Max Talent Player

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

It was one of the two items acquired by Seohyes sacrifice.

[Fire Giants Breath]

Breath harboring a Fire Giants fire ki. Usable only by one who has hunted a Fire Giant, Fire Giants Breath will impart a very big effect in handling and using fire ki. However, if the user fails to control the fire ki, the fire ki will run rampant and may burn the users body.

I used it without hesitation. There was no point in hoarding things without using them. Using an item when you could at the appropriate time and place was also a skill.

Its not a waste.

That moment was now. If I could make just 1% of Athenaes pure energy mine, that alone was a huge boon for me.

[Use Fire Giants Breath?]

I used it.

[Fire Giants Breath begins taking effect on the Players body.]

In addition to the fire ki of Athenae, I felt another fire ki, the energy held by the Fire Giants Breath.

A slightly more violent flame with slightly more bloodthirst.

Not all flames were alike. This was unexplainable by science. How could a fire be violent and harbor bloodthirst? But as the person involved, I could feel it.

In complete opposition

It became more obvious to me after using the Fire Giants Breath.

Athenaes flame is

How could I best describe it?

The flame of life.

That was probably a fitting description. No other words came to mind. It was hard to put into words.

Theyre both fire ki, but theyre fundamentally different.

All things began with recognition. I recognized that the two fire ki were different kinds. Because the Fire Giants flame was completely different in nature to Athenae, I was able to make out that difference with greater precision.

I will take it in.

It was a different kind of energy, but it was still fire ki in essence.

The fire ki of Athenae.

I absorbed it into my body. It felt like fire became air and penetrated my lungs, mixing with my blood and coursing down to the tips of my feet and then back to my heart.

My heart

It was hot. Sweat streamed down.

Ar-Are you alright?

I heard Bufafas voice, but I could not respond.

My heart is hot.

It felt like my heart was expanding, like more air was being pumped into a balloon already filled to the brim. A tiny misstep, and it would pop with a boom.

However, if the user fails to control the fire ki, the fire ki will run rampant and may burn the users body.

It wasnt a lie.

If I mess up, my heart will explode.

And then, the fire ki rushing out of my heart would swallow my body alive.

Its fine as long as I dont mess up.

I instinctively knew what I had to do.

Guide this flame

I needed to carefully guide this flame pitching and rolling inside my heart,

...and create a ring around my heart.

It felt like there were extremely tiny holes scattered over my heart, from which fire ki was seeping almost like steam. If I failed to grasp this fire ki, my body would burn up. I had to control this energy well.

With my unique way.

I weaved a ring of flames around my heart. The fire ki that had been bucking like a willful stallion suddenly began to move little by little according to my will.


Ring shape. Ring shape. Ring shape.

Move. Please.

Sweat poured down like rain. My legs trembled uncontrollably.


Can do it. I had done well up to this point, and I would continue to do well. No, I would do even better in the future.

...I did it!

[A Ring of Fire has been formed.]

[The title Person of Fire is increasing in grade due to the formation of the Ring of Fire.]

[Determining the attribute of the Ring of Fire.]

[The Ring of Fires primary attribute is purity.]

Ring of Fire.

Come to think of it

In the past, fire magician Rankers mentioned a ring of fire before. However, they hadnt revealed exactly what that was. It was a secret among Rankers, something only they knew. I had taken that vague knowledge and given it shape.

[As per the Ring of Fires attribute, Person of Fire has been changed to Pure Person of Fire.]

[Pure Person of Fire]

A glorious title that greatly increases ones affinity and ability to utilize the fire attribute. Only those who create a pure attribute Ring of Fire can acquire this title, which elevates all abilities related to the fire attribute by one level.

*Special skill: Can use Flame of Purification.

My Person of Fire title was upgraded, and I gained a special skill from it.

[Flame of Purification]

Creates a flame that purifies all impure things.

Cooldown: 180 seconds

I heard a voice.


That voice became a little clearer.


And a little clearer.

Are you alright?

Huh? Why was I laying down? I opened my eyes.

This is

It looked like Elder Bufafas house.

You surprised me by suddenly fainting, said Bufafa. Are you alright?

Im alright, thank you. I was able to gain a pure enlightenment thanks to you.

As I thought

According to Bufafa, I walked closer to Athenae. My body went up in flames, and those flames were extremely hot.

I walked closer to Athenae?

I had zero memory of that. I probably moved by instinct, and gained the Pure Person of Fire title in the process.

I feel like something more happened, but

I couldnt remember it clearly. I had a feeling I saw something more, but I couldnt remember any more than that.

Bufafa spoke again.

In any case, youre truly astonishing.

* * *

* * *

1 hour prior.

Bufafa could only blankly watch Hyukjins back.

I cant believe it. Theres a human who can get that close to Athenae?

By dwarf standards, this was an impossible feat. No human could get so close to Athenae. Even dwarfs born to be blacksmiths and possessing great affinity to fire would be hard pressed to draw so near.

Even among dwarfs, only the chosen few can

Only they could get so close. Regular dwarfs that were not blessed couldnt even dream of it.


The human race was originally a weak race. They had little physical strength, stamina, and were no better than dwarfs in any aspect. At least, that was what Bufafa thought.

Is this why the elder before me said not to make light of the latent potential of humans?

