Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 264: The Invitation (IX): Suspicious

Chapter 264: The Invitation (IX): Suspicious

There was a silence, but then again that was expected. The king of Morte Bianca and his soon to be bride was gorgeous. Their clothes, the poise with which they held themselves, and the fact that there was undead Mole-man in uniform just couldn't escape their attention. Safe to say Rezar and his people made the impression that they wanted and it was perfect. The snow elf queen plastered a wide smile on her face as she moved forwards, Rezar and Lenore moved ahead hand in hand until they met the Queen, small smiles also etched on their faces.

"Welcome! I have to say that I have been looking forward to this meeting King Rezar, of all the new wonders of the our new reality, you're the most enigmatic. It is a pleasure to meet you." She was polite, too polite that it actually caught Rezar off guard. But then again she couldn't exactly start yelling at him or show any sort of animosity. What really rubbed him off was the fact that her words seemed..sincere.

"Well I've also been meaning to come visit the snow elves for a long time now, but every time I've attempted to make that journey or plan for it, something's or some threat will come up that I'd have to deal with. Honestly I'm really happy that I can finally indulge my wanderlust and visit the snow elf Kingdom." Rezar responded with a smile.

"And Pray tell your Majesty, how has the experience been so far? Was it everything you expected?" the queen asked as she took Lenore's hands in her own in some form of greeting.

"It's been much more, I can happily say that Sillomere did not disappoint."

"I'm happy to hear that, now enough with the small talk. It's freezing out here, so please come in to warmth, you're the last of the dignitaries to arrive, and it's a good thing you came when you did. The banquet would be held this evening, and it would double as a welcoming party for you and the other rulers. After all it's not everyday the ruling powers of the Bahrenburg wildlands can be amicably gathered in one place.

And I'm sure you and I have a lot of personal discussions, so I'll let you guys rest. Let's have lunch together, let's say in about 2 hours? That should be enough time for you to have rested from your long journey and to build up an appetite for our snow elfin cuisines. Is that agreeable with you your majesties?" the snow elf queen asked as she led Rezar and the rest of his entourage into the massive building behind her.

"That works fine for us your Majesty, lunch would be just fine in two hours."

Lenore spoke up so as not to be relegated to a simple arm candy. The snow elf queen nodded and let them into the building, describing a lot of things to them and telling them stories about the snow elf kingdom. Rezar paid close attention, this might be Information that was already commonly known, but hearing it from the mouth of the ruling monarch itself was enough to give Rezar a few clues and hints about how to deal with the snow elves.

For example the snow elf kingdom has-been standing for 10 generations, with each generation being calculated as 30 years apart. Which means the kingdom itself has been established for 300 years with a few extra on top of it. It was ruled by a Queen, the rules of ascension says that only females can ascend the throne, and should there be only a prince, he would serve as a regent until he has a daughter of his own, who will then own the throne once she comes of age.

But ultimately Elysium used to be a world where anything can be achieved if you had the right tools, in a way it was still such a word. So having a skill, or equipment that could help guarantee that any given pregnancy resulted in a female was something that was not beyond the scope and reach of the snow elf kingdom. And with the way the Queen explained it; it seems such was the case and they had a way to guarantee that there's always a princess or two born every generation.

It seems females were highly valued within the snow elf territory, it wasn't as if the were ruling with an iron fist or were some weird nation of Amazonians without a single man in sight. However it's obvious females were the dominant gender here. But even with all of the amicable tour Rezar knew there was already bad blood between him and the snow elf royal family. Technically speaking, the niece of the queen had fallen at his hands when he completed the great plain games, slaughtering hundreds if not thousands of orcs at a spot to become king of the horde. And her niece, was the half orc-half snow elf daughter of the orcs main contender.

It was no secret that he was responsible for a lot of deaths, and this would definitely come up later, one way or the other. So he couldn't buy this calm your guide persona of the queen. He knew there was something coming, who or what it was still remained to be seen, but never the less he would be keeping his guard up, no matter how sincere the snow elf queen might seem. It didn't take long before she led them to a floor of the building set aside for his entourage. It had everything they could possibly want, from personal kitchens, study, a pool, and rooms for everyone. It was like house all on it's own, and while it was quite nice, Rezar realized just how isolated and controlled the environment was.

Everything they could possibly need was provided for them, obviously they didn't want anybody snooping around their ice cream cone castle. But nevertheless the lunch date in a few hours would be one a astute observations and startling revelations. There would be no posturing or courtesy calls, the grit and hit between Morte Bianca and Sillomere would be tabled for all to see, and Rezar knew it might end up BLOODY!

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