Max Talent Player

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Hyukjin and Michelle heard the same notice.

[The Herdsman of Las Vegas proposes a bet.]

The two of them focused on the notice.


What kind of bet?

Hyukjin had a hunch he knew what kind of bet it was.

Michelles a sovereign. Im also known as a sovereign. He must be trying to pit two sovereigns against each other.

Meanwhile, Michelle was a little puzzled.

That man is someone who became famous as a Korean archer in Italy.

After receiving word from Taeguk Shields guildmaster Song Kiyeol that he would be participating with Kim Hyukjin, Michelle did some investigating of her own. But to her surprise, there wasnt much information floating around about Kim Hyukjin. She just knew he was an archer.

My opponent is an archer.

A sovereign and an archer. What would a bet between the two look like?

[He proposes a battle between sovereigns, a War.]

[The War will take place in a field specially devised by the Herdsman of Las Vegas.]

Hyukjin was already very familiar with this War Field. Michelle had shown it to the world many times. Most people ten years in the future knew about this field.

Theres a castle

And a turret protecting the castle.

You can summon your contracted Guardian Tower.

Smashing all the turrets and destroying the castle would allow you to hunt the sovereign. That was the rule behind this field. Like PVP, a resurrection authority was active here.

Youre a sovereign?


Thats different from what I found regarding you.

You must have thought I was an archer.


Michelle didnt respond. She might have failed to uncover her opponents identity, but she was confident nevertheless.

The Herdsman of Las Vegas is extremely fond of betting.

Hyukjin knew that.

I know.

Id like you to accept the wager.

Michelle seemed to be worried that Hyukjin might refuse the bet.

Im glad. This was a good chance to measure Michelles skill. Has she already contracted with the Guardian Tower Tintin by now?

It wasnt common knowledge yet. But knowing Michelle, and knowing the world of Rankers Hyukjin was experiencing right now, it was possible she had already contracted her Guardian Tower.

Hyukjin asked, Have you contracted a Guardian Tower?

I dont think theres any reason for me to answer that.

Youre right.

Hyukjin grinned. That was because for a split second, Michelles summary changed.


  1. Master of Tintin Maintaining her Composure

He found out a little more about Michelle. This was why Eye of Perception was so good.


Name: Michelle

Age: 34

Level: 38

Class: Mercenary Sovereign

Guardian: Herdsman of Las Vegas

Innate ability: Inject Funds, Guardian Tower Summoning


  1. Master of Tintin Maintaining her Composure

  • The disposition/state/summary only show the most representative and can change according to the situation.

  • Because Eye of Perceptions proficiency is not high enough, viewing more detailed information is impossible.

Michelle has contracted a Guardian Tower, and she doesnt know that Ive done the same.

The fact that Hyukjin was the Guardian Tower Ahn Seohyes master wasnt widely known to begin with. The only people who knew were Guildmaster Song Kiyeol and the guild members of Giantgod.

Thats why shes so full of confidence.

Michelle nudged him again.

The bets proposed by the Herdsman of Las Vegas come with extremely sweet rewards.

There were countless Players who were intoxicated by that sweetness and driven to ruin. But Hyukjin didnt say that, because he was confident that wouldnt happen to him.

Hyukjin smiled.

Then let me have a taste of that sweet reward.

Notices rang in his ears.

[You have accepted the War.]

[Teleporting to the War Field.]

Michelle had experienced War several times already. Having engaged other sovereigns in America in battle to activate the War system, she was confident.


But something was a little different this time.

[The Herdsman of Las Vegas acts in consideration of ------.]

[The War Field will not be visible to outsiders.]

There was a part she definitely heard, but wasnt able to make out.

What is he acting in consideration of?

She had no idea. It was also strange that the War Field wouldnt be open to public view.

[The War has begun.]

The two sides began on the northern and southern ends of the War Field. Normally in War, the Players led by the sovereign would destroy the opponents turrets and castle, then go on to execute the enemy sovereign.

