don’t be happy if you’re on my side, and don’t be disappointed if you’re on Edith’s side. It’s all the same anyway.”

When a strong sub-party is equipped, the Master will never treat that party carelessly. This is because it becomes as important as the main party.

Of course, the blown sub party is not cheap.

“Even if the guys who know how to fight like Edith are summoned, I’ll draw lots.

In that case, me and Edith pick them.” When the leaders of the main and sub-party select a hero to become a member, it is called a pick-me-up draft. Originally, it was a method used by veteran heroes worn out in the waiting room, but it is possible with me.

“Anyway, lots are drawn to decide the team!”

Jenna drew lots for the barrel without hesitation.

It was red.

“I was going to overturn it if it was blue,

but that’s good.

” “I don’t even need to pull out the rest.”


and Usher are blue. Their complexions darken. Edith sighs deeply. ”

You’re saying I ‘m

not trustworthy.”


“I know. can’t talk It hasn’t been long since we came here, and it’s all true.”

Looking at it objectively, the difference in power is huge, but it can’t

be helped. The set rules can’t be overturned.

“Today we’re disbanded here.”

The four of them left the training center. I said,



“If you don’t follow us, you’ll be abandoned

.” Because I saw it synthesized yesterday. don’t worry. I won’t lose.”

“It’s enough if you know. I won’t care, so you raise them on your own.”

“I will.”

I whispered in my mind as we headed to the dorm,

‘Part 1 me Jenna Aaron. Part 2 Edith Usher Deca.’

[Hero ‘Han( )’ proposes a fixed party!]

[‘Party 1’ plan]

[‘Han( )’ ‘Jenna( )’ ‘Aaron( )’]

[Plan ‘2nd party’]

[‘Edith( ★★★)’ ‘Usher (★★)’ ‘Dica ( )’]

[Tips/Sometimes a hero makes an offer like this. Accepting it is a master’s ability. Make a wise decision!]

I close the door and close the door. I went in. The message just now will be displayed when the master connects. As

a result, the offer

was accepted.

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