Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 50: Head Replacement

Chapter 50: Head Replacement

Have you observed anything out of the ordinary about yourself, Strong? Miles questioned, his gaze holding him with a penetrating intensity.

Strong was shaken by the events unfolding in the surveillance video. His mind raced, trying to piece together fragments of memories that seemed missing, like a jigsaw puzzle with misplaced pieces. On the surface, nothing seemed untoward. He was just at work, doing nothing of particular note.

Miles, are you insinuating that Ive been altered like the individuals in the footage? Strongs expression turned incredulous.

You seem oblivious to your own state. Do you remember your whereabouts before you found yourself in this surveillance room? Miles probed further.

I was Strong began, but halted abruptly. How did he end up in the surveillance room? Was it after the blackout? Which path did he take? Had he interacted with anyone, seen anything out of the ordinary?

The answers eluded him, either from genuine forgetfulness or because those memory segments were just missing.

Take a look at your surveillance recordings, Miles suggested, The malls cameras typically have night vision. Even in pitch black, you should be able to discern what happened.

Ill review it, Strong declared, immediately launching into an examination of his surveillance archives.

It wasnt long before he stumbled upon the relevant sequence.

The footage rewinded to the spectacle of Master Catch performing his rituals. The malls visitors were all huddled on the ground floor, and their eyes were transfixed on the spectacle. Miles, finding the unfolding drama mildly amusing, interrupted Master Catch, instigating a fiery exchange.

However, Strong in the footage seemed nonchalant about the whole event, quietly exiting the scene unnoticed.

Why would I venture into the power room? Strongs shock was evident as he viewed his own actions in the clip.

According to the recording, a brief moment after Strong entered the power room, the mall plunged into darkness. The blackout was Strongs doing.

An absent memory doesnt equate to an absent event. Keep watching, Miles advised.

Following the malls descent into darkness, Strong remained stationary as if in a trance. But this lasted only momentarily before he was on the move again, this time towards the first-floor restroom.

It all clicked for Miles. The phantom they had previously encountered in the restroom was none other than Strong.

This cannot be. Why cant I recall any of this? Fear washed over Strong as he sprung up from his seat, turning a pallid face towards Miles.

Miles stepped back, calmly stating, During your memory lapse, you werent human. You were a specter, or at least replaced by one. Your memories are preserved because your head is intact, still resisting decomposition. However, once decay sets in, your memory will dissolve completely.

Youve technically been dead for a few days. Feel your neck, the scar from the head replacement should still be there. Without ghostly interference, such a wound is unfathomable.

Without a second thought, Strong brought his hand to his neck, tracing the small incision. Beneath his fingers, he felt the raw, bloodied flesh, accompanied by a pungent stench. He was decomposing. This cant be! Im not dead. Im alive, and Im perfectly alright!

Strongs agitation escalated as he persistently prodded at the wound on his neck, desperate to debunk Miless claims. However, if he had indeed been swapped with a spirit several days ago, the wound shouldnt have been so fresh. As he poked and prodded, the injury expanded, and his skin began to flake and slough off.

The putrid scent of decay intensified.

What do I do? I dont want to die. Miles, can you help? Strong pleaded, panic gripping him. His hands were smeared with blood, and his rotting head hung at an unnatural angle. His gaze landed on Miles, skewed and imploring.

Strongs eyes reflected fear, desperation, and despair. Miles replied with a heavy voice, Im sorry, but theres nothing I can do. Your best option is to call your family, and say your goodbyes. Its all that remains for you.

Strong fished out his phone with trembling hands, preparing for the call he never imagined making. His eyes brimmed with tears. However, as he bent his head down, his displaced head lost its balance.

There was a sickening thud as Strongs head detached from his body, rolled across the floor, and finally came to a stop against the wall.

His headless body stood frozen in place, the phone screen still glowing, the call never placed. Casting a look at Strongs lifeless face, now pallid and colorless, Miles exhaled a sigh. Another casualty of the vengeful spirit.

Turning his gaze away from the gruesome sight, Miles noticed River quaking in terror against the wall. He strode over, roughly clasping her delicate face and pressing her head against the wall. His fingers traced over her neck with a forceful scrutiny.

Youre not a ghost? He sounded genuinely surprised, finding no scar on her neck.

Scared yet defiant, River snapped back, Did you seriously think I was a ghost?

I had my suspicions. Youre an employee here too. Whos to say your head wasnt swapped? All those whove had their heads replaced are spirits, unbeknownst to them, Miles let her go.

So, whats our plan now? How do we escape this place with those entities lurking outside? River questioned, her tone devoid of anger. Her eyes implored him, a fearful plea as she gripped his hand.

We still have survivors in the mall. Ill round them up and exit. The key to the main door should be with Sister Pear. Once we have it, we can make our escape, Miles explained.

Before we leave, youll need to stay put and scrutinize these recordings. Try to determine the ghosts true identity. Find out where it came from if you can.

No, I cant stay alone. I want to accompany you.

Rivers voice hitched as she tightened her grip on Miless arm. He shook his head, No, I need you to monitor the surveillance. How else would I know if a ghost is nearby? Or verify the ghosts identity? I cant afford to lose time here. Its nearing nightfall, and the mall will become too dim to discern anything, which isnt to our advantage.

But Strong is here. Im afraid, she murmured.

Unswayed by her fear, Miles picked up the phone from Strongs lifeless grip and dialed his own satellite-connected phone.

Keep this line open and report any developments promptly. And bear in mind, never turn your back on anyone. The spirit can only substitute heads from behind. If youre facing it, with your head misaligned for its intent, it wont strike, Miles instructed before placing the phone in Rivers hand.

But, Im still frightened, she confessed.

Do you recall the promise you made to me on the first floor? If you dont comply, you wont make it out of here alive. Youre smart. You understand whats required. Be courageous and youll have no trouble. Enough talk now. Its time to act, he said firmly.

With these words, Miles exited the surveillance room without further ado.

Wait! River tried to detain him, but the door shut with a decisive thud. She made to follow but quickly rethought, realizing the dangers lurking outside were far greater. Only a guard as dauntless as Miles could dare to roam a mall infested with phantoms.

After a moments hesitation, she steeled herself, pushing aside her fear as she headed to the control desk, gripping Strongs phone tightly in her hand. As for the sight of Strongs decapitated body and the head resting against the wall, she couldnt muster the courage to look again.

Hey, can you hear me? Miless voice rang out from the satellite phone as he navigated the eerie mall.

Yes, yes, I hear you. I can see you on the monitor, Rivers voice came back, tinged with anxiety.

Excellent. Stay vigilant and update me on any movement in my vicinity.

Miles affixed the walkie-talkie style phone to his chest, directing his path towards the unfortunate group, which included Mr. Calm and Sister Pear, the latter already a ghost without the groups awareness.

Will I lose that million? Miles mused, But if River collaborates efficiently, I can bag this money without resorting to the power of the ghost eye.

As he moved, the once silent and vacant mall began to liven up. Shadowy figures materialized from hidden corners and shuttered shops. Their faces were pale white with shut eyes and stiff movement.

Upon seeing this unfold on the monitor, River blanched in fear. The shadows near Miles were closing in.

They theyve come out, River alerted, her voice shaking.

Im aware. Keep updating me about the phantoms positions. Remember my earlier advice, Miless cool voice did wonders in pacifying Rivers frayed nerves.

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