But this War did not involve many Players. Only two people, Kim Hyukjin and Michelle, entered it.

Doesnt matter anyway.

This new field was isolated from the outside, and whatever happened here was shielded from the public view. And there were only two people participating. Besides these anomalies, it was no different from what she had gone through so far.

[As per the number of participants, the number of turrets will be restricted to 1.]

The number of turrets was cut down to one. It was because there werent many participants.

[As per the number of participants, the durability of the castle walls will be reduced.]

As she expected, the castle walls were weakened to the point that a lone Player could easily break them. Michelle uttered the activation phrase.

Tintin. Summon.

The location at which Guardian Towers were summoned was set to the center of the War Field. In order to reach the opponents castle, you had no choice but to cross the central area once. Which meant, Kim Hyukjin would have to get past her Tintin.

A sovereign with a Guardian Tower and a sovereign without one is heaven and hell apart.

At least here, in the War Field.

She walked towards the center of the field. But her leisurely gait was soon disrupted by the incomprehensible situation that unfolded before her.

* * *

* * *

Hyukjin heard a voice.

Where am I?

Hyukjin answered inwardly. Were in America. LA.

Whoaa. Its my first time coming to LA.

After becoming a Guardian Tower, Seohye was far more honest about her feelings. Because they were mentally connected, her excitement was relayed directly to Hyukjin.

But whats that Guardian Tower?

That moment, Hyukjin had the impression that Seohye was growling, kind of like a savage beast coming face to face with another beast.

Can I break it?

Hyukjin nodded. You can. But do you think itll be easy?

The Guardian Tower Seohyes soul went into was also called Tintin. The one Michelle had summoned was probably a Tintin as well. That meant the Guardian Towers themselves were about the same level.

Of course. Youre talking to Ahn Seohye here.

From her prideful tone, she seemed very confident.


Seohye continued speaking.

Nemesis Doom Barrier.

The barrier that had once squashed Fire Giants was deployed. It wasnt visible to Hyukjins eyes, but he could see what was happening through the Red Eye above Tintin.

Seohyes surroundings turned red. The Irregulars countless red threads of predation wrapped around the opponents turret.

The gunports opened on both Tintins, and they fired at one another.


Hyukjin heard explosions from afar. Despite the considerable distance, they were so loud they rocked his eardrums. Hyukjin smiled.

How is it?

Weak. Its attack wasnt strong enough to penetrate my barrier.

And yours?

It barely blocked the barrage from my gunports, but its taking continuous damage from my Nemesis Doom Barrier.

Seohye seemed completely at ease.

On the other side, Michelle was baffled by the explosions going off far in the distance.

Whats going on?

Unlike Hyukjins leisurely steps, Michelles feet quickened.

Hes got a Guardian Tower, too?

She was suddenly reminded that Korea also had a Guardian Tower, and it was a Tintin. The interesting thing about it was that it apparently had a red marble-like thing floating above it.

No way. Hes the master of that Guardian Tower?

Her opponent was a man significant enough to get the guildmaster of Taeguk Shield to seek permission for his participation in the auction.

So thats how it is.

If he was truly the Korean Tintins master, he was indeed worthy of such regard.

That really surprised me.

But she decided not to let herself be shaken anymore.

[Using the innate ability Inject Funds.]

Inject Funds. It was her ability to use money in order to invoke Guardian Tower-related authorities.

[Use Inject Funds to enhance the Guardian Tower?]

[$10,000 used.]

Ten thousand dollars. Michelle spent the sum like it was nothing.

Hyukjin also noticed the change from his mental connection with Seohye.

She enhanced it.

As he knew she would. Michelles Tower Enhancement was famous in the past, too. The enhancement was within the calculated range. Hyukjins gait was as leisurely as ever.

Michelle relaxed a little.

There werent many chances for Koreas Guardian Tower to grow.

