Max Talent Player

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

In all actuality, Song Kiyeol was unable to render a good performance at the auction. Xu Xins active interference made it so he only managed to score 3 items with a total of $4.5 million spent.

You will earn at least $7 million even with what youve already purchased.

That was what Kim Hyukjin had told him. But what Hyukjin meant by $7 million was a little different from what Song Kiyeol thought.

Not $7 million total

But $7 million each. And the buyer had come just yesterday. A person who introduced himself as an American investor showed up out of nowhere and asked to buy each item for $7 million, almost like it was scripted. It just happened, and Kiyeol was left feeling somewhat bamboozled.

To think they were worth $7 million each.

It seemed he had underestimated Kim Hyukjins audacity. He was definitely not from a chaebol family, yet his thoughts were on a scale that utterly shocked a chaebol scion.

In any case, Kiyeol bought the items for $4.5 million and sold them for $21 million, raking in a $16.5 million profit in just 20 hours for a tidy earnings rate of $825k per hour.

Even his baby brother Song Jinchul had no choice but to acknowledge Kiyeols overwhelming win. Jinchul lost the bet, but he was happy that Kim Hyukjin was now powerless. Despite allegedly coming to apologize, he was clearly in high spirits.

Hyukjin raised a finger.

Take one hit.

The older brother Song Kiyeol squeezed his eyes shut.

Its time.

What was to come had come. Hyukjins index finger flicked Jinchuls forehead. He didnt even put much force in it, but Jinchul fell over with a shriek of pain and flailed on the ground.

Ow ow owwww!

Without even glancing at his little brother, Kiyeol scolded, Dont be so dramatic. Then, he said to Kim Hyukjin, You can hit him a little more.

Well, my pet will do that for me.

The squirrel on Hyukjins shoulder scrambled down and kicked the kid on the ground. It didnt look all that painful.

Hyukjin still saw it.

[A factor in a major variable.]

It meant this kid had created some kind of major variable. He would probably find out what that was when his Eye of Perception or Observers Eye proficiency increased.

I told you not to cross the line, Hyukjin said.


Want another hit? Didnt you come here to apologize?

When he raised his index finger again, Song Jinchul scrambled to get on his knees.

I-I was wrong!

He looked well and truly frightened. Upon realizing his own disgraceful state, Jinchuls face reddened.

Just what the hell is going on? He panicked. I thought he lost all his strength as a Player!

And yet, Kim Hyukjin overpowered him with a single finger. And what was with that overwhelming aura? He hadnt felt so small even when he was crushed by fear due to Mettle before.

Ive definitely grown a lot since then!

But it didnt matter.

Just how!

Song Jinchul lacked Pietros insight and simply sat there in confusion. Song Kiyeol hauled him to his feet.

Apologize properly.

Come in for now. Its cold outside.

At Hyukjins invitation, the two brothers entered the home. Hyukjin took a seat on the living room sofa. The center of Jinchuls forehead was swelling to the size of a small ping pong ball.

What, wasnt able to defeat your hyung with your Discernment ability?


Jinchuls body quivered.

Did Hyung tell you?

Tell me what?

That I have Discernment.

You never told me that, interjected Kiyeol.


Jinchuls face reddened. Then how does he know?

I dont know that either.

Some guy took a peek at your little brothers ability and youre not mad?

As expected of an 8th grader, he wasnt able to conceal his emotions.

Summary: Self-Proclaimed Chosen One who has Taken a Huge Blow to his Pride

His pride was as bruised as a fallen peach. Still, a promise was a promise.

Song Kiyeol urged, Not going to apologize?


Save the buts. If youre not going to apologize, I cant take responsibility for whatll happen next.

A little time passed. Jinchul brought his head down low.


What did you say?


The first part of I apologize was mumbled too quickly. Kiyeol coaxed him. Say it properly.

...I apologize.

Hyukjin shrugged. In the end, this willful brat lowered his head and said sorry.

I dont usually accept empty apologies.


But Ill let it go for today.

Jinchul was a factor in a major variable. Until Hyukjin knew what that was, it was probably best to leave him as he was.

So? Did you come here just to apologize? asked Hyukjin.

Ah, not just that

Song Kiyeol took out an item from his Inventory. Hyukjin recognized it.

The Ink Bow.

It couldnt quite be called an incredible artifact, but it was a black bow widely used through the intermediate period. Though it was a little on the heavy side, archers who had invested in their Strength could easily use it. Its damage and consecutive firing speed were fairly high.

In the past, the Master Pedro once said this about the Ink Bow:

The Ink Bow appears to have a hidden secret. I am working to uncover that secret, but I havent been successful yet.

In the end, he was unable to figure it out.

In any case, its a rare item in the current period.

Hyukjin took it.


The bow responded to his touch. From observing it with Observers Eye, it seemed the bow was reacting to some kind of strength Hyukjin possessed.

This feeling is With some concentration, he figured it out. I think its responding to my fire ki.

He didnt know exactly. How the Ink Bow was related to fire ki would take a little more investigation.

Its a good item.

Yes. I procured it with difficulty from the US.

Thank you. Its a good gift.

Just then, Hyukjins mother came back from visiting a friend. Lee Soohyun walked into the room.

