Max Talent Player

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Pedro wanted to cut in, but was unable to.


The most outstanding sovereign class Player he knew was of course Chiellini (Salvatore). When they cleared the Dourdan Gate together in the past, the whole party would have probably been wiped out if Chiellini hadnt been there. Such was the power of the sovereign class, which shined when commanding other Players.

But Hyukjin is also one?

Whats more, Hyukjin was saying this:

Because at least at this point in time, my ability as a sovereign exceeds yours.

Unable to hold back, Pedro butted in. Everyone was just accepting the revelation as a matter of fact, but what would that make him, the person who gifted a sovereign a bow?

I should have given him something better than a bow.

This would be a stain on his manly man name.

But Hyukjin, whatll become of Sylphids Wing then?

Im making good use of it. You saw it too, didnt you?

Hyukjin shattered Berattos authority with Sylphids Wing, then beat the hapless sop black and blue with Isabel. Even Sunhwa had discovered that footage.

Yeah, thats true, but Now that Hyukjin said he wasnt an archer, but a sovereign, Pedro still felt a little bad. If you return it to me, Ill get you something better.

Hyukjin grinned. Youll give me something better if I give it back?

Yes, Ill procure something better, whatever it may be. Maybe a sovereign exclusive?

That does sound nice, but

Hyukjin actually wanted Sylphids Wing, since he would also be able to get a scenario related to the Wind Temple. However, he packaged his intent differently. 

Wouldnt it wound a manly mans pride if they take back something thats been given away?


Im just concerned your pride will take a hit out of greed to give me something good.

Pedro nodded. That was true. When he thought about it, his manly man pride would certainly be tarnished. Manly men never took back what was given. That was the manly man way he(she) upheld as truth.

N-Now that I think about it, youre right. Pedro broke into a big grin. In that case, this manly man will procure something better for you without taking the bow back.

Im really grateful for your kindness. A manly mans generosity really is on a different level.

Everyone standing next to the brightly grinning Pedro looked on with stunned faces. Were they watching highway extortion happening right in front of them? Even the naive Vela had the feeling something was wrong here, which said enough about the situation. Vela spoke up with a cough.

Anyway, I wanna come too.

You cant.

Why not?

Because Chiellini doesnt want you to.

Thats not my problem.

Sung-gu nodded firmly. I get you, brother.

The flame magician had seriously been to hell and back in the Gran Seoul Dungeon. Playing with people other than Hyukjin was frustrating as all hell. Playing with Hyukjin was the best, no matter what.

Because thats the sweetest and easiest road!

No matter what happened, no matter what obstacles appeared, Sung-gu vowed time and time again that he would always Play with Kim Hyukjin.

Like I said, Playing with others after Playing with you is enough to drive a person mad. Right, Vela?

Vela extended a hand to Sung-gu. You know your stuff, man.

Heh. Shabam, glad were on the same wavelength. Youre a dashing fellow.

Vela and Sung-gu unintentionally ended up sympathizing with one another and came to a mutual understanding. Hyukjin gave up on convincing Vela with words. Any additional attempts were a waste of time.



You good at fighting?

... Vela paused, feeling strange. It was odd to hear those words coming from someone else. I am.

Better than me?


Vela had no choice but to shut his mouth. He had long since fully acknowledged defeat. Vela saw Hyukjin as an expert of close-combat martial arts several levels above himself.


If youre better at fighting than me, then come. If youre not, then leave.

Cmon man, think about it. How many people out there are better at fighting than you?

So? You good at fighting?

Chiellini (Salvatore) watched that ridiculous conversation in silence. He knows exactly how to handle Vela.

It looked immature, but there was no better way to handle this simpleton. The problem was just that there werent many people strong enough to make Vela submit.

In any case, Hyukjin wrapped up the issue of Velas participation with You good at fighting?

With that, a party of fourKim Hyukjin, Chiellini, Choi Sung-gu, and Kim Sunhwawas composed. Pedro had a quest from Elder Bufafa, so he went to the Winter Castle.

Then first, lets look for the gate.

The archeological site of Pompeii.

They spent three days there.

* * *

* * *

Chiellini (Salvatore) thought to himself, Lets see if theres really something for me to learn.

It was his first time meeting a Player who claimed they were a better sovereign than him, and with such brazen confidence. He decided to see for himself just how amazing this Hyukjin really was. Nothing had come of their search yet, even after three days.

Hyukjin found himself considering something drastic. Do I need to ask Jackson for help?

But he couldnt call Jackson for everything. Jackson hadnt been here when Salvatore cleared it in the past. That meant it was possible even without Jackson.

Oppa, my legs hurt. Can I go take a break over there? asked Sunhwa.

Go ahead.

Sung-gu was about to interject with Eh? How does that make any sense? But Hyukjin stopped him. Actually, Sung-gu was right. Sunhwa was a tank.

Her physical endurance and stamina are at least my level.

But her legs suddenly hurt? It was strange. As a result, Sunhwas words caught Hyukjins attention. He clearly remembered how they stumbled on the Turtle Nest in Japan before. They had gone to the gyukatsu restaurant because Sunhwa suddenly said she wanted to eat gyukatsu, only to find a gate there.

Ill find out in due time.

Hyukjin walked forward, judging that he would soon find the reason why Sunhwa the tank, a girl with very high physical stats, suddenly felt that her legs were aching.

