Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 243: The Plains Of Revere 1

Chapter 243: The Plains Of Revere 1

Rezar quickly got on Varka's back as the lion took to the sky, his massive bulk painting an imposing image as a massive shadow seemed to stretch across the entire battlefield. If the roar did not drag their attention, which it most certainly did, then Rezar landing in the middle of the battlefield, making an entrance that was for all intents and purposes as epic as he wanted it to be.

The opposing army was not as well decked out like the Biancans. They looked like the kind of army a guild of players would have, mismatched armors and weapons and a haphazard formation, Rezar didn't need to think too much to know that his people would tear into them without remorse and without mercy, it would be a slaughter.

Rezar was wearing a tattered cloak that covered his body leaving only his head visible, and even with that his head was wrapped with a red bandana that quite a few people from his side recognized as not a red bandanna, but a blood soaked clothe wrapped around his head. he looked nothing like the king a lot of people thought he was, but even if he didn't look like a king, he looked every bit the monster they've all envisioned him to be, and his appearance brought some much needed change to the stalemate of the battlefield. He looked up at them, silence extremely pervasive and loud in its own right, enabling his voice to reach them.

The wind howled as the sound of the sea crashing against rocks were heard, the squalls, the cries of sea birds, and the very way the wind seemed to move was a creating an extremely tense environment that Rezar was wholeheartedly taking advantage of. He turned to face his own army, his eyes locking with Lenore's as she walked out from within his own army walking towards him, he turned to face the army in front of him, taking in their shabby formations and poor equipment. Rezar doubted anyone of them had even reached Bronze Rank II. Sure it might have been three long months if not more since the rejuvenation, which means by now a lot of people would have discovered their path to strength like the Biancans did with the [13 Dragon Pulse] skill tree. But they had too much of a head start and proper foundation for anyone of them to be able to fully catch up to them.

"I don't like repeating myself, so I'll only say this once.... Get the fuck off my land and out of my kingdom, or ill paint the lands with your blood from here all the way to your children's bedrooms!" Rezar didn't scream, using a soft spoken voice that was gradually breaking with the advent of maturity and adulthood, but even as juvenile as he sounded, his words still hit with the force of a punch to the gut.

He was still being judged based on his previous trait of being the son of death or the fact he was still a necromancer. He didn't much care for how or why they saw him like that, but being evil was definitely something they could all rally behind. And as crazy as it might sound, Rezar liked it that way. If he was asked a question; to be loved of feared which would he prefer, it would be a tough question to answer seeing Rezar has no idea what those two emotions felt like. But ultimately, he would say he wanted them both. He has seen the effect of fear in the eyes of his enemy and have seen the devotion love could bring, if there was ever any need for it, he would prefer to have his people love him and his enemies fear him.

Rezar looked on as a man walked out from within the army of Revere, he was well armored in a golden plate mail that seemed to gleam with an ethereal light. Rezar wondered if this was the king of this rabble of people, the one responsible for painting him as an evil devil, using him as a rallying cry to get his people to march into Morte Bianca like the very soon to be dead cattle that they were. The man had a proud look on his face, he was mounted on a white stallion with swirls of golden yellow tattoos on its coat. All in all, he looked like the valiant hero ready to slay the evil King of the dead. That would play out well into a very nice legend for the generations to come, but then again Rezar knew one thing, and that was the fact that history was written by the victors.

"I am first general Slade of Revere, and in the name of all that's Good and Just! I ask you to surrender yourselves to the mercy of my illustrious kingdom. I assure you that your people will be spared, so for once in your life, do the right thing and put an end to tyranny and reign of darkness! Because one way or another evil King of Morte Bianca! You will fall today!" Rezar didn't understand why this guy was screaming, was it even necessary? But seeing how his rabble of an army were screaming and giving out a charged cry of their own, Rezar understood why he was using all those crappy words.

"It's amazing what the world has painted me like in just three months of not being around to shut the mouths of a couple of idiots. You obviously came here for a fight, and by Darkness you will have it. However, my people have spent the last few months dealing with pests and roaches trying to get into a land they do not deserve, and using stupid self-serving bullshit like justice to cover up for their, all-encompassing greed. I'm not 5 and am definitely not the slew of idiots you have behind you screaming like a rabble of wild dogs in heat and with nothing better to do.

So I'll give you an easier option, fight me in one on one combat, it would be a fight to the death, and if you can beat me, my people will surrender to you without a fight and all of Morte Bianca in all its glory would be yours."

"Your Majesty!" Lenore called out in shock, but a raised hand from Rezar had shut her up as she took her place behind him. Rezar didn't shift his gaze from the eyes of the first general of Revere, but unsurprisingly, the man could not hold his gaze.

"And why would I do that! You and your army are just as evil and we have the advantage! We will end your scourge before it spreads all over the rest of this beloved land. Charge!!!" Rezar gave an exasperated sigh as he turned to annoyed looking Lenore before saying to her.

"Kill them all."

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