Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor's Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 41: Healing Mother

Chapter 41: Healing Mother

Ling Yue was no more than a fifth rank martialist in the eyes of everyone. It was dangerous enough to be able to face a Silver Claw Eagle King, not to mention theres still a peak form fourth rank spirit beast involved. Just listening to the story made Ye Gus face stern up.

Grandfather, the truth is, the spirit beast wasnt killed by me. By the time I fell into that cave, I had fallen into a coma for two days. When I awoke again, the monster was already dead. Ling Yue omitted the parts related to the golden masked man.

From the looks of it, other powerful masters had passed by while you were unconscious. But Ling Yue, for you to kill a Silver Claw Eagle King is already a great fortune. Ye Gu exhales.

Grandfather, theres one more thing. When we were hunting in the mountains, we found that the Song family were using this kind of arrow. Under Ling Yues hinting, Ye Saint brings out the Yuan Iron Arrow and hands it over to Ye Gu.

After looking it over, Ye Gus complexion abruptly changed. Calling over Ye Huang Yun (big uncle) and Ye Huang Cheng (hated uncle) over, the three immediately began discussing the issue.

Seeing the elders were busy, Ling Yue and Ye Saint seized the opportunity to relieve themselves from the room.

Father, this is strange. The Song familys ironmaking skills have always been inferior to ours, how can they produce something of this fine quality? Ye Huang Yun (big uncle) furrowed his brow after having a look at the arrow.

Elder brother, this arrow may not necessarily be the Song familys work. Its likely they hired some big commerce association to help produce these arrows. Ye Huang Chengs voice was full of disdain, However, the Song familys good days are coming to an end. Now that we won the mountain hunting contest, the right to excavating the Northern Seven Slope Mine now belongs to us.

The Northern Seven Slope Mine had the highest concentration of Yuan Iron in the entire mountain range. Ever since the Song family won the contest three years ago, they have managed to stand on equal footings with the Ye family in their ore trading ability.

And now that they lost the Seven Slope Mine, it was no different from the Song family losing a right arm.

The world is hard to predict. In the next few days the two of you are in charge of overseeing the mine exchange. Be sure to get it done as soon as possible and pay close attention to the Song family in the meantime. The more Ye Gu looks at the arrow, the more tightly wound his forehead became. Something about all this just didnt seem right to him.

Once Ye Huang Cheng got out of the main hall, he immediately took notice of his son, Ye Qing, looking dejected on one side.

Useless thing, cant even come out on top of a dumb woman. If your sister were here then theres no way that punk lass would get a chance to show off in front of us. Although they got the Northern Seven Slope Mine out of all this, but just knowing it was due to Ling Yues effort annoyed him to no ends.

Since little that woman has been standing above my head, why must her daughter also be stronger than my son.

After hearing the word sister, Ye Qings expression looked even more depressed.

Fathers heart always valued sister, while I, dont hold much of a position at all.

Fortunately Liu One will be returning in half a year, then we will see how that Ling Yue will continue to clamor, Ye Huang Cheng coldly grunted and stopped paying attention to Ye Qing.

Back at the Qiaochu quarter, Ling Yue was busily going over the details of the mountain hunt with her mother.

Ling Yue, your victory in the mountain hunt this time is based on your luck, not your abilities. Starting tomorrow you are to double your efforts in your training tasks. Other than going to the forge each day, you are not to wander around. Seeing her daughter coming back safe and sound, also getting a reward, Ye Huang Yu couldnt be anymore happier.

But then her motherly worries for Ling Yue surfaced again.

Everyone in the Song family are dangerous rats. After losing the mining rights to the Seven Slope Mine and a Song Han, those cowards will no doubt pin the blame on her own daughter.

Its easy to avoid a gun out in the open and difficult to dodge a hidden arrow. If-if only I still had the strength from back then. Then I wouldnt need to fear the Song family. But now. Thinking up to here, Ye Huang Yus brow tightly locked up.

Mother, why are you curling your brows again? Are your injuries acting up again? Daughter recently learned a good set of massage therapies, let me give mother a try. As she says this, Ling Yue pulls her mother into the room.

Where did this child learn so many flowery things from? Knowing its her daughters good intent, she simply couldnt say no and obediently lay down on the bed.

Ever since she was wounded, the bones and muscles would always suffer from aching pains during the spring and autumn season. But ever since she drank the monkey wine brought back by Ling Yue, shes been feeling a lot better with less frequent relapses in pain. Nevertheless, its still not possible if she wants to restore her original strength.

With her mother lying on the bed, Ling Yue first performed a set of hand massages she learned from the manuals left behind by Mr. Red Mist.

One massage down, Ye Huang Yu closes her eye due to comfort and fell into slumber. Only now does she know her daughter wasnt making false words.

Seeing this, Ling Yue quietly invokes her spirit smoke inside the cauldron.

So, after Ling Yue absorbed part of the Red Yang Ginseng a while ago, she also noticed the spirit smoke itself had also grown stronger and was much handier to control from the initial silk like strand to a pinky size.

Before the cauldron can only see the black spots inside Big Yellows body, but this time shes going to test her limits, shes going to see if she can perceive into the human body.

Once the spirit smoke entered into Ye Huang Yus body, the normally foggy image that shouldve appeared inside Ling Yues mind began to gradually clear up.

Overjoyed by this, Ling Yue focuses in her concentration and began to maneuver her mind across her mothers body.

This is? Ling Yue found that everything inside her mothers body was perfectly healthy, the only exception being the couple of big black spots at her vital points.

The black spots, whether it be size or color, was far more serious compared to Big Yellow (dog).

Its these, these are the reasons why mother suffered so much for all these years. Ling Yue mutters this to herself.

Because there are too many black spots, Ling Yue couldnt clear them all in one go and could only choose the one closest to the dantian area for consumption.

When the spirit smoke drew close to the black spot, it quickly launched a deadly offensive and began its work. Probably half an hour later, Ling Yue was pouring in sweat. Its all worth it though for that specific black spot was now cleaned and healthy.

By the time Ye Huang Yu woke up again and saw her daughters fatigue face, she became unceasingly remorseful. As a mother shes been careless, forgetting her daughter should be resting after just returning from the mountain hunt.

Mother, is your body more comfortable now? The black spots inside her mother was far more difficult to manage than Big Yellows; therefore, she urgently wants to know if her efforts were effective.

Quietly invoking the energy inside her body, Ye Huang Yu discovered her body was much better than before, and the Yuan energy wasnt having as much difficulty flowing through her veins. Towards this finding, shes in fact pleasantly surprised.

Looking at her mothers healthier appearance, Ling Yue was also smiling inside. As long as she can do this several more times, it wont be long until she can completely help her mother recover!

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