NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 264: The King Of The Regatos Town

Chapter 264: The King Of The Regatos Town

"I should change my plans."

Bloom stood in front of the central plaza where a store that sold the tickets stood in the opposite street.

"That increase in the ticket prices" he paused as he already amassed one hundred tickets to different towns before. "I should aim for the wealthiest places."

As he realized just now the more advanced the town was the higher the cost to move to it.

And as he was aiming to amass the gold coins in the shortest time possible he needed to start considering his options here.

After all he had to search for distant places, far away from here and away from each other so a pattern wouldn't be noticed.

"Welcome again," the NPC who he met before was standing there. "How can I serve you today?"

"I want to purchase the highest priced tickets," he said while adding, "do you have a list for that?"

"Sure," the NPC took out ten tickets where he landed them on the counter, "each one is considered a golden ticket in the market. Their towns are very prosperous and bustling with much activity compared to here," the NPC said as if he was acting as a propaganda man for these towns.

"How much?" Bloom asked.

"For which one?"

"All," Bloom said.

"Rich clients indeed are the best," the NPC laughed while Bloom exited his store.

"Five thousand gold coins for these ten tickets with the highest is equally the same as here," he muttered before adding, "I'm curious what makes this one on par with here."

He stored all but kept one in his hand. The name of the town, the Regotas town, was written on one side of it. "But I need to think about something first."

He turned around and found this wasn't the right place to consider this matter so he headed directly towards the main hotel in the town.

And as he suspected, he was closely followed.

"Strange," he softly muttered, "or they were sent just before the sudden rise in the ticket prices?" he couldn't tell and he never cared.

He rented a room and when he entered it he started to touch a special place on his body. "My goodluck tattoo I should put you in use again," he muttered while thinking so deeply about whom he should turn into.

He couldn't use his initial identity for now, and the old Sunny was also obsolete by the punishments he got from the curses.

He was pretty much sure he would meet a shrine caravan or couple of them during his upcoming assaults. So he didn't need to use an identity that could raise red flags to anyone.

"Should I use his identity?" he suddenly thought of Dockrey and the thought itself made him laugh. "That would be fun, but I will add more to his fame and that's not good in the long run."

Despite it being really fun, he ditched the idea and started to consider other people he once saw and met. "Why not use my true identity but on a fake one?" he suddenly thought before laughing, "that would be more interesting. Having a player with the same look as Bloom to do these attacks that would be much more hilarious."

Yet he finally chose a character of a middle aged man. He didn't think too much about it as he chose one that held some significance to him and others as well.

It was the CEO who supported him and was killed during the last assisanation. At least he thought this would be a stance showing his gratitude to him, and he hoped his soul would be content with his decision.

"Let's go then," after changing the shape of the man he used the ticket and the next moment he left the town and appeared in the plaza of another one.

Yet the moment he appeared he was attracted by many shining statues that were scattered all over the giant plaza.

"Damn! Is this a plaza or a palace throne hall?"

He stood there motionless while gazing at those golden statues. No one looked cheap and he was pretty sure that a single one of these pieces of art would be sold and solve his entire problem.

"Should I steal one then?" He seriously considered this as the temptation of these statues was really irresistible.

"Welcome to Regatos town."

This sudden voice greatly startled him as he turned fast to spot an NPC wearing a shining outfit and looked strangely like a clown in these unmatched colors of his clothes.

"I'm Andy, you can consider me the main one responsible for welcoming our guests," the NPC said before turning around, "pretty much amazing, right?"

Bloom didn't know if this NPC heard his thoughts before or not. "They are," he simply said.

"Our mayor is someone with great taste," the NPC said, "he loves to collect arts and antiques from everywhere. Pretty much obsessed with gathering anything rare and unique, but he also is famous for one more thing."

Bloom glanced in question and the man added:

"He doesn't tolerate any thief," the man said with a short laugh, "it's not a secret that to show up these beauties here he is too confident in his own security guards."

Bloom's heart fell in his feet as he was sure now this annoying NPC with that smug smile over his face already heard him from before.

"Now, you are warmly welcomed as a friend. I hope you won't cross your line and try to touch any of our rare items of our mayor or else"

The NPC turned to point to a large group of a hundred heavily armed NPCs walking in patrol around the plaza.

"I'll make sure not to cause any trouble at all," Bloom lied with a very innocent smile that would rival those of kids. "but I want to ask about something you just mentioned."

"What is it?" The NPC seemed not to believe Bloom's words while answering in a tone that showed how suspicious he was of him.

"You said your mayor loves rare items."

"Indeed, that's a given fact," Andy said like it was a known fact.

"Then what about things like this?" Bloom waved his hand and took out a scale of what he got from the last quest.

"This" the eyes of Andy narrowed in doubt before asking, "may I ask what a dirty piece of stone and dead meat is?"

"It's not stone and dead meat," Bloom calmly shook his head before storing the scale in his inventory, "it's a dragon scale, one that was killed long years ago."

The eyes of Andy widened as he controlled his excitement, "are you sure?" he said before hurriedly pausing as he recalled what he heard Bloom muttering softly from before, "y'know our mayor doesn't tolerate scammers."

"I'm telling the truth," Bloom simply shrugged, "but if you don't believe me then I have to go on my way and look for another one to value my scales."

"S- Scales?!!" Andy muttered in shock, "you have more like this scale?"

"All is available," Bloom cracked a wide smile, "but you need to show respect and appreciation first."

"My foolish eyes failed to recognize such a mighty and prestigious master the moment he stepped into our town I'm a damned man for not recognizing you lord."

The tone and attitude of Andy changed drastically but that didn't fool Bloom. "I mean money gold coins and treasures," Bloom coldly said with a sneer.

"Oh," the tone and attitude of Andy changed slightly, "then you have to come with me. We need to see our mayor."

"Lead the way."

Bloom simply followed the man to a big mansion that was literally on a size of four palaces together. "This is at least ten fold in size of Anna's mansion," he softly muttered and Andy ignored his remark.

During their walk here Bloom saw many statues and even paintings that looked fascinating. He didn't plan on doing anything with the rest of the dragon skeleton he had now but if he could gain a decent price for the scales then he wouldn't hesitate to sell some.

After all he had around a hundred of those scales stacked uselessly inside his inventory and only taking two slots there.

"We are here to see the king," Andy said when they reached the outer guard circle of the big mansion. Bloom noticed how this NPC called the mayor and he took note of it.

"He is quite busy," a guard harshly said, "what do you want him for? I'll deliver the message."

"I'm a potential seller of a great thing," Andy said in strange excitement.

"Really?" the guard shifted his eyes to Bloom, "this jerk?" the guard sneered and Bloom was enraged but he didn't speak or show it over his face.

"He" Andy felt disturbed instantly by this rude remark.

"Chill out buddy, he is a player," the guard said as if he was speaking about a beggar, "the higher the could bring is a piece of sh*t thinking it's a rare treasure."

The guards around laughed with him while Andy turned to glance with worried expression towards Bloom.

"Just give this thing to your mayor," Bloom decided to act, in the same way as he was treated, "if he wants more then he have to come and look for me," he turned to leave before adding, "he has to come alone, and not send anyone else or I would leave here and he will miss this opportunity forever."

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