NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 206: The Ancient Skeleton Boss

Chapter 206: The Ancient Skeleton Boss

Bloom watched in silence while Jeffrey started to address in some nervousness and seriousness the old players of the team. He simply rested for twenty minutes before checking the forums again.

There he found many replies already on the post. Some mocked him, while others insulted his arrogance but most were speaking praises about his bravery and asking even to join his team.

"It seems having more players in my future guild won't be that hard," he muttered to himself before checking over the other forum posts.

He found a couple more threads posted by many game teams and unofficial guilds. He checked them rapidly to see they announced their intention in clearing dungeons.

"Be my guest then," he smirked before closing the forums and headed towards the corridor. "Let's go, we have to clear two halls in one go," he waved his hand to Nara and Jeffrey who started to rally up the team.

The next halls were cleared slightly faster and with less losses than the first ones. His team were now more experienced at killing these skeletons, and they weren't as frightened as before.

They cleared two halls in one go, and then rested for twenty to thirty minutes to replenish their lost stamina and magic power. As they got closer to the last hall, Bloom had one question in his mind.

"What do you think the boss monster here would be like?" Nara asked this question while they were resting after clearing the seventh hall.

"It should be a much higher form of skeleton," he simply muttered before glancing over the place of the destroyed portal. "This little thing is getting harder to deal with."

The seventh portal had its supreme skill activated when Hp decreased by more than eighty percent. "It was lucky the second hall won't attract monsters," Nara said.

"But the next one will be harder," he sighed, "it will instantly activate the supreme skill and we will have to face the skeleton wrath for most of the time."

"I doubt this would be a problem for you," Nara winked.

"The stamina is a problem."

"Not with someone who just gave us a hundred potions," she laughed as she referred to the potions he promised to give and he fulfilled his promise just after clearing up this hall.

"Sigh, I told you I have depleted most of my storage on you," he rolled up his eyes.

"Sure sure, I'm quite positive of that," she nodded while softly chuckling on his obvious lie.

"What do you think about the final reward of these dungeons?" she asked again and like each time he simply answered:

"Can't tell until we clear this one."

"Will we have a game announcement?" she asked with a glow in her eyes, "this would be awesome. I heard the announcements of your previous team, and it would be amazing to hear the announcement of my team."

He glanced silently at her while she cleared up her throat and muttered, "sorry, old habit, your team."

"That's better," he laughed before adding, "tell me, when we finish off this dungeon will  you go out with me on a date then?"

"In your dreams."

"But you once agreed."

"I told you," she playfully laughed, "I already have two lovers."

"But you don't love any of them, right?" he said like he was sure of his words.

"Dare to bet?" she simply said while standing off, "c'mon big lion, let's go and clear this dungeon first."

"Then it's a date, right?"

"Keep dreaming," she laughed while he only glanced at her back while inwardly sneering. 'Either here or out there you will be mine in the end,' he muttered to himself before standing at the corridor linking to the next hall before waiting for other members to assemble.

The next hall was as challenging as he imagined. The pressure exerted most on his front as he had to deal with a very long wave of attacks coming from the next hall skeletons.

Despite that he managed to withstand and hold the corridor until the portal was smashed. His number of pets were hanging up and down, and at the end of hall eight he only had around thirty.

"I need to make sure to turn all the skeletons inside into my pets," he said while moving towards the ninth hall, "I don't guarantee the boss monster will be easily crushed by me."

The moment he entered the ninth hall he started using his bow without any reserve. In the end he managed to increase the number of his pets from the initial thirty to one hundred.

"I hope these are enough," he muttered before glancing at the portal and his team members were assaulting it. "I'm curious about the next boss," he turned to glance at the corridor while sighing.

He wanted to go there and see by himself, but he wasn't sure if this would cause a chain reaction or something. "Better to wait for things here to be settled first."

He wasn't in the mood to join the fight as he turned to a corner and rested there.

The forums were going into uproar as the news of many teams' wipe out started to be spread around the game. He read many threads speaking about the losses of many teams, and in the end he had only to smile.

"I told you," he shortly laughed, ""no one can beat me in this until you find a replacement to my bow."

He knew the bow wasn't something unique to him, as he bought it from the auction house before and others could do it.

The main problem would be in the shortage of the dark points for those dark players. This was still so early in the game, and players' levels were just low.

Not many dark players would be strong or fool enough to go all out and raid caravans or kill NPCs like he did. "I wonder what quests they got," he thought before shaking off his head.

"If they can amass enough points then they can buy a bow or two and start selling them in the dark by astronomical prices," he knew this would take some time and those players would ask for real life advantages in return for the bows.

"That means I have only a short window here," he glanced again at the final boss hall, "and that will only depend entirely on the reward of clearing this dungeon."

He didn't have to wait for long before the team finally cracked the last portal and started to rest.

"Good thing to sit back and let your girl fight for you, right?" Nara came panting while sitting beside him.

"Oh, since when you were my girl?" he laughed while pointing to the damaged portal, "it's chick work so I left it for chicks like you."

"Really?" she glanced at him while he simply shrugged. "You asked me for a date and now not considering me your girl that's lame."

"You never said yes," he winked and she chuckled. "In your dreams."

Both laughed before he stood up all of sudden. "Where are you going?" she asked as she saw him turning towards the corridor.

"I want to take a glimpse about that mysterious boss."

"Wait," she suddenly stood up and went after him, "let me see it with you."

"You need rest."

"So do you."

"I already took mine," he turned to her while they both were inside the corridor, "go back and rest."

She didn't answer as she kept following him which made him shake his head helplessly and continue walking forward.

He tried not to cause any sound and when he reached the opening of the final hall, he waited for a minute there while Nara was holding her breaths.

'No sound at all,' she sent to him privately.'

'Won't there be a boss here?'  he sent back while trying to crack a joke.

'Or it might be just sleeping.'

'I'll try to take a rapid glance then,' he moved slowly and tried to see the interior of the hall.

Compared with the past halls, this one was at least five folds in size. The halls of these dungeons were all vast, and this one made him feel they were small.

'See anything?' she sent and he didn't hurriedly answer until he spotted the monster.

"What the hell?" he couldn't hold his surprise to see such a small skeleton with a tattered grey cap and an ancient looking crown with no single jewel there except one in the middle. And it looked dusty and about to crack and fall.

"Let me see," she whispered as she pushed her head inside the hall and took a glimpse over the weak shape of that ancient looking skeleton. "Is that a crown? Is he a king?"

Just as he was about to answer her with a shrug, the skeleton sitting on a slightly higher pile of rocks than the ground had its eye sockets shine with green light all of a sudden.

"Damn, you woke him up," Bloom cursed before turning around and added, "retreat."


But the next response he got was for his body to fly in the air by hidden force and hit the wall massively before falling on the ground with much pain all over his body.


"Damn, that hurt like hell," he cursed again before hearing another thud and the body of Nara lied just next to him while her eyes turned grey in the next instant.

"Damn! Insta kills with one glance! That's OP!!" he instantly moved from his place while feeling his leg wasn't fine. However it wasn't time for him to check on it, he needed to take cover and assess things here.

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