NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 222: Book Two: Second Chapter: Waiting For The New Master

Chapter 222: Book Two: Second Chapter: Waiting For The New Master

"Boss the boys are all trusting you and all that but" a shield bearer stood in front of an assassin while hesitating to continue. Yet the assassin glanced at the group of hundred around before nodding for the shield bearer to continue.

"This our master just got killed not more than a week ago and now we are just changing colors simply like that?" the shield bearer said while his features told the assassin everything he was feeling.

"Don't worry, he isn't a stranger to us after all," the assassin calmly said in a deep tone, "he is a relative to our dead master, a man who is more cunning, far ruthless than you think."

"But" the shield bearer couldn't continue.

"I know he isn't our master," the assassin sighed, "we have to deal with facts and not with emotions."

"The boys understand that but the issue they are hesitating about is that feeling of betrayal haunting their minds," the shield bearer softly whispered while his eyes conveyed how much serious this was.

"Don't worry, we aren't betraying our dead master," the assassin said, "our new one pledged not to rest until he takes revenge over those bastards who killed our beloved master."

His voice wasn't loud but everyone around heard him perfectly fine. Their faces showed their deep struggle still alive deep their souls, and Antoan had to inwardly sigh.

This was the team he gathered and started the game under the strict orders of Bloom. He knew they had more faith in Bloom than the new master, especially considering the legends their dead master created here in a short time.

"Sigh, I hope you are right," the shield bearer said, "it's just too frustrating. Do you know that they mourned him only for three days? Only three f*cking days! He is Bloom, the mighty Bloom, the one who wrecked this game and thundered everyone here with his deeds."

Antoan knew how much enraged his men were. Since the accident and their grief turned into rage, desire for revenge. He didn't object on this, and frankly he also sympathized with what his men were feeling.

The game entered a darkness era and the one who caused it was the same man who showed every single player here how to overcome it. Now, the dark players with taming bows were hot cakes, and his revolutionary plans in using a leveler and an alamer became a sacred protocol for any team.

Despite that Only a few threads in the forums spoke about him and his legends and favors over everyone and there was one week passed since his death.

"I know it's a mind blowing reality, but what can we do about it?" Antoan sighed, "after all our master just passed away and we are the only ones here who still held him high in their hearts. At least we are bold enough to publicly announce our loyalty to him. That jerk who calls himself the king of the game isn't worth a thing in our eyes."

"If you just let us loose on him" the shield bearer's body trembled, "we can kill him in real life as a retaliation for what he committed against our boss."

"No, this is a suicidal act," Antoan firmly denied.

"We don't fear death," the shield bearer loudly said and everyone else just nodded.

"Neither do I, but I don't believe in foolishness," Antoan said while glancing over everyone as he added, "this solution is only for pussies. The kind of Dockrey and his kin would only lean to this, but us we are far more ruthless than that."

"Waiting is just too much for us boss," the shield bearer sighed, "we know your view is correct indeed. The best revenge isn't to kill that bastard, but to let him live and watch everything he tried so hard to achieve crumble in front of his eyes."

"This loss has a far sweeter taste than revenge than just killing him," Antoan nodded.

"But the boys need to vent some of their steam we need to do something to quench the burning desire inside us."

Antoan glanced at the shield bearer as he knew he was totally correct. He too wanted this, and he just hoped today he would have a good news to bring back for the boys for himself.

"Let's wait and see," he only stated, "our master is coming soon. Stay sharp and wipe this pathetic look over your faces. I don't want him to see a group of widows wailing over the loss of their man," he addressed everyone and as he just finished speaking, he spotted someone walking in firm steps towards their direction.

"He is here," the shield bearer muttered before he retreated and stood silently while their new master approached them.

He was tall, holding two swords over his back and two in his hands. He walked in such confidence that if the entire world tried to stop his steps it would fail.

The team watched him approaching them in silence while their eyes were trying to size up this new master of them.

They only watched him in the mansion of their old master once. He was strict, rarely spoke, and his eyes looked ruthless. However this was their first time meeting him in the game, and they only cared about his strength here.

They had the vision of their legendary master still vivid in their minds, and they thought no one would be able to shake it no matter who he was.

"How are the boys handling the death of their old master?"

The four sword wielder asked while he stood a distance away from everyone. The team surrounded the place for a mile around, so they would prevent anyone from preying on this fateful meeting.

"They" Antoan hesitated before sighing, "they are really devastated. Angry and impatient that's how they are."

"Expected," the sword wielder nodded, "I hope they use this energy in good use."

"They are waiting for the first assignment," Antoan said, "hopefully it won't be too long to have such one."

"They won't wait for long," the sword wielder said, "do you all turn into dark players or not yet?" he asked.

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