Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 204: Changes 4

Chapter 204: Changes 4


Rezar frowned as he looked at the report in front of him, things were so much harder now and he would really like for this bloody new reality to throw him a bone right about now. With the bloody rejuvenation being what it fucking is, the system no longer helped them with any sort of construction, now it was totally up to them do everything themselves, never the less they had to resume construction on the roads, thankfully they still had enough resources available to them, but now they needed actual engineers and workers to be able to make their constructions worthwhile. Thankfully it seems technology was improving at an extremely insane rate thanks to the Muriel elves, it would not be too farfetched to think that in a few months, drones and robots capable of carrying out such jobs could be created.

His territory was stable at the moment, there was a little bit of unrest, but Lenore and the others have been able to quickly able to quell it down and make sure there was no such trouble to be had within the territory. It wasn't really hard work and there were a few casualties in the process, but thankfully no one had lost their lives and had only sustained Injuries that could be taken care of in no time at all, Rezar had to admit that so far everyone had done a good job getting Necron back up to a stable and working shape. And based on what has been found out, Necron was one of the few places that was safe in the wild lands.

Quite a few people had brought news from the great desert about fearsome sandworms, the Kerwood forest developed regions that were downright scary and had stronger and faster monsters. There were no more exp, and the premise behind getting skill points was pretty much unknown by this point, so practically everyone was just surviving by the skin of their teeth. He was worried about power, strength was what could truly protect Necron, but there was nothing of the sort within sight, without anyone to light a torch for them, they were all left bumbling in the dark, Rezar included.

never the less the city was now up to a good start with an actual economy beginning to take shape. With more people around there were more things to be done, and more services to be rendered. Rezar had Alistair give out jobs and had the workers paid from what was left within the territories funds. It wasn't much considering Necron's population was well within the range of 12 thousand souls, with the orcs making up the majority of it. But as if that wasn't enough, more and more people were beginning to troop in from the surrounding town and villages, heading to the city with walls and invariably security.

The monsters were smarter and more organized, and quite frankly Necron was the only refuge for kilometers on end. For one the territory got bigger, previously it would take at least a week or two to get to the Breone mountains, but based on what has been investigated, it would now take at least a month and the half, and all of these were still territories that belonged to Morte Bianca as the BOA empire outpost in the Breone mountains was still transmitting and Alistair could monitor it from there. A significant part of the Kerwood forest also fell under the influence of Morte Bianca, going south east or east, it would take you three days to reach where Morte Bianca's borders were considered to have come to an end.

The road projects were stopped for now, at the very least there was enough of it done already so Rezar and his people could take a step back and focus on other things of import, given the current situation they found themselves in. never the less Rezar had a few seconds of break afforded to him after everything has been taken care of, or rather a significant part of their tasks has been identified and him being the leader has given them the orders to get said tasks completed. There would probably be something else that would require his attention, but there was a reason why Gynaika was by his side, and even more so Alistair, they'll take care of it just long enough for him to have a good rest. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss his practically immortal body, he never got tired.

Name: [Morte Bianca] Type: [Kingdom] Rank: [Silver 1 (6%)]

Monarchs: [Rezar Deathwind (King)]

Civilization: [Techno-Magical] Religion: [Temple of Life & Death] Cities: [1] Towns: [9] Villages: [32]

Traits: [Tech Savants 6 (+ 300% to all technology)] [War Masters 2 (+70% to all war efforts)] [Spiritualists 1 (+ 15% to all spiritual activities and skills] [Farmers 5 (+250% to all faming activities)] [Death Blessed 1 (-30% to death incidents, +5% to lifespan, +10% to all death skills)]

Defenses: [Stone Wall (3)] [Illusion: Mist Wall (1)]

Attacks: [ 5 Sentry Walls (5)]

Population: [12,381] Military: [Undetermined]

Even the stat for the city changed, instead it was showing a comprehensive exposition of the entire kingdom, in a way he could properly monitor everything in his kingdom from anywhere in the world, and he did not need the arch to access this interface. The loss of the system shop sucked, but according Alistair once that satellite that they got the blueprints for was completed, making a terminal where trade can be made instantly and just having to worry about delivery would be a piece of cake, and it could be quite profitable for Necron.

There was a cold feeling, and an oppressive pressure felt in the small study that had become Rezar's office. He looked up and noticed a string of words made of water floating in the air. It was beyond creepy and the kind of stuff most people would have nightmares about, but Rezar was not most people. He looked at what the words said and couldn't help but smile a little.

"It is time! You know where to find me."

Seems the new teacher beckons. but then again; where the hell was Priest?

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