Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 54: Sliding Out of the Mall

Chapter 54: Sliding Out of the Mall

At this moment, a bizarre scene unfolded inside the mall.

A group of successful adults found themselves lying on the ground, pushing off with their feet, sliding backwards like caterpillars. Strangely enough, their faces showed a peculiar kind of joy from time to time.

This really works! Those ghosts seem doesnt seem to notice us. They are just standing there, exclaimed Mr. Calm excitedly.

They had managed to slide from the fifth floor down to the fourth and would pass the most dangerous area. If everything went smoothly, they would soon be able to leave this place.

Mall Manager Li, how come youre sliding so fast? Youve already reached the third floor? Mr. Calm asked in astonishment.

Mall Manager Li kept sliding backwards, replying, I wasnt used to it at first, but now I think I can slide even faster. Boss, perhaps your body gestures are not quite right? Look at me, dont I seem smooth and effortless?

Wait for me, dont leave me behind, called Master Catch in urgency.

His somewhat chubby figure lagged behind due to his slow movement, trailing at the end.

Miles trailed behind them, watching this group mimic caterpillars sliding all the way from the fifth floor, and he couldnt help but laugh.

No one dared to blame him for laughing inappropriately.

Without Miless unique escape method, they would have had no chance of getting out so smoothly, although this escape method was somewhat embarrassing for adults.

Hey, River, hows your situation? Miles spoke into the walkie-talkie phone.

I, Im doing fine. Ive almost found the old surveillance footage, and soon I will identify the exact location of that ghost. It seems like the first victim was attacked on the fifth floor, River replied nervously; You all left, youre not leaving me here alone, are you?

Ill get these folks out first, then Ill come back for you. Dont worry, as long as you dont run around, youll be safe. Stay in touch, call me immediately if theres any danger, Miles assured her.

Okay, okay, River seemed afraid of being left alone by Miles.

At this moment, it was late in the evening.0

Several police vehicles were parked at the entrance of the mall, and a barrier tape marked off a quarantine zone.

The entire area had been cordoned off.

Whats the situation in the mall?

The officer in charge of this case, Bright, was the team leader of this district. Looking somewhat tired, he frowned at the now-closed mall.

One of his team members reported, Captain Bright, we received a report of a murderer here, suspected to be related to the previous mall disappearance cases. However, according to neighboring shop owners, about an hour ago, the mall owner Mr. Calm, invited a feng shui master to see the feng shui and conduct a ritual here, deliberately blocking the entire mall. We currently have no information about the situation inside.

Bright ordered, If the suspect is indeed here, thats good news. Get ready to unlock the doors and rescue the trapped individuals.

Yes, sir, replied the officer.

Immediately, the personnel outside began to take action, forcibly unlocking the malls front door with their tools.

In no time at all, the lock was snapped apart, and the large door was swung open. However, instead of charging inside, the police flinched back at the rotten stench hitting their faces. Some nearly vomited as a result.

The expression on Captain Brights face slightly changed over this sudden occurrence.

Having dealt with various cases for many years, he had seen his share of dead bodies. He recognized the odor instantly it was the smell of death.

Everyone, be careful. Dont go in yet.

Captain Bright had a vague feeling that the disappearances in this mall were not as simple as they seemed. During the previous investigation, they were forced to temporarily seal off the mall due to lack of evidence.

However, it didnt take long for the people outside the mall to be stunned.

From the dim interior of the mall, a man dressed in a suit was seen lying on the ground, his face expressing exhilarated joy. He was quickly sliding towards the entrance, much like a caterpillar.

What was happening?

No, there was more than one person sliding on the ground.

Following him were Mr. Calm, the owner of the mall, Master Catch, and several surviving mall employees. They were sliding out in a line, one after another, forming a chain all the way from the upper floors of the mall. Their leg movements were particularly strong and coordinated as if they had undergone training.

