Max Talent Player

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

I met CEO Song Kiyoung. The way he looked at me was very different from our first meeting.

Right. I hear you wanted to see me?

CEO Song Kiyoung was sitting at the head of the rectangular table. Guildmaster Song Kiyeol and I were sitting on either side of him, facing each other.

The tea is ready.

A handsome man with tidy, short hair set down three cups of hot tea.

Lets talk over some tea.


My wife throws a real fit if I use a pretty female secretary, joked CEO Song as if to lighten the mood first.

I glanced at the tall and handsome man out of the corner of my eye. Hm. I didnt think the gender of ones secretary was very important, but what was it with secretaries being universally good-looking? Though, well, a man being handsome had even less to do with me than a woman being pretty.

Why did you want to see me? Could it be that youve found a way to mass-produce hair growth serum?


First, I took a sip of tea. CEO Song waited patiently as I savored the tea. I wasnt very tense, even in front of the boss of Sungshin, a preeminent global corporation. In comparison, Song Kiyeol sitting on the other side of me seemed very nervous.

State: Uneasy / Restless / Tense

Was it because he pressed strongly for this meeting with me? Was he worried his grandfather, whose time was as valuable as gold, would get mad for setting up this meeting when we had nothing to show for it?

No, its not that Hes worried hell disappoint his grandfather.

That wouldnt happen. I began talking.

This is good tea.

Its Compagnie Coloniale black tea.

I didnt know what that was, but it was probably good. Whether this black tea was tasty or not was irrelevant anyway.

I think another guest will be joining us. Lets talk when they arrive.

A guest? CEO Songs brows furrowed. My time is valuable.

I am aware.

How many people do you think can drop in on me unannounced without making an appointment first?

Not very many, I would imagine.

But Im sure its different if the guest is your beloved granddaughter.

He probably didnt show his affection much, of course. And because of the fight for succession, the way he looked at Song Junghye the potential heir and Song Junghye his granddaughter were likely completely different. CEO Song was capable of that. Whatever the case, Song Kiyoung probably treasured Junghye more than he thought and wasnt one to be unhappy with Junghye coming up to his room.

Not long afterwards, the secretary desk contacted us.

Director Song Junghye has come to see you.

Her title in Sungshin was director, huh? CEO Song fixed me with his eyes.

Is Junghye the guest you mentioned?


Song Kiyoung smiled faintly, an expression I couldnt tell was pleased or displeased.

Tell her to come in, he said.

Song Junghye entered the room.

* * *

* * *

She did enter the room looking tidy and put together, but I was certain that Song Junghye ran over here urgently.

Rough breathing.

She looked unaffected, but there were beads of sweat on her nape despite it only being autumn.

Looks like she was in a hurry.

She must have dropped everything to come quick because she thought Kiyeol and I would be meeting CEO Song to discuss something very, very important. That was what we had leaked.

Well then, shall we begin the discussion? I said.

The gist of what I had to say was simple. The currently allied Giantgod Guild and Taeguk Shield would no longer involve themselves in the Gran Seoul Dungeon.

Which means, we will no longer interfere no matter what kind of Playing you do, Miss Song.

What do you mean by that?

I heard you gathered Players with gate abilities and occupied the gate. Something youre doing even now.

Song Junghye lied without a single change in her expression. It seems theres been a misunderstanding. I know nothing about that.

I knew she would say this.

Then Im even more disappointed.

What do you mean?

It means youve completely failed to recognize the importance of the Gran Seoul. If you had gathered gate Players to try and occupy the gate, I would have at least admired your insight.

That shut her up instantly. Her short-sighted gaze went not to me, but to her grandfather. She had no choice but to study his expression. The CEO was peacefully drinking his tea. Scared, arent you? Blood and Iron Witch.

To tell you the truth, I was going to give up on the Gran Seoul Dungeon because I didnt want to get involved in a family dispute, but if its completely unrelated to you, then I smiled wide. There shouldnt be any problem if I chase all those Players away.


