Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 252: Report 2

Chapter 252: Report 2

The suggestion of rethinking his life choices was one Alistair was all too happy to take. He had no idea what he was even thinking, Morte Bianca was barely even five or six months old, yet he was already making political alliances and power moves. Sure the civilization itself was rapidly coming into being with all of the advancements that he and his people have been able to implement, but honestly speaking if it wasn't for Rezar's strength and all of the things he had accomplished, they would never have been able to achieve anything like this. It was his strength, his abilities and his victories that had really served as a foundation of the formation of everything they've built and were still building.

Alistair couldn't help but curse at himself, he has been hanging around Gynaika a little too much that her constant need to scheme, plot and outmaneuver everyone around her had rubbed off on him. Honestly speaking there was no need for schemes, as far as he knew, King Rezar would keep his promise to marry her, even if it turns out the king was somewhat promiscuous in his way of doing things. A dozen wives and concubines or more, Gynaika would still be queen. Yet she was gathering talents and making moves that would even give her more power than the king himself. and even if he had come to his senses and realized that it would be better if he just remained the valuable little scientist and assistant; he knew that without Priest around to give Rezar direction, Gynaika might actually get her way and be more powerful than the very person who owned the kingdom.

But there's still a curve ball to this.

Alistair saw a different part of Rezar today, not the kind that threatened to murder him if he keeps laying at the feet of Gynaika. Rezar loves to threaten things, but downside to that is that people who don't listen always end up becoming his food or the next entry into his gorily murdered art collection. Rezar knew Gynaika was playing a game, in fact Alistair suspected that he has always known and just kept quiet, playing the nave young king who just had too much power than he knew what to do with. But he knew, this bloody king knew all along.

"So basically you're telling me the second place I have to be is at the opening of the 'Deathwind National Academy'. A school that would be responsible for bringing up the next generations of leaders. The opening is today, and you didn't tell me until today, and let me guess, all of the staff positions have been filled. There's over a thousand kids off all ages, some with parents and some without waiting for my presence at the venue, where Gynaika is currently officiating the opening ceremony. You both thought I would reject the invitation didn't you?" Rezar asked as he gave Alistair a pointed look, who at that point felt the tip of his toes grow cold. all he could do was nod.

"She's smart, but honestly she's not that smart. Does she have any contingencies in place on the instance that I actually find out what she was doing?" Rezar asked as he leaned back on his chair and narrowed his eyes at Alistair, forcing the Muriel elf to choke on his own saliva.

"the only she says is that there's a promise between the two of you, and that it's that promise that's her guarantee." Alistair answered to which Rezar only said.

"A promise indeed!"

Alistair got the feeling he had really pissed off the king of one of the fastest growing civilization in all of Elysium history. He was worried, because an angry Rezar is an erratic Rezar. He might not have fear or love in his heart, but he had lots of anger, way more than he even knew what to do with. And at this moment it was his life's choice to completely try and stay away from the direction of that anger. Rezar suddenly got up from his seat and sped up to the front of Alistair, all of his movements were a blur and Alistair couldn't help the startled shriek that flew out of his mouth as he took a few steps back and tripped over a stack of documents.

"Get me Lenore, and quietly start a rumor that the king has decided to take Lenore as his first wife. She would be queen of all Morte Bianca, since it's a rumor I need you embellish it as much as you can okay? Good now you'll need to clean up the mess you made in my office, and then...wait! that special project I asked you to take care of...did you do it, and better yet does she know about it?" Rezar asked, this time his eyes going from their blue shades to an intense blood red spectrum. Alistair was very afraid, but he also couldn't lie to those eyes.

"The Sanctuary as you called it is currently undergoing it's finishing touches and having a few upgrades to pre-existing installations. She has been suspicious that there was something secret you and I have been up to, she's not found out yet, but it was her hunt for the secret that brought her to me in the first place before she succeeded in convincing me to back her up." Rezar nodded his head and rubbed under his bare chin before saying.

"Hurry it up and make sure she doesn't find out about it or I'm going to kill you. Now if you would excuse me, I have an opening ceremony to crash, and an upstart bitch to put in her place. Do have a nice day Alistair." And with that said Rezar jumped out the window of his office, which was situated at the top floor of a building 50 stories high. Alistair wasn't worried about the King, but himself and the fact that there was now a need to change the clothes he wore to work today, Rezar really was as unpredictable as he had come to know.

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