Max Talent Player

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

<suicide. Readers, please be advised.>>

The darkness I speak of is Nightmare.

Nightmare. That was the massive organization that also went by the name Demon King Army. Before Hyukjin regressed, Seo Joohwan, the person whose death Hyukjin caused, was a lieutenant in the Demon King Army. So was Lau Ding Xue, the Trap Mage who recently got thrashed by Hyukjin.

I never thought Ham Sohyun would mention Nightmare.

Was this really a combination of coincidences?

She saw the Demon King, and then she mentioned Nightmare.

He didnt think this was truly a coincidence. It was also too specific. Ham Sohyun was a Precognitive Dreamer. She had the power to see the future, but not many other particular strengths, something she even said outright to Itachi.

I have no abilities other than Precognitive Dream.

How should he put this? Something felt unnatural.

A phone that rings even though its out of power.

It was indeed unnatural, something outside of physical laws. Something that was possible only by someones unnatural tinkering.

Hyukjin also recalled what Jackson said.

As a result, I have no choice but to chase the Demon Kings footsteps. Thats also the reason why Im back at the Sangam World Cup Stadium Dungeon.

Chase the Demon Kings footsteps. Earlier, Jackson spoke like he was looking for the Demon King. But the truth was different. Jackson was actually running away from the Demon King, and the Demon King was the one looking for him.

Thats enough joking around, Hyukjin said.

When he was met with no response, Hyukjin drew forth his will. From his lips emerged the incantation he had gained in the Yellow Charm Gate, the incantation to shatter fabricated authorities and illusions.

[May all lies.]

[Be shattered.]

Hyukjin saw Ham Sohyun slumped in her chair, exactly as she had appeared after yelling, The darkness is coming! She was still unconscious, and looked as though she had never regained consciousness.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

You really are amazing.

Jackson. I see you can use some strange sorcery.

Dont misunderstand me. I merely wanted to check your qualifications to be a king. Im surprised you can already use an incantation of that level so freely.

Even ten years later, the public was unaware that incantations existed. They knew Rankers often murmured some words, but they didnt know those were called incantations. That was a secret privy to only a select few Rankers. But at this point in time, while the vast majority of Players were still in the beginner period, Jackson was talking about incantations.

Im more surprised you know about incantations.

In any case, I have no intention of opposing you.

As Jackson made idle remarks with a smile, Hyukjin fell into deep thought.

The Demon King knows Jacksons alive.

If the two were to be categorized by class, the Demon King was in a far higher class than Jackson. Kang Sun-il should know that he hadnt been able to fully kill Jackson.

Why isnt the Demon King coming back?

Jackson had reappeared, yet the Demon King was nowhere to be seen after his departure. Hyukjin didnt think he would reach the answer on his own, so he asked directly.

Why isnt the Demon King showing up again?

Because Ive already seen him in this place.

What does that have to do with him not being here?

Thats the Baptists special perk. The Demon King loses all authority in places where Ive encountered him. If I survive the encounter, that is. So the Demon King wont show up here anymore.

Is that so?

Then that would mean that the Demon King would always try to kill Jackson on whatever spot they met.

What an interesting relationship.

The Demon King had the overwhelming advantage in absolute strength, but if he was unable to kill Jackson in one go, he would be rendered powerless in the place they met.

Jackson. Are you human? Or rather, are you a Player?

Of course. Im both human and a Player. Would you like to see my ID?

Hyukjin shook his head. An ID could be easily forged; it was meaningless.

The Demon King claimed he was human as well.

But Hyukjin didnt think the Demon King was. And now, he suspected the same of Jackson.

Jacksons not human.

He decided to move forward under the assumption that Jackson wasnt human. He also couldnt be called a simple Player. Hyukjin came to the conclusion that it would be better to assume he was some other kind of entity.

Did you distort this place and make me use an incantation just so you could assess my qualifications?

Thats part of it. Jackson shrugged. Its also to safely remove the Red Devils still left in the dungeon.