He remembered the elder evaluating humans as beings who were born truly feeble, but were endowed with the remarkable ability to overcome that weakness with acquired strength.

He didnt even undergo procedural training to get close to the Sacred Flame.

He got that close even without procedural training. Normally, dwarfs practiced approaching little by little, getting successively closer in measured steps so they could eventually retrieve Athenaes flame. Specially chosen dwarfs trained from a young age. But that human was different.

Latent potential. The ability to grow.

That humans fire affinity exceeded all imagination. Bufafa was said to be a perceptive individual, but he could not even begin to guess how much the human in front of him could grow.

We will need to completely overhaul our understanding of the human race.

Bufafa didnt know the details, but it looked like the human gained some kind of enlightenment in front of Athenae. The bonfire perilously on the verge of exploding at a moments notice vanished into thin air, leaving the man looking incredibly peaceful before Athenae.

Something within him has grown a level stronger.

That limitless latent potential sent shivers down Bufafas spine. Using such peril to grow? For a dwarf, it was impossible. But no matter how Bufafa saw it, it was possible for a human.


But just then, Kim Hyukjin collapsed. Bufafa sprinted forward. A part of his precious, beloved beard was burned away as Bufafa shouldered the unconscious man and ran out.

One hour later, Kim Hyukjin recovered consciousness. Other than the fact that he was out for an hour, he seemed utterly fine.

In any case, youre truly astonishing, said Bufafa.

Hyukjin pulled himself together and got up. He had reached his additional objective. He absorbed Athenaes energy and created a pure Ring of Fire from it, which upgraded his title. It would surely be a big help when collecting the Millenium Lava.


However, all of this was, to some extent, a tangent. His true goal was to acquire the Ten-Thousand Year Old Cold Iron.

I havent even properly begun the Commandment of Iron and Gold and Silver and Fire quest yet.

And so, Hyukjin said, Elder Bufafa, my good sir. I would like to carry out the commandment at once.

Dont overdo it. Its not something you can do in a day or two.

There was trust in Elder Bufafas eyes. There was also a slight awe towards one with limitless latent potential and ability to grow. He thought it would be better if someone with such potential wasnt too hasty.

Ten-Thousand Year Old Cold Iron isnt something you can dig up right away just because you want to.

I know.

Haste makes waste.

Pedro flinched. Under Hyukjins silent warning, he was unable to tell his teacher that he had already collected it.

I can see you are being very considerate of me.

Ive never seen anyone with as much latent potential as you, even among the dwarfs.

A prideful dwarf was acknowledging a human. Pedro stared at Hyukjin with envy, but the praise actually didnt seem to make Hyukjin that happy.

Would you believe me if I said I could bring you the Ten-Thousand Year Old Cold Iron before the day ends?


Bufafa stared at Hyukjin before breaking into hearty laughter.

Hahahaha! Your confidence is really great to see.

He looked pleased, but he couldnt believe Hyukjins claim. Hyukjin grinned.

Sir. I really mean it.

You do?

I swear it on the commandment of the dwarfs.


Bufafas laughter died in his throat. His expression grew serious.

A vow made on the commandment is not something one does carelessly. Being confident is good, but confidence in excess is merely folly.

Its a different matter if I really can do it though.


Bufafa was about to shake his head, but stopped himself. It didnt seem like this young man would listen no matter what he said. He would have to experience it for himself. Ten-Thousand Year Old Cold Iron could only be collected if you had a special collection ability, and dwarfs could discern those who had that skill. Kim Hyukjin did not currently have it. There was no doubt about it.

You have made a vow on the commandment, so you will have to take responsibility.

Such a vow came with tremendous responsibility. But on the flip side, the rewards would become more sweet as well.

However, if you bring it to me before the day ends, I will give you first priority in the work schedule.

First priority?

We have a two week backlog of jobs, you see.

If he could bring it today, Bufafa would slot him in ahead of the schedule. Pedro stared at Hyukjin with blinking eyes.

Is this what he was going for?

If they had given Bufafa the Ten-Thousand Year Old Cold Iron right away, they might have still had to wait two weeks anyway. The work schedule was extremely important to dwarfs. No matter how much money you gave them, they wouldnt put you ahead of the schedule. This was something that involved the dwarfs pride.

Hes a crazy dude.

Pedro had heard Korean Players were exceptional at Playing. Korea had always been called the strongest country in video games. It was, of course, hard to compare Playing to video games, but in any case, Pedro was completely astonished by this Korean Players method of Playing today.

Are all Koreans like him? Pedro shook his head in bafflement.

In that case, we will return shortly.

And then, exactly three hours later, Kim Hyukjin, Vela, and Pedro returned to the Winter Castle. They were stopped by the gatekeepers.

Huh? Giving up already?

Figures. How could he get Ten-Thousand Year Old Cold Iron in just one day?

And hes just a human with no blacksmith blood.

It would be ridiculous.

The twin brother and sister shook their heads.

You swore on the commandment, so youll have to take full responsibility! 

Full responsibility!

The elder wont have any complaints if I make you my slave, right?

Lets turn him into a living sculpture.

Hyukjin grinned.

What does this look like to you guys?

He pulled out the Ten-Thousand Year Old Cold Iron from his Inventory.

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