Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 78: The Cockroach Club

Chapter 78: The Cockroach Club

A wave of disappointment washed over Miles.

Why was it that, no matter his efforts, he couldnt manage to kill this Ye Jun?

It reminded him eerily of Ethans ability.

But it was clear when he saw Ye Jun his body decomposing before his eyes, the stench of death hanging heavy in the air and corpse fluids seeping from his decaying flesh. Ye Juns state was far graver than Ethans.

Miles pondered aloud, What does it really take to kill a ghost tamer? Gold weapons can hurt them, but they cant kill. He squatted beside the grotesque body, nudging the rotting flesh with a baton.

Ye Juns head was split open, his limbs broken and twisted, his face disfigured with the internal organs on the brink of putrefaction, leaving an overpowering, nauseating smell.

Despite this state, it was a medical wonder that Ye Jun was still clinging to life and could speak.

It felt almost award-worthy.

You cant kill me, my ghost is special, Ye Jun managed to utter after a moment of silence.

Miles, thats enough, interjected a man whod been sharing drinks with Ye Jun earlier. His brow creased as he closed the distance. This is a club, and youre not the only ghost tamer here. Itd be wise to rein it in.

Upon hearing him, Miless lips curved into a grin. I see why you so-called seniors exploit the rookies.

Youre all teetering on the edge of death, right?

Youre so frail that using your powers a handful more times could bring about your demise due to the ghosts revival. So, you linger in this club, preying on newcomers. When they engage in paranormal events and start making transactions, you corner and extort them. That way, you can profit without depleting your abilities.

What a splendid strategy. Was Ethan a victim of your scheme?

The mans expression darkened at Miles words.

This unspoken club rule was known to all. Yet, no one had ever voiced it with such stark candor as Miles.

If youre aware, you should play by the rules. Youre a novice, far from facing a ghost revival, but death is inevitable. If you abide by these guidelines, youll receive the same perks when new members join. Now, well let Ye Juns matter slide, but the 50% commission remains.

Unless, of course, you think you can single-handedly defeat all the ghost tamers present, he challenged, his gaze steely.

Miles met his eyes. Are you trying to provoke me again?

Consider my words a challenge if you will, retorted the man.

At a safe distance, a man named Zhang Han interjected, Newcomer, I earnestly recommend you to adhere to the clubs rules. The ghost tamers in this club arent just us; there are stronger characters who havent appeared today. The ghost taming circle is deeper than you may realize, and Im unsure about the depth of your understanding of ghost tamers, vengeful spirits, and related issues.

But one thing is clear, youre still a beginner.

Why so much chatter? If youre eager for a fight, bring it on, Miles shot back, a fierce grin contorting his face. His eyes, aglow with a peculiar red hue, surveyed the assembly.

Even if I cant outfight you, if I can outlast you until your ghosts revive, its a victory for me.

Miless ghost power had a lifespan of five minutes. Crossing this threshold would increase the likelihood of ghost revival, ultimately leading to his death.

But he was confident that this crowd wouldnt endure five minutes.

Were threats not effective? He was an obstinate, ruthless madman.

The crowd fell silent, an aura of fear spreading amongst them.

If it really escalated into an endurance match, their odds of succumbing to a ghost revival were alarmingly high.

Whats the matter? Cat got your tongues? Miles taunted, flashing a mischievous grin, Are you scared? Or do you simply not want to gamble with your lives?


Wasnt he just stating the painfully obvious?

If they were ready to risk their lives, they would have been out there resolving supernatural events, not loitering in a club, drinking, chatting, and browbeating rookies.

If youre not up for a fight, then stop running your mouths. Go amuse yourselves elsewhere, Miles instructed, nudging Ye Juns body aside with his foot.

This guys insolence is too much, one man muttered, his face contorting in disgust as he watched Ye Juns corpse being kicked aside like refuse.

He almost lunged at Miles.

But he restrained himself.

Engaging in combat with a rookie was a gamble they couldnt afford.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The sound of applause echoed as a young man, casually dressed and evidently from a well-off background, strode forward, a slow clap accompanying his steps. His face bore a faint smile, but his eyes were frigid.

