Max Talent Player

Chapter 287

Chapter 287

Furuima Field was a fairly peaceful-looking island. Ferns were growing vigorously amidst the dense forest of old trees, and skittering around along the low vegetation were Legged Mushrooms.

Legged Mushrooms were neutral monsters, and Blood and Iron Lion, who had arrived here first, was ignoring them.

Michelle does good work, mused Kim Hyukjin.

The members of Blood and Iron Lion werent the only ones there. Just as Hyukjin had arranged, there were other Players here, one of whom he recognized.

Mark seems to be the leader.

If Korea had the Divine Archer Hyun Junghwa, the US had the Divine Archer Mark. Both were representative archers for their countries. Hyukjin was already acquainted with Mark.

And the group hes leading isnt the Michelle Corps but the Black Crow.

It wasnt public knowledge yet, but these people belonged to the Black Crow, the elites of Michelles mercenary company, Crow. They were the worlds strongest mercenaries, mercenaries who would make appearances in major incidents of national scale time and time again.

Though well, not yet.

Mark would become a member of the Michelle Corps. In other words, the Michelle Corps and Black Crow werent fully separated yet.

Though it wasnt terribly meaningful to split hairs between the two, the Michelle Corps was the group that operated in the light under Michelles direct command, while the Black Crow were mercenaries who handled the more unsavory work in the shadows.

Mark, of course, recognized Hyukjin as well.

The Black VIP?

At this time, the only person designated as a Black VIP of Crow was Kim Hyukjin. For reference, that was a privilege Michelle intended on granting to less than fifteen people worldwide.

Kim Hyukjin is here.

Mark was one of the few Players who knew this enigmatic Korean Players true appearance. He had promised to assist Kim Hyukjin in clearing the Sangam World Cup Stadium and Gardens by the Beach dungeons. But the Sangam World Cup Stadium Dungeon broke and now, it was said to be gone altogether.

Mark watched Kim Hyukjin with interesthe had been curious. The very thorough and meticulous Kim Hyukjins plans had gone awry. He had made a deal with Michelle to get Mark to participate, and Mark himself had accepted. But the dungeon no longer existed. The future seen by this seerthat was the Michelle Corps believed he washad come crashing down.

On either side of Song Junghye were the Poisoned Dagger Jung Sangchul and Kang Woongmin the Adamant. Jung Sangchul, who had sworn loyalty to Kim Hyukjin, asked offhandedly, What are you doing here?

In his hand was a poisoned needle. On its gleaming, silver tip was a powerful poison.

Hyukjin responded in the same casual manner. There werent any entrance restrictions, were there? Am I not allowed to come in here?

As he spoke, Hyukjin looked around.

I dont see Jackson.

Had Jackson not come with Song Junghye? That couldnt be. The explorer had purposefully sent Kang Somyi to handle Hyukjin so he could be here. He must have come along. He was likely exploring this island, Furuima.

The explorer from Black Crow is out exploring as well.

A quick scan with Eye of Perception found no explorers. Hyukjin could infer about the situation.

Theyre working together.

The Black Crow was an outstanding team. From the looks of it, Blood and Iron Lion had joined hands with them. Meanwhile, the Black Crow was concealing daggers in their hearts and clearing the dungeon under the veil of a temporary alliance.

Theyre planning on stabbing Song Junghye in the back at a crucial moment.

It was an amusing plan. Mark had come with a pretty decent strategy. Instead of butting heads right from the outset, the American archer was planning on working together before interfering to keep the fleet out of Song Junghyes hands.

Theyre mercenaries, after all. Thats the perfect level of involvement for them.

They didnt choose to have a full-blown confrontation with Song Junghye. Hyukjin saw that as a good thingit was proof that they were using their heads.

Song Junghye threw her arm out in front of Jung Sangchul.

Ill be the one to speak.

Yes, Guildmaster, responded Jung Sangchul, taking a step back.