Dont approach them just yet. Let them leave the mall safely before we rescue them. Everyone else, be ready for unexpected situations, Captain Bright instructed.

Upon seeing the mall doors wide open, and the outside filled with law enforcement, Mall Manager Li felt like hed seen his savior. He was so excited he was near tears. His sliding movements were so fast a walking person couldnt keep up.

Finally, he had managed to get out of this horrifying mall alive.

Im alive, I made it, Mall Manager Li had never felt such joy and excitement in his life.

Captain Bright, what whats going on? someone asked, bewildered by the spectacle.

Captain Bright looked complex as well, Im not sure. Well have to ask them for more information.

Dont dont help me up. I can still slide. I want to slide a bit further before I get up, Mall Manager Li insisted on sliding past the police tape before daring to stand up.

Watching these people successfully escape, Miles felt his mission was accomplished.

He had successfully earned his reward.

Miles, now that the situation in the mall is under control, we stand a good chance of capturing that ghost if we cooperate, given your abilities. Shall we join forces? asked Ethan, who had just slid out of the mall and immediately stood up.

Catch a ghost together?

Miles asked, Isnt it good to be alive? Why catch a ghost?

The main reason I came here was to capture a ghost. I estimated the malls ghost to be a restricted entity, not of high terror level. If successfully caught it holds a high value, Ethan explained, But my ability alone is limited. If you join me, the chances will greatly increase.

Whats in it for me? Miles inquired.

Ethan spoke in a low voice, In the black market, a captured ghost can fetch at least a hundred million. Big corporations, wealthy conglomerates, and even covert departments of various countries would buy them. The price would increase even further if the ghosts level is high. As ghost tamers, our lifespan is limited you know that. If this deal succeeds, well have left enough money for our families even if we die.

Miles shook his head, Money cant be exhausted. I dont need to risk capturing ghosts for that hundred million. Besides, Ive earned enough today for my family.

Furthermore, to truly capture a ghost, one inevitably needs to employ the power of vengeful spirits. You know very well what that means. And I think youve used your powers enough today. If you do it once more, I worry that your ghost might come out and reack havoc.

Ethan replied, Im well aware of my situation. Finishing this job is not an issue. Dont you want to know how a ghost tamer can survive? Are you willing to just wait for death without doing anything?

A method to survive?

This statement struck a chord in Miles.

Catching a ghost not only earns money but also garners valuable information. In fact, the method for ghost tamers to survive has been researched. Someone in Dachang City has successfully lived for more than half a year without any issues, even using the power of vengeful spirits several times. It seems theyve found a way to control the awakening evil spirit within a ghost tamer. Ethan hesitated for a moment before revealing this information.

Without revealing this, he probably couldnt convince Miles.

Really? Miles was slightly moved. Indeed, he was somewhat tempted.

He remembered the words on the human skin.

The method to control evil spirits would be announced in three months.

But his chances of surviving for three months in his current condition were slim. Therefore, he must master the method to control evil spirits in advance and cannot wait for the announcement in three months. Even a month was too long for him to wait.

Miles didnt dare gamble his life on future changes.

Who knew what the future held? The words on the human skin werent trustworthy either.

Think it over carefully. While the ghost is still in the mall and hasnt changed its habits, make a decision quickly. Once the ghost leaves the mall, it wont be easy to find such a ghost that youve figured out the pattern of and isnt too terrifying, Ethan said.

Give me a minute to think.

Miles didnt agree nor refuse. He needed to weigh it over.

However, just as he was contemplating, Mall Manager Li came over with a few officers.

This is the security guard who blackmailed and extorted me in the mall earlier. I have the transfer records on my phone, all the evidence is there, Mall Manager Li angrily pointed at Miles, reporting the earlier money transfer incident and extortion.

Young man, we need your cooperation for an investigation, an officer said, treating it as a matter of business.

Huh? Miles turned to look at Mall Manager Li.

Was this man trying to stir up trouble?

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