What a enthralling showdown. Youre the newcomer Ethan mentioned Miles? Your audacity is commendable; youve caught my attention.

Miles cocked his head at him, And you are? Another rule preacher, I presume?

No, no, youre mistaken. I simply preside over this club. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Wang Cockroach, but please, just call me Cockroach, the young man, calling himself Cockroach, clarified.

Youre serious with that name? Miles questioned.

Cockroach chuckled lightly, I assure you, Im not attempting to mislead you. Cockroach is genuinely my name. Here, take our clubs business card.

Following his words, he presented a golden business card.

The club must be well-off, given their business cards are made of pure gold.

Cockroach Club, Chairman, Cockroach.

Despite the unfortunate misunderstanding that occurred between our friends earlier, a smile can help bury past animosities, as they say. We are all unique talents, and squabbling over insignificant matters is not beneficial. I suggest we put todays events behind us, agreed? proposed Cockroach.

Miles eyed him and retorted, Youre a crafty one, only stepping in to mediate at this point. When he was harassing me, you were nowhere to be found.

Cockroachs smile waned slightly.

Take it back. Miles flung the gold business card back towards him. You demonstrate favoritism and lack managerial skills. I cant foresee your club enduring. Initially, I was somewhat intrigued by your Cockroach Club, but now, I find no allure in your disreputable institution.

In essence, these people lacked foresight.

They were solely focused on immediate gains, neglecting their responsibilities.

They had the leisure to sit idly, drinking, conversing, and tormenting newcomers, yet they failed to strategize for survival or how to address their haunting ghost resurgence.

Therefore, this club would never amount to much.

After witnessing this, Miles gravitated towards Ghost Tamers HQ under Interpol.

Of course, thats only if the resurgence of the vengeful ghosts could be addressed by joining.

Otherwise, joining Ghost Tamers HQ and continuously embarking on missions would merely expedite his demise.

Cockroach gazed at his discarded business card on the floor, his smile gradually dissolving.

Our initial intention in founding this club was to unite independent ghost tamers for communal development and growth, to share profits, and jointly tackle challenges, to provide mutual aid and support. That was our noble starting point, so please, dont misconstrue. Individual conflicts and misunderstandings shouldnt smear the clubs reputation.

Are you suggesting that no one in the club is allowed to voice criticism? Miles queried.

Our club isnt so dictatorial, Cockroach responded earnestly.

If youre not dictatorial, you wont mind making room, right? I have a business discussion to conduct here, Miles gestured behind him.


Cockroach turned around.

What he encountered was Ethan advancing with a group of well-dressed individuals, all appearing like high-end financiers.

Leading the group was a middle-aged woman in a white coat, her countenance stern and seasoned, followed by people who looked like accountants or financial experts.

Miss Sun, this is Miles. He has what youre seeking, Ethan conversed as he walked.

Hello, Mr. Miles. I am Sun Lihong, the lead executive of this private acquisition project, the middle-aged woman, Sun Lihong, introduced herself.

Miles, he reciprocated the introduction.

Catching sight of Ye Juns contorted body next to him, Ethans expression subtly shifted, What happened here while I was away?

Nothing much. Our friend Ye Jun here seemed to have had a bit too much to drink and clumsily tripped on his own feet. His health seems to have been neglected, and he ended up in this state from a mere trip. The sight was rather alarming, so I refrained from helping, fearing I might be held accountable, Miles elucidated.

He mustve been quite neglectful, indeed. Did anyone call an ambulance? Ethan inquired.

Miles responded, His condition doesnt appear too severe, just a minor scrape. A band-aid should be sufficient; theres no need for an ambulance.

Thats a relief, Ethan sighed.

Sun Lihong, standing nearby, glanced at the firearms on the coffee table and the baton smeared with blood and flesh.

This scene didnt exactly correspond with someone simply tripping and falling.

Yet, in such a predicament, he had survived.

Indeed, these ghost tamers were a frightening lot, and each moment in their company was chilling.

Despite the revulsion and fear stirring within her, she kept her face impassive, revealing no hint of her inner turmoil.

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