That was why it wasnt very famous. She did hear three dangerous monsters had appeared around it, but monsters of that level could be found all over the States, or so Michelle thought.

But our Guardian Tower is different.

Michelle used her innate ability Guardian Tower Summoning to summon her Tintin in places with monsters. She treated Tintin like a summoned creature, and as such, her Guardian Tower became stronger and stronger. She was also able to strengthen it using her money.

Ours is a growth-type.

Was the other sides tower also capable of growth? Even if it was, it hadnt had the opportunity to grow.

Hyukjin asked again, How is it?

Its become a little stronger, but its still a weakling.

He didnt ask anymore. Tintin with Seohyes soul in it was fundamentally different from a regular Tintin. Ahn Seohye was an Irregular. In addition, the tower had absorbed the Red Eyes the Shepherd Boy had sought so desperately. Its prowess was incomparable to a regular Tintin.

Im doing good, right?

Yeah. Youre strong.

Hyukjin could see it clearly with his own eyes. The opponents bullet attacks were completely unable to penetrate Seohyes barrier of red threads. On the other hand, Seohyes bullets were putting crack after crack in the opposing Tintin.

In the end, Michelle reached the center of the field before Hyukjin. Her footsteps had quickened.

How can this be?

She hastily used her innate ability.

[Using the innate ability Inject Funds.]

The target was her Guardian Tower.

[Using Inject Funds to commence Guardian Tower Restoration.]

[The Guardian Tower Restoration fee will be charged depending on the level of damage to be restored.]

The cracked Guardian Tower began to steadily heal.

[$13,000 used.]

Michelle couldnt believe what was happening. Before she could get her bearings, Kim Hyukjin arrived. The two came head to head at the central field.

What do you think about my Guardian Tower?

You were the master of the Korean Guardian Tower?

Yes. Some way or another, it turned out like that.

Why is that completely unknown to the world?

Because theres nothing all that special about being a Guardian Towers master?


Michelle chewed her lip a little. Nothing special about being a Guardian Towers master? Shed never heard something more ridiculous in her life. Being a Guardian Towers master was a special thing. But she quickly smoothed out her expression.

She kept her voice soft, like she was talking to a friend. Can I ask you one thing?

The fight between the Guardian Towers was taking a short pause. Hyukjin nodded.

Yes, ask away.

His expression was utterly relaxed. It was true that he was feeling relaxed, but he exaggerated it. While they talked, even more Guardians would enter the channel, which would cause Americas flagship Guardians to turn their attention to him a little more. His every move was calculated to achieve that end.

That Guardian Tower is also a Tintin, correct?

Yes, thats right.

What is that red marble at the top?

I dont know, either.


The word almost sprang from Michelles lips, but she didnt show it. How could a Guardian Tower Master not know about their own Guardian Tower? That was a lie. However, she didnt press the issue.

Then am I correct in assuming your Guardian Tower experienced great growth because of that red marble?

Most likely, yes. I think so.

It was something even the Shepherd Boy was antsy to get his hands on. It probably had a big influence on Tintins strength.

In that case, would you sell that red marble to me?

That moment, the two of them heard a series of notices.

[The Herdsman of Las Vegas takes notice of the proposal.]

[The Merchant of Venice watches the situation with interest.]

The two Guardians were paying close attention.

[The Herdsman of Las Vegas declares a temporary ceasefire.]

[The War Field has been changed to the Ceasefire Field.]

Hyukjin smiled to himself.

The Herdsman of Las Vegas seems rather excited, doesnt he?

Not only that, but the Merchant of Venice was heated up as well. A sudden trade? And with the Red Eyes on the line?

I wont sell it anyway.

The two Guardians would likely get directly involved to make the Red Eyes sellable. However, Hyukjin had zero intent to sell it.

Well, lets just listen to her opening bid.

The two Guardians were worked up. He would twist this situation as much as possible in his favor, just as he had done all this time.

How much?

Michelle answered, $30,000,000.

The Gold Pyramid offered 30 million USD.

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