Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 249: The Plains Of Revere 7

Chapter 249: The Plains Of Revere 7

The aftermath of the battle was a somber affair, there were no losses on the side of the Biancans, but they were tired. Even the orcs amongst them were exhausted from the amount of bloodshed they had seen. It has been a rough three months of constant battles, many brothers and sisters had fallen from the numerous invasions happening at the borders, this was the final hurdle, but even they knew it wasn't over yet. The enemy just lost a battle, and not a war, and it was the way of kings to go to war, there was no way Rezar would not want retaliation for what had happened here, no king would stand for such disrespect.

But no one was saying it, no one wanted to be the one to tell their king that three months of constant battle had taken its toll, they had given so much, and quite frankly at the moment there wasn't much that they could give again. Maybe after a few months, then they would be ready to fight. But at the moment they needed time, they had to rest and mourn what they had lost and go back home to the families they left behind and rest in their embrace for a bit. It wasn't as if they weren't happy about their victory, they've done so much, achieved so much as Biancans than they would have ever achieved with what they once belonged to. But war really does take its toll.

"You all have done well!" his voice seemed to echo across the entire battlefield, his familiar had placed him on a hill where he could be properly seen. From where he was standing he could look over the entire battlefield, even to the great western sea beyond the plains where ships of the enemies lay burning. The sun was setting and its rays seemed to bath and envelope him in a light that seemed almost divine, and for a child of Darkness (Literally!) this was quite an irony. They had no idea what he was about to say, but many of them who understood the way of kings were worried and apprehensive. What was to come now?

"I can see it in your eyes, you're all are tired. But I'm pretty sure you all know that this isn't over, they started this fight and they brought it to our doorstep, it's not in our nature to not pay back blood for blood. But I see it in your eyes, you all are weary, you all long for the warmth of your homes and embrace of your loved ones. I grant it to you all, take as long as you need to rest, I shall stand guard over you all, and when you're ready, we wipe those who think themselves worthy to be our opponents off the face of Elysium for good! Are you with me!"


Rezar smiled at their response, he could see the toll the war had taken on them, and honestly speaking he wanted them to march after the fleeing Reverian army, but Lenore had given him the council and told him to pump the brakes a bit. And he had to take her advice because no one knew these soldiers better than their own general. And as a good king, well in his own opinion of what a good king is supposed to be like, he should at the very least be able to listen to his first general. Besides with Priest missing Lenore was now the person whose council he trusted the most, and given how little he trusted, that was actually saying something to say that Lenore actually has a bit of that trust in his heart.

But then again Rezar's heart was a complicated place to be in. he shook his head as he took a step back, watching over his soldiers as their spirits was lifted. They cleaned the battle a little faster and with a little extra pep in their steps as they did so. Rezar shook his head, the atmosphere seemed a lot more peaceful now, especially with the setting sun dipping in to the sea at the edge of the horizon. But Rezar knew this wasn't over, there was still a storm brewing in the horizon, and he along with his people had to be ready.

"we've had a few interesting days' master; do you think it's a good idea to not chase after the Reverians?" Valka asked as he laid down besides Rezar as he watched the sun set.

"No I don't think it's a good idea, but this fight no longer belongs to the battlefield or to the soldiers in the valley below. Now we have to take the fight to the shadows, the Reverians and the Dustin Crowe merchant company have incurred significant losses and there would not be doing anything as stupid as meeting us face to face on a battlefield. But they wouldn't stop, because they know we will be coming for them, it's not in our nature to be bitten by wild dogs and then we'll keep quiet about it.

There are many other ways to end them, and I'm pretty sure we all can come up with a dozen different ways to fuck them up. Regardless I need more information about the people we're dealing with, and then it would be left to see just how well they can dance in the shadows. But while that is going on I will have to be the king my people needs me to be. I have to make deals, attend banquets, develop my territory and probably get a queen or two. But make no mistakes Valka we are currently at war, Morte Bianca and every other power or force that think they can take what belongs to us. And like every obstacle that we've face before until now, We're going to win." Valka nodded his head as he got up to his full height before turning to his master.

"Well then I guess it's about time I go back to sleep, but before I go master, what will you call this place, this battlefield?"

"Let's just call it anything! We'll call it the plains of Revere! It's the least we can do, after all its their blood that's now soaking its soil, their very own Graveyard!"

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