Goodness, who do we have here? Are you friends of Hyukjin?

Soohyun didnt recognize the very famous Taeguk Shield guildmaster despite his many appearances on TV.


Song Kiyeol looked towards Kim Hyukjin, seemingly asking, Can I pretend to be your friend? with his eyes. Hyukjin gave a brisk nod.

Oh dear, just look at how harebrained I am. Ill at least cut you some fruit. Sit, sit. Hyukjin, you shouldve offered your guests something!

Laughing merrily, Soohyun ran off to the kitchen. Her son who didnt have many friends had finally brought one home, an event that made her feel very happy.

The more friends you have, the better. Here, here. Eat up.

She handed Song Kiyeol a fork with a slice of apple on it. He took it politely with an awkward smile.

Ah. Thank you for the food, maam.

I never thought our Hyukjin would bring friends home one day. What a rare occurrence. But how come I feel like Ive seen you somewhere?

Song Kiyeol was pretty good at acting. He didnt quite understand why he had to act, but he did so anyway, fearing that breaking the news that he was a business partner and not a friend would disappoint Hyukjins mom, which would in turn earn Hyukjins ire.

It must be because I have a somewhat common face. He even threw in some flattery. I see that Hyukjin is handsome because he takes after you.

Soohyun laughed with an, Oh please, our son isnt that handsome! But she didnt seem that displeased. On the contrary, she was very excited. A smile floated to Hyukjins lips as he watched his happy mother. If he were to point out the best thing since returning to the past, it would be that he had his family with him, people who would rejoice with him and be sad with him over the smallest things.

How did you get to know Hyukjin? I dont think Ive ever seen you.

Song Kiyeol was quick on his feet. We met over mutual friends and ended up becoming friends, haha! Hahaha!

Goodness, so thats how it is. Please get along with Hyukjin. He looks normal, but he doesnt have many friends and doesnt have a girlfriend. Its quite troubling.

I will do my best to cherish our friendship, maam.

Song Kiyeol forked a slice of apple and offered it to Lee Soohyun in a show of deep courtesy.

Please have a piece as well, maam. Next time, I will come bearing a gift.

The guildmaster of Koreas number 1 guild became extremely humble before Lee Soohyun. He almost looked like a new hire wagging his tail at his boss at an after-work party.

Hyukjin ate an apple slice.

This is a good feeling.

Song Kiyeol had earned a few points in Hyukjins book today. And looking at Hyukjins easy smile, Song Kiyeol was sure of one thing.

This is more effective than the Ink Bow.

It seemed he would have to treat Mama Hyukjin well. The third gen chaebol Song Kiyeol realized exactly who he needed to flatter.

* * *

* * *

On the ride back home, Jinchul bit his lips.

Why were you buttering up that auntie so much, Hyung?

Watch what you say.

Youre a chosen one, Hyung. So why are you acting like a eunuch to that commoner auntie?

Jinchuls pride was once again painfully stubbed today.

Song Jinchul. This is my last warning.


Kiyeol would have liked his baby brother to at least realize why Michelle went so far as to lie to side with Guildmaster Kim Hyukjin. But unfortunately, his baby brother couldnt understand his feelings at all. Put simply, he was too dumb.

Think hard on why Michelle acted the way she did and why Im acting the way I am.


Did you hear me?

...I heard you, Jinchul said in a small voice. His big brother usually didnt get mad. Jinchul knew that very well. His brother was currently on the verge of getting very angry, so he shut his mouth.


Ever since this Kim Hyukjin bastard showed up, nothing seemed to go right. Grandpa also seemed to be fixated on Kim Hyukjin. There had to be some kind of reason why even his grandfather was paying so much attention to Kim Hyukjin, but the 8th grader Song Jinchul was unable to deduce that much.

He even saw that I have Discernment.

Kim Hyukjin did indeed have special eyes.

Which makes this bet a scam.

That bastard went into the bet with eyes like that. Jinchul wanted to complain to his brother, but he was unable to. He did apologize to Kim Hyukjin, but it wasnt sincere.

One day, Ill crush him no matter what.

He resolved to do so in his heart, unaware that Kim Hyukjin had read him like an open book.

Hell definitely act up one day. Dont you think, Kim Darong?

Hyukjin was now in the habit of calling Darongi Kim Darong as well. Darongi was putting out [] notes as he nibbled an acorn on top of Hyukjins shoulder.

I bet his pride got real beat up today, and that hell get punished by his brother. And that brother of his will wag his tail at Mom again. How angry do you think thatll make him? Itll drive him nuts, right?


A spoiled brat should grow up like a spoiled brat.

He wanted to know what that factor in a major variable was. The strange sensation of the world distorting all around the unaffected Song Jinchul was still vivid in his mind.


Hell be itching to crush me.

An elementary school kid brandishing a plastic knife wasnt at all threatening. That was exactly how Hyukjin saw Song Jinchula weak opponent he could play with, but had no reason to seriously fight. So he decided to keep watching, watching to see just how that factor in a major variable would grow.

Some time passed.

Knock knock.

Oppa, Im here. Having just returned from a short trip out of the house with Ahyoung, Sunhwa chirped, Lets go!


Hyukjin got up. There was some preparation to do before he went into the Dewinged Angel Statue Gate.

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