Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 255: Her Schemes

Chapter 255: Her Schemes

Rezar looked at the sea as he sat cross legged on the beach, not at all worried for is image as a king. The island of the storm dragon could be seen in the distance along with the land bridge that connected the island to Morte Bianca. She was located south west, while north west was the temple of death. Ever since that temple had been built Rezar hadn't even had the time to go see what it looked like, honestly speaking it was probably because he was avoiding the place, and he wasn't sure why. Or rather it wasn't that he was avoiding the place, it would better to explain as he was avoiding someone instead. But be that as it may, there was a person he couldn't avoid and she was standing right behind him.

"What do you want Gynaika?" Rezar asked as he kept his gaze on the sea, appreciating the way the tides seemed to ebb and flow and crash against the shores. Gynaika didn't say anything as she instead took a seat beside him, her hair softly rustling under the soft assault of the ocean breeze.

"I get the feeling you're angry at me?" she said to him, using that to open the conversation. Rezar looked at her for a good minute contemplating what to say to her. If it was someone else, they would probably start getting really uncomfortable under Rezar's gaze, but Gynaika was made of sturdier stuff and had a backbone most people could only ever wish to have. Rezar wasn't sure how to handle her, she was just too conniving and he wondered if he should meet her head to head at her game. The only problem was that he wasn't so sure that he would be able to outmaneuver her in this game of politics.

But then again he was the king, and this was his kingdom. Sure a little subterfuge would be required when dealing with Gynaika as her ambitious appetite has gotten really large, he needed to find a way to control her but that doesn't seem like it would be easy. But even so, he didn't think it was required that he sneaked around like a rat trying to keep a tight grasp on his power, at the very least not in front of her or when he was dealing with her. He didn't have to tell her anything, bit at least he could be straightforward and not have to pick his words and expression around her. He was the king! he would not be cowered into acting like a meek little bitch because of Gynaika and her ambitious appetite.

"You're scheming a little too much 'Queen in Waiting!" which is funny cause I don't see any reason for you to go after so much power, not unless you're trying to take my throne away from me. But you can't be that stupid can you? I made you a vampire, and because of that I can just as easily unmake you with a thought.

Pace yourself Gynaika, or I'll make sure everything you have now ad everything you're aiming to go will vanish in the blink of an eye. Of all the people around me you're the person I trust the least. I disappear for three months and you try to take over my kingdom, I get the feeling that if Lenore was not here to keep a watch on you, things would have been a whole lot worse. Which begs the question; why are you so desperate for power little vampire?" Rezar asked her as he turned to look at her, ignoring the scent of shock that seemed to waft off her body.

"Rezar I..."

"Until you've taken your vows to me and shared my bed, my name will remain to you as Your Majesty! Don't make that mistake again." Rezar said to her as he narrowed his eyes in annoyance, but given Gynaika's gritting teeth, obviously she was in a worse mood than he was.

"If you wanted absolute power then you should never have followed me, in fact you should never have decided to follow anybody at all. You decided to ride on my coat tails as a way to gain ultimate power, your gift of divination helps you in that regard that you can see the things I can or could achieve before they happen. However, does it show you when I get annoyed enough to rip your head off your shoulders? You belong to me now, and not just due to the fact that my blood runs through your veins, but because I say so.

If you want power, you really wanted power then you should have made me more powerful. I can trust you Gynaika, your just too dishonest. Not that I are much for honesty, but you are one of the people that are around me, and above all you are the first person I turned into a vampire! You! Should be the person closest to me! But you're a bitch only concerned about making herself more power and reaping from a foundation she did not sow. You have done much for Necron and Morte Bianca as a whole, the people love you; and that's the reason why you're still alive. But for your own sake, I do implore you to curb your fucking ambitions and stop going after what you know should be mine, I'm not going to be living in a kingdom or a world where I would have to be dragging power with my own queen! Turn your appetite outside. The stronger I am the stronger you are.

If you're going to serve then serve well and to the best of your abilities, but if you feel me being the only one with sole power in Morte Bianca is wrong, then leave. As thanks for everything you've done, I won't hunt you down and id let you start over somewhere else where you can be happy and have as much power as you can possibly have, but not in my kingdom! Think long and hard about your next step Gynaika, I grow weary of your schemes, and you of all people should know how I am to things or people who displease me."

Rezar didn't say anything else as he turned his gaze back to the sea, Gynaika remained sitting there, not because she wanted to, but because there wasn't much of a choice. The people had gathered to watch the King and the Queen in Waiting sit side by side to watch the ambience and beauty of the ocean at night. She had to keep up appearance and more than that, she still had so much to say to him. But in the end even with her heart and mind in turmoil she knew there wasn't much she could say to him. And then she realized she had seen him in just the same manner his enemies had, that he was just a kid, and now just like them, she was probably going to pay for it.

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