In the end, Song Junghye opened her mouth.

Fine. Its my loss. Its true that I employed them. Because I deduced the importance of the Gran Seoul Dungeon early on.

Yes, it was better for her to admit defeat sooner rather than later. CEO Song likely wanted that, as well. Looking at her state, unlike what her expressionless face suggested, she was seething on the inside.

State: Rage / Anxious of Someones Gaze / Inferiority

I didnt know if she was feeling inferior because of me or because of her brother.

In that case, Taeguk Shield and Giantgod Guild will pull out of the Gran Seoul Dungeon.


Because the Gran Seoul Dungeon has lost its value.


Song Junghyes face turned black. Didnt know that, did you? Song Junghye was just showing her grandfather that she was blindly investing wasted resources and effort like an idiot right now.

As if that could be the case. You may not know, Mr. Kim, but there is a very high drop rate for a special fruit called Growth Fruit in the Gran Seoul Dungeon.

Junghye then began a long speech extolling the Growth Fruit. The explanation wasnt for my ears, but for her grandfathers, meant to show off her intel gathering prowess, the actions she took based on such info, and her excellent judgment in getting the jump on a place that all Players would need to enter.

I thought so as well, but it has just been revealed that its not the case.

The reliability of that information is not high. Is that not just what you think?

Talking to Song Junghye was too easy.

You probably got your information from Jackson, right? Since he is a competent explorer.


She didnt confirm or deny.

Id bet that if you were to go back and investigate again with Jackson, you would see that things have changed. You see, these things called dungeons are almost like living creatures that change on a daily basis.


I saw that she was biting her lip ever so slightly. She seemed to think she was getting shamed into the ground in front of her grandfather.

Director Song Junghye. I am the guildmaster of Giantgod, a guild working in close cooperation with Taeguk Shield. You know this, correct?

I do. Giantgod, a guild made up of a small number of elites. However, they arent very well known to the public. So Yoohyun, famed as the Tutorial Ender. Shin Yeonseo, who has a very pretty smile and overwhelming PVP skills. Jo Sunghyun and Choi Sung-gu, famous for their wind and fire combo. And even the genius tank Kim Sunhwa adopted by your family. I know they are all amazing Players.

Song Junghye worked hard to show off what she knew, as if to say she was unwilling to lose in a battle of intel. So I hit her in the sore spot with the facts.

If my Giantgod Guild had been the one to occupy the Gran Seouls gate, we wouldnt have been defeated by the Chinese Player Lao Yu.


I had her now.

Being defeated there is a sin. If youre going to do it, do it right. Or dont do it at all.

I dont see how that is of any relevance to you.

Of course it is. Because you were defeated by Lao Yu, Taeguk Shield was forced to take action. Surely you dont think Wings acted without Taeguk Shields permission, do you? While blatantly talking up Taeguk Shield?

The current guildmaster of Wings, Kim Donghyun, said this in an interview:

Theres no need for Koreas top guild to step forward because of a Player of Lao Yus level.

I know he is ranked first among Chinas tamers. But that is just in China. Korea is, of course, more outstanding.

In about three hours, when my teammates get here from clearing other gates, we will drive out Lao Yu from the Gran Seoul.

And surely you dont think Wings taking action has nothing to do with me.


She probably didnt know. That Wings and I were acquainted, and I was involved in the recent fight to retake the Gran Seoul Dungeon.

I already had my hands full clearing the Gran Seoul Dungeons hidden field. Same goes for Taeguk Shield, of course.

Taeguk Shield had nothing to do with the hidden fieldI was just letting Song Kiyeol hitch a ride so he could score a few more points in front of his grandpa. Between Junghye, who failed to properly dominate a gate you could see, vs. Kiyeol, who conquered a hidden field you couldnt see and gained new information, who was better?

Song Junghye was completely caught in my pace. Even her poker face cracked a little.


I cut her off. But the bigger problem is that you made another team out of that defeated group and occupied the gate again.

Before you say something, I strengthened my forces.