This place

Before him was the Basilica, a building structured in a way you would commonly associate with a temple. The massive construction was originally dozens of long pillars propping up one rectangular building.

Weve already been here multiple times.

All of the pillars had crumbled, leaving not a single one intact. There was, of course, no ceiling. Only remnants of pillars remained in regularly spaced intervals.

And sitting in front of one of those cornerstones was Sunhwa.

Hyukjin was able to discover something there.

Theres a strange shimmering here.

It was very faint, but there was definitely something there.

Its not a gate.

But it might be some kind of key that could open the gate. 

Just then, Chiellini said, The map in my possession is reacting.

They had found it. The entrance of the gate.

* * *

Hyukjin stared at the activated gate. Unlike Sung-gu and Salvatore, he wasnt astonished or stunned. If it happened once, he might just think it was odd, but if it happened twice, it was no longer a coincidence, but inevitable. Sunhwa had a special ability no one, perhaps not even herself, had discovered yet.

The person in question had no idea what she had done.

Huh? A gate?

The gate opened in response to Salvatores map.

[Predator Tree Colony]

A gate to teleport to the Predator Tree Colony.

Entrance conditions:

  1. The activator (party) of the gate, and at least level 30.

  2. One who has hunted a Predator Tree before, and at least level 30.

Only Players who have fulfilled 1) or 2) can enter.

Hyukjin stroked Sunhwas head once.

Well done.

Did I do that?


Sunhwa didnt really know what she did, but she was happy to be praised. The 14-year-old girl was hungry for her brothers praise.

Chiellini took the lead with a bitter face.

Lets go in.

Hyukjin followed him, saying, The description is totally the same as the Predator Tree Colony I experienced in Korea.

[Entering the Predator Tree Colony.]

The field changed to a humid and dark cave, as one would expect from a place inhabited by Predator Trees. Hyukjins Eye of Perception captured many presences, but they werent dangerous ones.

Its the same as before.

They were all Predator Trees at the end of their 300 year lifespan. These Predator Trees that someone had artificially cultivated were truly easy prey.

I will not participate in direct combat, said Hyukjin. In other words, I wont personally attack.

How come?

So that the rewards arent split to me. I promised, after all.

Though if he was being honest, it was because he wouldnt get any EXP if he hunted them himself.

Granted, Hyukjin currently had the elixir called Freedom. If he used it, he could delete his cannot receive EXP penalty. He was aware of that, but he was temporarily holding onto it since it wasnt urgent. In any case, he couldnt get EXP right now if he did the hunting.

Of course, theres nothing I can do about the EXP I get indirectly or any rewards given directly to me, but I want to concede as much of the rewards as I can to you.

...I see.

Chiellini nodded, thinking Hyukjin was definitely someone who honored his ironclad promises.

That being said, will you permit Sung-gu to do the DPSing for efficient hunting?

Of course.

It would take too long to clear this place without an outstanding DPS anyway.

I also happen to have an item perfect for hunting Predator Trees.

They sprayed the Rot Water Hyukjin had gotten from Cheon Sooji here and there. Not long after, Chiellini also caught onto the fact that something was off about the field.

The state of the monsters is strange.

Of course.

Dont we have to be careful?

No. Theyre old and sick right now.

Any possibility theres a trap?


How can you be so sure?

Its exactly the same as the place I cleared.

Not only that, but Hyukjins Eye of Perception was far more developed than when he cleared the Predator Tree Colony before. His abilities themselves were stronger than back then.

How can you be sure with just that? Its better to not take action than to take action that is too bold.

Hyukjin intentionally grinned. He had already known that Salvatore would respond this way. It was an extremely normal reaction. There was nothing to lose from being careful. That was natural.

This is why I told you to learn from me.

What do you mean?

I will teach you that sometimes, bold decisions are necessary.

That was something the Salvatore he remembered had said.

If I could go back to the past, I wouldnt be so excessively cautious. Looking back, there were many lives that could not be saved because of what I prided as cool-headed thinking. I was unable to acquire more rewards I could have gained. Like the Predator Tree Colony, for example.

Salvatore said he regretted that he didnt clear it faster.

As well as the ability to see the bigger picture. Though of course, thats not something I can guarantee youll learn just because Im teaching it.

Salvatore bit his lips a little. Just where was this reckless confidence coming from?

Lets wait and see.

He wanted to see just how safely and decisively the other sovereign would clear this place, just how much ability as a sovereign Hyukjin could show, and whether that was sufficient justification for such confident claims.

Ten minutes later, Chiellini's mouth fell open.

No way.

The Predator Tree Colony was perfectly cleared. A firestorm swept through the field, and then the gate was finished.

[You have successfully hunted all Predator Trees of the Predator Tree Colony.]

[The Clear Crystal is being generated.]

And then came another notice.

[This is a special field with a reward acquisition based on clear time condition.]

Chiellini stared speechlessly at Hyukjin. The other sovereign was smiling faintly, as if he had already known this would happen. That expression seemed to be saying, Heard that notice?

Whats with this person?

But it didnt stop there. Yet another notice came in to notify them that the contribution of each Player in clearing the Predator Tree would be personally calculated by the System.

[Determining contribution.]

That eased Chiellini's sense of defeat a little.

Ill definitely be the winner here, at least.

Up until that point, Chiellini was sure of that.

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