Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 209: Training (VI): New Skills

Chapter 209: Training (VI): New Skills

"I am impressed. And at the same time sorely disappointed, but then again humans...well excuse me, with the way the world has changed you can no longer be called human, especially with your immortality. But that doesn't mean you can die, none the less beings like you who have that spark, that reality defying factor that you call humanity tend to blaze your own trail. I made the most perfect and optimal training area for you to master your magic, but in all of that you were unable to gain the mastery you needed to get your magic to pulse out of your body.

You had to go and, as you so put it, draw inspiration from nature itself, from the sea and the wind and as you also put it. a fly dragon. oh! a dragon fly. You people are so primitive, you lack proper understanding of the way the world works, and when someone actually offers to hold your hand, you go and do the most primitive thing possible and stare at the ocean. It's stupid, but you're damn lucky it works, none the less it seems it's time for you to focus on skills that can help you attack and cause proper damage. I take it you're heading for the battlefield once again?"

Rezar nodded his head as a response to the dragon, trying successfully to stop himself from rolling his eyes when the dragon was busy throwing a rant about what sort of method would be more beneficial for his training. The dragon was arrogant, she had so much pride that the entire population of Necron would be unable to match the sheer scope of it. But she can recognize hard work and give as limited a praise as her ego can allow to acknowledge a method that works.

"Before you get on with your skill selections there's much I would like to tell you." The dragon said as she shuffled from her tucked in position to one where her wings were fully unfurled. Even with the intense stench of death and power hanging off from her, she was still quite a sight and one that would be drawn by the eyes of the many regardless of their intentions. She was a boon as much as she is a threat.

"there's much you don't know about the dragons, and as it stands this new world will force us out of hiding, I can feel it in my bones, a calling so ancient it is forcing the dragons out of hiding to do battle. And there are more dragons than the four that live within the confines of the wildlands of Bahrenburg, and many more that have come here with the invaders. In the end your petty squabbles and wars, especially with the invaders would become completely useless in the face of the sheer scope of power and destruction that is about to rain down on this land.

You have always prepared for the worst Rezar, and that's because much to your luck, you always know about the challenges coming your way, so you can be ready to meet it with your best. Now I've told you what lies ahead, what's coming and how you prepare for it is completely up to you. There's darkness coming Rezar, and there will be no light to snuff it out. Even now I can feel death preparing to begin its march from the south, and nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of its armies. So when you look at the skills you have to pick, choose wisely, for some choices cannot be unmade." Rezar nodded his head in agreement, but it was annoying, all of this was literally becoming repetitive. How could he struggle to achieve something, and then boom on the horizon was someone or something ready and willing to put an end to it.

Rezar sighed, being king was not easy, he knew that. But he honestly wished he could catch himself a break, this was just too much. He now had to worry about not just the bloody aliens, but dragons that would soon be popping out of literally everyone's assholes according to the dragon who still doesn't have a fuck name! at this point Rezar wished he could get a skill that was titled [How to fuck the world up so it can give me a fucking BREAK!] but then again beggars can't be choosers.


Blood Mastery 2sp

Bullet Time 10sp

Compulsion 4sp


Skeleton Hand 1 sp

Curse 7 sp

Spectral Skull 3sp


Mana Charge 5 sp

Wild Call 12sp

Block Senses 3 sp

This were all the skills he could afford to pay attention to. As for the arms mastery skill, he would get to that at a later date, when he has successfully mastered the four weapon skills he had. Besides he only had one more slot for that skill tree, so he'd rather not make a hasty decision and make his choices well. As for the spells in front of him, there was quite a bit of detail to all of them. he didn't need to rush too much about the skills that have been offered him, the most expensive, the harder it is to master and the stronger it was.

For vampire he took [Bullet Time] the skill sped up time around his body or rather sped time up for himself. if he had a skill like this when he faced Malik, then maybe he wouldn't have been beaten up so badly. And it was skill that had requirement of his speed, which thankfully he met. He took [Spectral Skull] for necromancy, it was a ranged attack that dealt magical damage, it would be great using that in tandem with [summon Skeleton] using the undead as distraction. And then finally he took Mana charge.

He spent five second powering up or rather building up the magic in his body and focusing g it into a single point before releasing with the next skill. It would increase the power of a skill by at least 45% for now these were all what he had train and master in and would help him in the battle. All in all, he spent 25 skill points.and it was worth it.

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