Isabel hunted approximately 700 Red Devils in one fell swoop. There were originally supposed to be 2,002 of them in the Sangam World Cup Stadium Dungeon. Simple math said there should be around 1,300 of them left.

I drew from the dungeons power in order to distort your world, you see.

So something like that is possible.

Because its a dungeon without its Endless Sky Crystal.


This was a new revelation. Hyukjin thought he knew at least everything from the beginner period, but that was merely the colossal misunderstanding of a civil service student. Incantations. The Demon King. The Great Explorer. The Endless Sky Crystal. And so on, and so forth. Everything was new to him.

Anyway, because Ive siphoned off the dungeons power, itll head towards its end at an accelerated pace. Within a few minutes, the Sangam World Cup Stadium Dungeon will completely cease to be.

When that happened, the Red Devils inside it would also be wiped out.

What a meaningful experience today has been. I met the Demon King and also confirmed your king qualifications.

You seem to still be thinking of me as a king candidate.

Yes. Ive determined you are the Eastern Star.

Hyukjin asked one more thing.

Why is it that youre helping Song Junghye?

Because she, too, is a king candidate.

A king candidate?

Of course, she falls very short in comparison to you. No, theres no comparison to be made to begin with. Song Junghye doesnt even reach your feet.


That being said Jackson smiled wide. There arent only good kings in this world.

* * *

* * *

When Kim Hyukjin erected the Guardian Tower, he thought the Guardian Towers true value would be revealed with the Gwanghwamun Dungeons break. But contrary to his expectations, the Fire Giant scenario occurred, and the Guardian Towers value remained unknown.

A deluge of articles poured out.

The Guardian Towers True Worth

DMC Riverview XiPrices Skyrocket!

In addition, rumors spread that famous Players were based in the DMC Riverview Xi, triggering a massive spike in the prices of homes in the DMC Riverview Xi.

CEO Song Kiyoung laughed.

The claims you strongly pushed are finally seeing the light.

I was lucky.

Song Kiyeol was inwardly happy, too. He had taken an active role in convincing a portion of the residents who were clamoring about Sungshin taking responsibility if their house prices dropped and had compensation arranged for them. The compensation he offered was $200,000-300,000 more than the general market price, and some of the residents were tempted by the sum and accepted.

Thinking this was his chance, Song Kiyeol said, The house prices skyrocketing itself isnt really something to be happy about.

That so?

Yes. Because money isnt everything.

A $1 million condo jumped to $2 million in worth over a single night, and this astronomical climb would probably continue. The DMC Riverview Xi had become the safest apartment complex in Seoul. The wealthiest people would flow in. But money wasnt that important.

Weve created an image of foreseeing the future and preparing in advance.

Thats right. You gave people more than enough warning, and did your part in trying to convince them about the Guardian Tower.

Despite that, the 2,000-odd people who had been blinded by the profit before their eyes were most likely drowning in regret right now.

That reminds me of what you said.

Before, Song Kiyeol said to his grandfather, The idea is to have a ready force that can quickly react to emergency crises. As you saw with the Fire Giants Even stronger monsters will appear in the future. We need people who can create parties on the spot and go out to hunt. If we can gather outstanding Players in one place, we will be able to react far more strategically in a crisis.

As he listened, CEO Song thought for the first time that Kiyeol might be a better successor than Junghye. He also thought that Kiyeol changed a lot after meeting Kim Hyukjin. But to his surprise, what Kiyeol said back then became a reality, and in only three months time.

Im proud of you.

Song Kiyeols heart soared. He never thought hed ever hear such words of praise from his grandfather. Kiyeol had grown frustrated from never being able to break free from his deceased fathers shadow, but now, he was even getting compliments.

Lets not get arrogant.

Kiyeol considered his modesty one of his strengths. He didnt forget that the achievements of today didnt stem from his keen judgment, but that of Kim Hyukjins. It was because of Kim Hyukjin that such things were possible.

Was it really you guys who took care of the Red Devils?

Publically, yes.

Does that mean the truth is different?

We were also unable to figure out how it was done. However, we see this as an act done by Guildmaster Kim Hyukjin.