Then shall I personally test how strong those strengthened forces are? The authority on the gate Will it break easily, or not?


It was there that CEO Song interrupted with a cough. 

Now, now. Did you set up this meeting to shame my granddaughter in front of me? I say this because Im not terribly pleased, as her grandfather.

Of course he wasnt. What grandfather would be happy to see his grandchild stripped down in front of him? That is, if they were a normal family.

But CEO Song isnt a normal grandfather.

He was laughing, but I could see the deep calm in his eyes. This man was an Irregular who awakened at his advanced age and was rapidly increasing his level. He was someone who could sharply delineate between private and business matters, even while displeased. Everything I said was sure to have been precious information to CEO Song.

Itll be troublesome if he puts his weight behind the Blood and Iron Witch.

This woman most likely had a deep connection to Jackson. There was no way she was able to become the future Blood and Iron Queen on her own. It was the right call to snip off her wings so she couldnt even begin to fly, if only for the sake of the emotionally weak Song Kiyeol. I stared at CEO Song.

I am Guildmaster Song Kiyeols business partner.

I know that.

But there is a weak-willed side to my business partner.

I saw Kiyeol flinch.

Is that so? Do you see our Kiyeol as weak-willed?

At least with regards to his younger siblings, yes.


CEO Song was silent for a moment before giving a good-natured smile.

So what you mean to say is, the reason you set up this meeting was to speak on behalf of your business partner, my grandson?

Its only right for me to make up for what my partner is unable to do. Its a good thing for my Giantgod Guild if Taeguk Shield were to receive wholehearted support, correct?

Hahaha. This method gives zero consideration to my feelings as their grandfather, doesnt it?

He looked slightly mad, and that anger might be genuine. As long as he was a human being, that was inevitable.

I want to raise Taeguk Shield to Koreas best, no, the worlds best guild.

That moment, the look in CEO Songs eyes changed. He had reacted a little to the title of worlds best.

I will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Why is it that you dont want to take that position yourself? With your discernment and skills, that should be a fine prospect. Youve also gathered the guild members of Giantgod.

Because I dont have the background that is Sungshin.

You mean to say that if being number 1 is hard to achieve, you will settle for being number 2?

Let me put it like this: I am very clear on the limitations of my vessel.

CEO Song laughed, clapping with mirth. How fun. How very fun. Youve become a completely different person altogether from when you first came to see me.

Then, while looking at Guildmaster Song Kiyeol, he said, Youve chosen a truly incredible partner, Kiyeol.

...Thank you.

That is what a partner is. Someone who can make up for ones shortcomings. Thats what tactics are.

CEO Songs gaze briefly flitted to Song Junghye. Right now, in CEO Songs head, she was an idiot who failed at using a tactic once, and used that failed tactic again

It was about time to pull out my trump card. I didnt just set up this meeting to cut down Song Junghye and secure Sungshins support. I set it up because I wanted to observe CEO Song with my own eyes.

If things go as they did in the past

CEO Song didnt have much time to live. He would die from an unknown cause.

CEO Song. There is something I would like to discuss with you in private.

How can we trust you to be alone with Grandfather? Youre a Player who even crushed a combat class by f

CEO Song raised his hand. Its fine.


Go on out, both of you.

Kiyeol and Junghye left the room, leaving just Song Kiyoung and me. I saw CEO Songs status window very clearly.

Class: [Golden Sovereign]

Guardian: Golden-Horned Dokkaebi


  1. Player Preparing for Death

  2. Chaebol Leader Contemplating his Successor

CEO Song himself was preparing for death. There were two clues: Player and Chaebol Leader.

As a Player, he was preparing to die, and as a chaebol leader, he was contemplating his successor. I had confirmed it for myself, so I decided to ask him straight-forwardly. I had already proven my abilities and qualities, so even the mighty CEO Song would open up to me.

The Golden Sovereign and Golden-Horned Dokkaebi. Are they related in any way to your life?

If I could save him, I would. Doing so would land me a very big backer.

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