Miss Kang Somyi, called Song Junghye, her eyes hard. I believe you owe me an explanation. As Im sure you know, this is a dungeon that cannot be entered without an explorer.

Entering was possible, but progressing afterwards was impossible. Not only was it impossible to find the boat without an explorer, but you wouldnt be permitted to move from island to island.

Kang Somyi sheepishly scratched the back of her head. Ah Jeez, I was trying to hide because of how awkward this is.

She was hiding behind So Yoohyun, but it was futile. There was no way her presence would go unnoticed. She walked out from behind the massive So Yoohyuns back.

This is really complicated, Guildmaster.

Have you betrayed us?

No, its not that!

Kang Somyi waved her hand. That moment, Hyukjin saw Song Junghyes mouth move ever so slightly, forming the words, Kill her. Jung Sangchul raised his right hand.

The poisoned needle is in that hand.

The assassin didnt try to bluff it. He simply, straightforwardly raised his hand, curling it into a pipe and blowing through, shooting the poisoned needle outward.

Hyukjin raised his left hand, the poisoned needle embedding itself in his palm.

A twinge, and that was all.

It stings.

That was an understatement. If he didnt have Athenaes Flame, this poison might have caused him a great deal of pain.

He really used a fatal poison.

Hyukjin didnt know what poison it was, exactly, but it was incredibly potent. Hyukjins palm briefly turned black before returning to normal. He internally praised Jung Sangchul. Using a poison this serious was the only way to avoid arousing Song Junghyes suspicion.

If a normal Player got hit by this, they would have died on the spot. Hyukjin smirked. Did you just try to kill my explorer?

Song Junghye whirled around, and the next moment, a crisp slap echoed in the air.

Who told you to act without my permission? Do you want to die?

My, look at her go.

Hyukjin smiled inwardly, knowing very well that she had made the order. However, he kept that to himself. Jung Sangchul knelt down, and his guildmaster took a few steps forward before bending low at the waist.

This one is on me. I failed to control my subordinate.

Ah, that so?

As you can see, hes just too loyal. It seems he was unable to forgive a traitor.

Any more shows of loyalty, and youll have a lot of dead people on your hands.

Hyukjin gave a mocking laugh, knocking away her feeble excuse. Song Junghye bit her lips slightly.

Why did he have to show up here?!

Her fists were trembling. But Blood and Iron Lion werent the only ones here. Watching from the side were American Rankers. She couldnt carelessly put her grudges on display here. In that respect, Kim Hyukjin openly expressing his hostility towards her was a rookie move.

These people are US Rankers.

Each and every one of them was a remarkable Player. There was no doubt Kim Hyukjin was unaware of that, which was why he was acting so audaciously.

Junghye used a Translation Marble, wanting to show Black Crow what was happening. At least in this moment, from an outsiders perspective, Kim Hyukjin looked rude and Song Junghye looked polite.

Are you stupid? Do you think these guys wont know that Jung Sangchul used a poisoned needle?

It wasnt to kill her, Giantgod Guildmaster. It was simply to make her pay a small price for her betrayal.

If that needle had hit Miss Somyi, she would have died, Hyukjin replied.

You gave the order. To kill her.And Jung Sangchul had acquiesced by firing the poison needle, trusting Hyukjin to step in.

Surely not. Youre completely fine, arent you?

Thats because

Song Junghye jumped in, as if she had seized a good opportunity to strike. What? Do you mean to boast that youre that outstanding a Player? That you were completely fine getting hit with a poison so strong it would have instantly killed Miss Kang Somyi?

Hyukjin smirked. Yep, bingo.

But youre a sovereign.

I am, but

Hyukjin pulled out a bow, one he had purchased from the beginner period Item Shop. Mark recognized it as the Sturdy Wooden Bow Hyukjin had used during the auction.