I see. CEO Song took a sip of hot tea. Approximately 700 Red Devils were hunted simultaneously, correct?


Are there any Players out there capable of such a feat?


Are you certain?

Yes. Im certain of it. I have ties to Michelles forces, as well as Players in Italy and Germany. Im also in contact with the strongest Rankers of Southeast Asia due to our mana crystal operation in Boracay. He continued, choosing his words carefully. I am confident that Korean Rankers are far more skilled than Rankers overseas. At least in PVP, raiding, and dungeon clearing.

Isnt that everything?

No. There are also Players who excel in item production, and Players who excel in enhancement. There are also people with an exceptional ability to see the future, and servers that stand out in buffing and healing.

But in any case, at least when it comes to defeating monsters, Taeguk Shield doesnt lose to any Rankers out there?

Im embarrassed to say so, but yes.

Song Kiyoung laughed cheerfully in response. So what youre saying is monsters the whole of Taeguk Shield could do nothing about were killed single-handedly by Kim Hyukjin?


Hahaha. CEO Song nodded. Youre doing an excellent job choosing between friend and foe.

Thank you.

Go on out. Oh, right. Ill entrust the hangover cure business to you.

I will do my best.

Meanwhile, there were rumors that some of the people who had actively protestedalmost threatening the company to cough up compensationand ultimately left after taking the offered money, committed suicide. Some of them came back to Sungshin, saying they would sue to get their houses back. But when that was publicized, those people were struck with the full force of public sentiment.

You were happily selling your houses not too long ago, but now you want them to give your houses back? Thomas had never seen such bullshit.

If you think about it, Sungshins really a class act.

They didnt even care to listen when Sungshin was trying so hard to convince them.

Looking at them, cant you say Sungshin is really a saint?

Actually, they say it wasnt Sungshin, but Taeguk Shields Guildmaster Song Kiyeol who led the effort.

Public sentiment tipped strongly in favor of Taeguk Shield and Sungshin. They were able to build up their image, just as Song Kiyeol had intended.

When the two guildmasters met, Hyukjin said, Taeguk Shield has come out on top as the strongest guild in Korea, no, in the world. In both name and reality.

...Are you teasing me? Song Kiyeol said, thinking Hyukjin was displeased. Have we messed up somewhere?

No, you havent.

You appear to be in a bad mood.

The guildmaster of the guild that had firmly claimed the position of Koreas strongest guild was excessively conscious of Kim Hyukjins opinion.

Not really.

Im glad to hear that.

Ah. I have an appointment to attend, so Ill excuse myself now.

Kim Hyukjin got up. However, he really did seem displeased.

I can read Kim Hyukjins expression?

It was almost fascinating. Even a monster like Kim Hyukjin had feelings? Too curious to resist, Kiyeol asked, What kind of appointment? You dont seem to be very happy about it.

There was nothing to lose from learning about things that displeased Kim Hyukjin. Getting rid of those factors if possible would be a big help to himself as well, since it would be an opportunity to make himself look good in Kim Hyukjins eyes.

Ah. Hyukjins lips curled into a frown. I have a meeting with Michael.

* * *

Hyukjin was meeting Michael at a restaurant near Sangam, on account of his VIP statusor rather, his status as Ahyoungs little brother.

Michael was always planning on opening a restaurant in Korea, you say?

That was definitely, undeniably hogwash. Some interrogation was in order. Hyukjin entered a certain building, an ordinary Korean restaurant.

I have a reservation under Kim Ahyoung.

Come to think of it, his sister was the one who made the reservation. Even the fact that the reservation was under Ahyoungs name and not Michaels displeased Hyukjin.

You have room 6. Please follow me.

The door to room 6 opened. Michael and his sister were already seated. Hyukjins eyes fixed themselves on Michael, the biological younger sibling of the Gold Pyramid Michelle. The top-of-the-rank chef Hyukjin suspected had designs on Ahyoung.


But Hyukjin discovered something strange about the American chef. Yellow light was glowing above his head.

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