Max Talent Player

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

It wasnt possible to locate the Black Pearl Centipede with regular methods, neither by Hyukjins own abilities nor by Choi Sung-gus. If they were to suffer a critical ambush now, they would both die.

Our only saving grace is that maintaining its stealth is keeping it from attacking freely.

What did that mean?

It has top-tier stealth, as well as a powerful one-time attack in stow.

But it would have weak defense.

If it were confident in its defense, it would have reappeared immediately and ripped us to shreds.

But it wasnt doing that. In other words, that meant the creature was wary of an attack from them.

So as long as we can land a good hit on it, we can kill it.

However, it really had to be a good, clean blow. The most urgent task was to find where it wasthat was step one.

Hyukjin took out an item.

[Kings Compass]

A compass with the special power to determine the location of a special being with the title king, boss, or commander, in particular situations during a scenario/quest.

It was the Kings Compass hed stolen from Song Junghye and used to great effect in the Immortal Fleet Gate. Hyukjin glanced at the compass. The tip of the red needle pointing towards the N was slowly moving from left to right.

It must be over there.

He still couldnt feel its location.


A crack split the glass of the compass.

Itll break soon.

It appeared the items durability was greatly compromised by its use last time. The needle of the compass began to move a little faster.

Its passing by us on the right.

The boss was vigilantly aiming for the right moment to strike Hyukjin and Choi Sung-gu. The moment it saw its chance to attack without being counterattacked, it would rush in with terrifying speed.

Hyukjin. Can you feel where it is?

Yeah. On your right.

Choi Sung-gu shivered from head to toe. He was wearing an expression of absolute terror, but he didnt shout or freak out. The situation was too perilous for him to whine and moan like usual.

Fuck. Should we attack?

The moment you try, itll go straight for your neck. If you can cast your spell in 0.0001 seconds, go ahead and try.

Basically, dont do it.

Then what do we do?

In the very short moment when it attacks, Ill counterattack at the right time.

It was one thing if he had no clue where it was, but he judged that as long as he had a rough grasp of its location, it should be possible to counterattack.


Another crack spread across the compass glass.

If the compass breaks completely, we wont be able to tell where it is at all.

Then dont we have to call it out now, while we can?

We do.

That was the goal, but the beast was careful and staying hidden. It could even be that it could instinctively feel the compass effect.


A chilling rustle swept past them, half-sounding like the wind. It felt like something was slithering around them. Choi Sung-gu nearly squealed when he felt it, and goosebumps rose all over his arms.

Hyukjin waited a little longer.

If it continues to move like this, itll come to my left.

The compass would hold out until then. The compass needle continued to move, passing behind Hyukjin and Sung-gu and coming around to Hyukjins left.


The compass glass split a little more.

I need to make it attack me.

It would be hard to initiate an attack on it. The compass only gave him the approximate location, not exactly where it or its vital spots were.

Thankfully, Hyukjin knew how to lure it out. He intentionally spoke aloud.

I will use the temporary authority given to me by the Whispering Devil.

He purposefully mentioned the Whispering Devil by name, something that was sure to delight the Guardian, considering his personality.

[Using the temporary authority Speak of Peace, Prepare for War Strategy.]

The name meant that war and peace were two sides of the same coin, and the strategy was to reassure the opponent by speaking of peace, but prepare for war on the sly and strike them unawares.

In his current situation, there could be no authority more useful.


The Black Pearl Centipede circling the two humans in stealth mode found the chance it had been waiting for. It was the human that looked less appetizing of the two, but there was clearly an opening, almost as if the human were tempting it to come and eat him.

The Black Pearl Centipede instinctively made a judgment.

Of the two humans, that one was the more dangerous. As long as it could successfully hunt him, it could make quick work of the fat one standing nearby. But it was the dangerous one the centipede felt an enormous opening from. It felt like the human was capable of locating it. So the Black Pearl Centipede didnt hesitate. It instinctively judged that another opportunity like this would not come again.

The countless stiff bristles on its legs ground against each other, producing an unpleasant screech.

The time was now.

It decided to hunt that man.

* * *

* * *

Hyukjin concluded that he had to deal the monster a fatal blow. So he took out Isabel, the most powerful weapon in his arsenal.

Isabel. You know how I created the Blackfire Bow, right? he asked her.

He didnt get an answer. Isabel was deeply asleep.

Im going to tap into my mana and forcibly shove Athenaes flame into your body.

This wasnt a System-guided ability. It was Kim Hyukjin applying an ability he learned from the System in his own way, similar to when Hyukjin mimicked the abilities of other Players even without the Action Replication skill.

It wont be as refined and efficient as a skill, but

It should still be possible.

Just like how I created the Blackfire Bow with my will.