It wasnt as versatile as a regular Wooden Bow, so the Sturdy Wooden Bow didnt see much use. But it was back in Kim Hyukjins hands today. He drew the bowstring, and before anyone could stop him, he fired.

Sovereigns can do a bit of everything, you know.

Mark focused on Hyukjins bow.

Hes fast!

And just like back then, he perfectly subdued his target, Jung Sangchul, with a single arrow.

Ngh! Jung Sangchul fell over clutching his stomach.

Miss Somyi isnt dead, so I wont kill you, either.

What do you think youre doing?!

The members of Blood and Iron Lion bristled, drawing their weapons. Greathammer, gauntlets, staff, sword; out came all manner of weapons, and a woman in a white nuns habit retreated to the back.

The Moon Priestess Lee Sora is here, too.

The air felt charged and ready to explode. The person who quenched the flickering flames was none other than Jackson.

I was out exploring for one moment, and I come back to this. Whats going on?

* * *

* * *

Jackson laughed heartily.

Goodness gracious, what a turn of events.

Jackson didnt press Kang Somyi for many details. He appeared to have realized the gist of what had happened. He spoke honestly, apparently unoffended.

You completely exposed my scheming.

Thanks to that, I ended up coming here.

Alright, its my loss.

Jackson was facepalming with a laugh, but he seemed extremely delighted, not taken aback. Hyukjin closely examined the explorers expression.

Was he considering the possibility of me coming here?

It seemed so. Though the possibility itself was low, Jackson seemed to have been deeply hopeful that Kim Hyukjin would beat the odds and find his way here.

Yeonseo mumbled quietly, Cant I just beat that woman up?

Naturally, that woman referred to Song Junghye. Once the words left her mouth, Yeonseo froze in alarm.

Get ahold of yourself, Yeonseo.

She had been exuding killing intent without realizing it. The impulse to kill Song Junghye had been gripping her entire body.

What was I thinking?

How could she be entertaining thoughts of killing someone? That was impermissible. She couldnt be like this. Yeonseo still thought that.

Meanwhile, Jackson said, Since things have turned out like this, I think it would be good for us three teams to clear this place together.

Junghye blurted out, Ridiculous! And then, she immediately curbed her outrage, conscious of the gazes of the American Rankers on her. She plastered on another personable smile. Their guild and our guild are simply too poor a match for that. Trying to work together will be less efficient. Jackson.

I dont think you need to worry about that, Guildmaster.

Jackson continued his explanationthis place had three forks. All three of them could become paths to the clear.

I think each guild can take one route.

Mark was the first to respond. The two of you, please discuss amongst yourselves first. We, the Black Crow, will make our decision afterwards.

For Mark, it was an extremely good situation. He was a mercenary, so all he had to do was do his job as a mercenary well. The Black VIP had shown up in person, so this was a closed case.

It was down to Kim Hyukjin and Song Junghye. Hyukjin turned to his guild members.

Well be taking the path on the right.

Blood and Iron Lion will take the middle.

And Black Crow took the left. Hyukjin smiled secretly to himself.

In a pinch well be able to surround them from both sides.

The arrangement was laid out in a way that would allow Giantgod and the Black Crow to encircle Blood and Iron Lion, like the crane wing formation.

Kang Somyi laughed. Ive been fired from Blood and Iron Lion, havent I?

You have. You almost died, you know.

It hasnt been long since I was hired, and now Im fired. How sad. She laughed again, not looking very angry at all. Oh right. That makes you my lifes savior, doesnt it?

I suppose so.

Whoa. To think I would have a savior one day, too. Fascinating! Kang Somyi beamed brightly. Ill do my best so we can absolutely nab a faster clear.

She prattled on, clearly excited. The newly advanced Explorer of Service had already deduced what kind of dungeon this was.

This is a winner-takes-all dungeon. Lets go! Guildmaster.

Under Kang Somyis guidance, Hyukjin began to hatch another scheme.

Ill try using this.

He would use it by borrowing some of Kang Somyis power.

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