Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 234: Spooky 5

Chapter 234: Spooky 5

Rezar was not going to claim he was standing on the 'Moral high ground' he had enough blood and sins on his hand, maybe even more so than this woman. But whether his actions of causing a loss of life due to war or sometimes an attempt to defend himself was more defensible, it still didn't change the fact that for whatever reason, this woman and murdered dozens of children, so much so that the very act had seeped into her and tainted her very being. This new world of Elysium is very different, very real, and very consequential. As much as there was great power to be had, there was also great evil to be brought to life.

"Who are you to judge me!" she yelled at them as she moved a step backwards to the quivering giant pumpkin that was barely whole. As she asked, Samira took a fierce step forward and said.

"Your standing in the presence of the king! Peasant! Show him some respect!" Samira barked out in anger, but the only response she got from the woman was her spitting at the ground with a look of disdain on her face.

"What King! Him? No wonder our lives went to shit! He's just a fucking kid! And he's no king of mine. Because while he was off doing whatever the fuck he liked for three whole months! We were attacked by orc bandits! Orcs he had chosen to make a part of his kingdom! And my brother! My brother! No! I don't regret anything! I did what I had to do to make sure my brother survives! And everything I did, every life I have taken!

It would not have been necessary if the fucking King did his job and protected us like he should have. But instead what did he do, he vanished and left us to the mercies of orcs! I can't tell you how many times they've. How many times my body was... how many.... Arghhh!!! Die!!!!"

Rezar had this sinking feeling in his stomach, it was not the kind of feeling once would get from trepidation or fear, it was foreign to him. Or maybe not really, he's felt this before, back when Neema had died. But this was not the anger that came with her loss, this was the feeling of him seeing himself as utter crap, a complete waste of space that was no help to anybody at all. Of all the emotions he had missing, this was one he wished was also gone. This was guilt, though he had to be honest if guilt was missing, then there wouldn't be any part of him that was alive or human, he would have been just a monster... just as everyone who looked at him thought he was.

Rezar was pulled out of his thought as the woman rushed towards him, but even if he was pulled out of his thoughts he was still immediately stunned as she was literally crawling on the ground like a spider. She was moving way to fast than was possible for a human who was moving in her kind of position. And it wasn't just that, her lips had been split going the entire length of her jaws, she pulled them back practically splitting her face in half as she leaped at Rezar, her form almost a blur. There was a loud bang as a shot was taken, and her form was flung back, black blood floating in the air as she moved backwards in the air before landing in a heap in front of her brother, that's now a pumpkin.

But the shot from the sniper wasn't enough to keep her down as she flipped herself up and swung an arm from fifteen feet away at Rezar. There was a blast of air that quickly condense itself in three blackish red claw marks that flew towards Rezar, ripping everything in front of him to shreds. A dome of thorns quickly sprung up around him, and right behind that were spikes of blood that rushed past him towards the woman. The claw marks blasted the thorn dome to pieces, but Rezar was already ready for the attack.

[Summon Skeleton]

Using the skeleton as a cannon fodder was obviously unfair, but the hunk of bones was enough of deflect the strike, though what was left quickly turned into bone dust that floated away. The spikes of blood shooting out of the earth was evaded by the pumpkin throwing himself in front of the attack for his sister. But that was redundant as the attack skewered the giant pumpkin, eliciting a roar of pain from it as it reeled back, prompting a screech of anger from his horrifying sister. But all she got for her problems was a bullet in the head as she was blasted backwards again.

Rezar did not hesitate, her story might be tragic and all, and it was mainly his fault, but this woman and her brother have become dangerous. They couldn't be allowed to remain alive, and sure that might seem like more sin on his hands, but one thing Rezar was sure of was that everyone was accountable for their own actions.

Sure he let his curiosity get the best of him 'again' but the children that had died were all killed by this woman, and maybe by her brother. And the murders weren't just limited tom kids, as the toll booth officer was a prime example of innocents that were caught in the way of these siblings.

One misfortune led to another, and sure the root of all o this was him not being around to keep an eye on his kingdom, he would have to deal and live with that for the rest of his life. But unlike these two, if his time in Elysium with all of his adventures and the situations he has been in had taught him anything, it was that sometimes life wasn't fair. It was unexpected, cruel and spontaneous.

And in all of that the only thing you could really do was make the best of whatever situation was in front of you and keep moving forward. Which was why as Vita Gratia fell towards the spooky witch like woman, there wasn't even a shred of hesitation in his mind, heart or body. He was going to kill her, and nothing would stop him.

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