Without the Systems help.

Isabel. Ill be loading a great deal of destructive force into your body.

Isabel was still asleep. Hyukjin couldnt afford to wait for her to wake up. As soon as he used the Speak of Peace, Prepare for War Strategy, he began to feel the Black Pearl Centipedes presence. It was clearly growing excited.

Come bite me.

A little longer. He would wait just a little longer. Sung-gu shivered.

Somehow, Im getting an even scarier feeling.



Sung-gu shut his mouth. Hyukjin could tell.

Its going for me.

The beasts tail was aiming for his head, and its teeth for his stomach.

Looking at Hyukjin, Sung-gu realized his time to act had come. He was already done preparing to use his skill.

The skill cast time is short.

What he would use wasnt an attack skill, but a buff ability that would assist Hyukjin, just like before. He would wrap Hyukjins attack in his fire ki. That was the best course of action he could take right now.

Hyukjin drew forth his strength.


He would only have one chance. The compass broke with a resounding crack and fell to the ground, and it was exactly then that Hyukjin swung Isabel.

He used the skill that would always seek and land a fatal blow on a foes weak spot no matter the situation, the ability he had awakened thanks to Isabel.

[Using the innate ability Sword of Insight.]

At the same time, he wrapped Isabel with the blackfire energy his body remembered. If he had the Tome of the Divine Sword Physique in him, he might have been able to manifest the ability perfectly, but he didnt have it yet.

It needs to die in one hit.

He saw its head, a huge head.


The tip plunged in.

Burning with black flames, Isabels blade slid into the centipedes head.



The beasts leg hairs ground against each other with the screech of nails on a blackboard. Choi Sung-gu canceled the magic hed been readying, making an instinctive call. He knew exactly how much time he had.

It cant use stealth again so fast.

If so, Sung-gu could use a big spell instead. The boss was screeching in pain.

This is where I should use

A memory flashed through his mind. It was time for the big spell hed used against the Predator Trees to make an appearance.

[Using the skill Fire Storm.]

The massive insect, the Black Pearl Centipede, was assaulted with the flames of Fire Storm. But only for a moment. Sung-gus eyes grew wide.

My magic is being swallowed by those black flames.

The red flames disappeared, swallowed whole.

And those flames have become even fiercer.

After preying on the red flames, the black flames became stronger. They decreased in size, but Choi Sung-gu could feel that they were incredibly pure. It was like he was peering into the endless depths of darkness.


Hyukjins eyes were bloodshot. He directed every ounce of his strength into the hand holding Isabel. A voice rang out in his head.

(Husband. What are you doing?!)

He couldnt hear Isabels voice properly. He only had one chance, one chance to kill the Black Pearl Centipede. If he missed it, he would be the one getting hunted.

Hyukjin pulled out Isabel.

Before it goes back into stealth

[Using the special skill Flash Step.]

He clambered onto its head with Flash Step.

One more time.

[Using the skill Sword of Insight.]

He plunged Isabel into the centipedes head again.


Green blood spurted onto Hyukjins face and body along with the sound of tearing flesh.


Hyukjins skin burned. It was painful, but not unbearable.

Meanwhile, Sung-gu used Fire Arrow to strike various parts of the centipedes body.

(You crazy husband! Answer me, what are you doing?!)

At the same time, the black flames on Isabels blade billowed even bigger. The flames Hyukjin had lit were pure blackfire. But Choi Sung-gu found those flames blinding now.

I cant see.

The fire magician closed his eyes. The flames were so bright he couldnt even open his eyes and look at them. And he was someone who was imbued with the Tome of the Divine Fire Physique.

Just what the hell is happening right now?

This wasnt Hyukjins own strength. Even Sung-gu knew that much.

Isabels strength?

Isabel was amplifying the fire ki with her own strength. To Sung-gu, the phenomenon felt similar to the manifestation of magic, like transcendent magic was being used.

The black flames swallowed the Black Pearl Centipede, head, legs, and all.

Thud! Thud!


It flailed in agony, writhing every which way in convulsions that shook the entire chamber. It was almost like there was an earthquake.

Its body shriveled up. As all of the poison and moisture in its body burned up, the giant centipede dried up like an octopus on the grill.

Hyukjins consciousness dimmed.

Im dizzy.

He managed something, that was for sure. Isabel had helped him a great deal. But he was too dizzy. His mind went fuzzy.

[The quest Hunt the Black Pearl Centipede Boss Monster! has been cleared.]

Simultaneously, Isabels blade began to crack. It was different from the hairline cracks she had sustained thus far. The crack went straight through the blade, and it looked as if she would break at a light touch.

Hyukjin desperately held onto his dimming consciousness. And then, he knew.

If things go on

Isabel would shatter.

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