NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 200: Trying to Clean Some Spies

Chapter 200: Trying to Clean Some Spies

Bloom then kept checking the videos for another three hours before finally Nara sent him. 'We are ready.'

'Where are you?'

'Heading towards your restaurant.'

'Good, come up then,' he planned to first know the new members first before finalizing his plans. As he waited for ten minutes for them to come, he checked more recent videos regarding the fight with skeletons.

Players were trying everywhere to smash these monsters, but so far no one managed to crack the mystery behind this.

The best they did was to use numbers and try to kill fewer number monsters. Some even started a record thread which was pinned in no time and it started to be the official thread amidst all this chaos.

The highest record went to a studio called Kings of blades. Bloom didn't hear about such names before, but he was pretty sure they were such a strong existence in the world of games.

They managed to kill ten monsters so far, all were zombies. The second best belonged to an unofficial guild which went by the name: Trispos. Trispos managed to kill six demons so far.

The list contained so far only less than fifty teams in the entire game, and most had only killed three or less monsters.

"Let's aim higher," Bloom smirked before closing the forums, "I plan to be the first to hit the club of hundred."

He glanced at Nara, the group of almost forty players standing behind her. "They are less than I expected," he said.

"C'mon, it's not easy to find all of them y'know," she didn't accept his comment as she crossed her arms while adding, "if you have any objection, then feel free to go ahead and recruit more and good luck at that."

Bloom smiled while not focusing on this matter. If he wanted more, he could simply write a post in the forums.

But he realized this wasn't the best idea ever. After all the entire game was hyped up and if he just expressed his plans he wouldn't guarantee for envious rivals to step in with great numbers and try to disturb his plans.

Or worse they might send in spies who would shake the trust he had in the new team.

"Alright, tell me everything about your skills," he leaned back on his seat before a female player suddenly jumped amidst everyone and strangely she hugged him.

"Oh god, it's my dream to play with you my own legend."


Bloom was really shocked by this move. He wryly smiled while trying to gently push the girl away but she held him tighter.

"Please, let me enjoy your masculine body for a moment," she pleaded and he didn't know what to do but to glance at Nara.

And Nara was on fire, literally on fire at the current moment.

"Alright, that's enough," this time he used some force to break free from her. She was a real beauty, petite body and face with long curved golden hair strands covering parts of her face and eyes.

"Please one more hug," she even had tears in her eyes but he just pushed her as he softly muttered, "this is for your own good."

She didn't get the nearby panther that was about to jump over and tear her apart. "Ahem," he cleared his throat before adding, "say everything you can do and do it fast," he glanced at the nearby loli as he added, "and don't do anything surprising, alright?"

The next hour he kept hearing each one's skills and habits in the fight. He sometimes asked about some stats, Int and others, to make sure he got what these players were trying to convey.

At the end, he felt he was greatly mistaken to ask them to do that. "Sigh, it's basically you all share the same set of skills, the two Nara shared with me before, plus the basic healing skills. You can easily sum this up and save this time," he shook his head while inwardly adding, 'and saved me all this headache.'

"You are the one who asked for that by the way," Nara was still mad at him, despite he didn't do anything and was the victim here.

He sighed while recalling his beautiful dolls. 'If she saw them, I bet she would eat them and me alive, hehehe.'

"What are you going to do now?" Jeffrey said before pointing towards everyone, "now we have a team of ninety players, mostly are light daughters and dash skill users. Can you please unveil this mystery for me? For us?"

Bloom cracked a wide smile over his face while he pointed towards the direction of the village gate and said, "we will go out there" and he paused.

"And?" Nara demanded for more, "C'mon, don't say part and keep the most interesting part off like that!"

He laughed, "Sigh, you don't appreciate suspense."


Everyone glanced silently at him while he only laughed. "We will go out there and raid a dungeon."

"D- What the hell does this have with the players we got?! The monsters that are threatening everyone?!!"

Nara had her both eyeballs bulging out their sockets while shouting at him like that. He only kept his calm while adding in cold blood:

"We will go and hit a dungeon that belongs to these monsters."

Nara glanced at Jeffrey and the latter seemed to read her mind as he shook his head the next instant and said: "There is no such info at all about these monsters or any other type of monsters."

"See?" she turned to him as she had such a funny glance at her face, "these are wilderness monsters, not some dungeon monsters!"

"Wrong," he simply answered before adding, "you don't need me to explain anything to you. Soon you will be able to see everything for yourselves. Now it's time for me to explain far more important things," he said while totally ignoring the glaring glances Nara kept sending towards him.

"First these monsters are very vulnerable to purification skills."

"Is this only for these monsters or the other types as well?" one of the dash skill players asked. He was a tanker, someone holding two huge shields.

"I don't know that yet," Bloom answered as he was pretty much sure some eyes of other groups and guilds might be inside this new batch. "and even this theory of mine is still untested," he added.

"T- Theory?" one light daughter player exclaimed in shock before she angrily turned around, "I thought you are pretty serious about this. I'm leaving."

"Me too."

"And me."

Amongst the forty players who appeared here first, five took the initiative and moved away. Nara moved her eyes between them and Bloom who was still sitting calmly in his seat. "Are we just going to let them leave like this?" she suddenly shouted before adding, "we wasted so much time and effort just to recruit them."

"Just leave them be," yet Bloom wasn't fazed by her words.


'They are spies,' he simply sent to her, and his brief message silenced her and let her swallow what she wanted to throw at his face. 'And there might be other eyes here.'

'Well' she sent and paused before taking a deep breath, 'we didn't check all of their backgrounds yet,' she admitted the truth.

'Expected,' he sent before adding, 'now it's not the time to speak loudly about such things. Ah, stop picking up a fight with me at each corner. Have more trust in me, will you?'

His sentence was met by another glaring look from her, but she didn't say anything more or sent any message in return.

"Now," Bloom clapped his hands all of sudden, "we will go to the dungeon and start raiding it."

Everyone, including Nara and Jeffrey, exchanged silent glances before they helplessly moved before Bloom. Jeffrey seemed to be about to explode, but he didn't open his mouth or speak a single word at all.

'Nara is very efficient in relaying news,' Bloom thought to himself, 'she would act best as my vice from now on.'

Despite she was his vice from the start, he never thought to truly depend on her. He only handed some dirty work to her and Jeffrey, but as their team was getting bigger in time, he would need to give her real authority.

'Plus in the near future all of this will also belong to her as madam Bloom, hehehe,' he evilly laughed while his face showed a faint smile that made everyone interpret differently.

Yet most thought this was a sign on him turning crazy.

The team left towards the village gate. Despite Bloom being already famous, no one stopped or glanced at him longer for a few moments.

The village was under total chaos and no one had the mood to admire or glare in envy and hatred towards him.

'Won't you tell me what all this is about?' Nara suddenly sent to him.

'In time,' he sent back, 'this is a thing I'd love to see its impact directly on your pretty face.'

'Tsk, a lion flirting while leading his pack to be defeated,' she teased him.

'Don't hurry to judge,' Bloom laughed before sending again, 'this lion here might flirt and play with his lioness at the end of this day.'

She turned sharply to him while her both eyes were burning with slight anger and her face was red with embarrassment.

And he simply winked and said nothing to her while she turned around and kept her gaze straight on the road.

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