Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 33

Chapter 033

“Are you familiar with Professor Thunderwalk?”

“How did know? I am Thunderwalker’s aunt, Lightningwalker.”

‘no. Were they real relatives?’

I thought that just because the dwarves looked alike, they couldn’t all be related, but they were really related.

“Are you acquainted with Thunderwalker?”

When the dwarf asked while pushing up his pilot glasses, Lee Han instinctively sensed something ominous.

Being remembered for your name and face by a professor, whether on Earth or here, wasn’t generally a good thing.

If I were to be taken to graduate school like on Earth…

“I don’t know…”

“Wordanaz is Professor Thunderwalk’s apprentice!”

“that’s right! Wardanaz is recognized by Professor Thunderwalk! I can even go to his cabin!”


Lee Han looked back.

The blue dragon’s tower friends winked at Lee Han with expressions on their faces.

They were from the same tower and seemed unbearably proud of their leader, Lee Han.

‘Because you’re such a helpless bastard!’

Lee Han cursed inwardly. Without knowing Lee Han’s inner thoughts, the students of the Blue Dragon Tower were just proud.

“also! If you are the disciple of that thunderous step, you can also call me my disciple.”

“It’s not even a handmade apprentice…”

“Besides, getting permission to enter the guy’s hut. It must have been really acknowledged.”

“…yes. I am, in fact.”

Lee Han gave up and admitted it.

Now that this has happened, I just wanted to accept it and leave a good impression on the professor.

* * *

Lightning Walk Professor got off the ride and stood in front of the students.

Then he shouted in a loud, powerful voice.

“Now pay attention!”

“That professor. Those who are fainting…”

“Leave it alone! You will wake up soon!”

Professor Lightning Walk exclaimed angrily. It was bullshit from a medical point of view, but no student could refute it.

“I am the best professor lightning-fast to teach you guys this semester. Originally, the professor who would teach you was Professor Bendosol, but he went missing while looking for a unicorn. So I was hired in a hurry.”

‘I don’t know why everyone isn’t surprised to hear that they went missing while looking for a unicorn.’

The students were more surprised by the name of the lightning step than they were surprised by Professor Bendosol, who went missing while looking for a unicorn.

“The famous explorer’s lightning strides?”

“That lightning step that subdued the Behemoth and turned it into a mount?!”

“Aren’t you the one who explored the crater of spirits where no one has set foot?!”

‘hmm. I guess I should have read something else in the newspaper besides Imperial Economy.’

Lee Han felt left out because he could not participate in the conversation.

From what I heard, he seemed to be a fairly famous explorer.

Some students looked at the lightning stride with envy and admiration in their eyes.

“ruler! Can any of you guess why I appeared on a thunderbird today?”



It was a monster so famous that even Lee Han had heard of it.

It moves quickly and violently with a body so large that it is not considered a bird. And even a special ability to control thunder and lightning and twisters.

It was a nightmare monster for those who flew in the sky or climbed up and down high mountain ranges.

The thought of such a monster attacking me made my spine run cold.

‘This school really needs to be audited by the Empire once.’

While Lee Han muttered to himself, another student raised his hand.

“Is your goal for this semester riding that thunderbird? So to get us used to it…”

“Wrong! Ha ha ha ha! You’re talking nonsense. If you want to ride the Thunderbird, it won’t be enough even if you practice for more than 10 years!”

The lightning stride burst into laughter as if it were funny. The student who spoke out was embarrassed and withdrew.

‘ah. Are there few people who have taken alchemy lessons here?’

Come to think of it, the alchemy class was an elective.

On the other hand, riding training class is a compulsory subject.

In other words, there were a lot more students who didn’t know the lecture style of Professor Dwarf’s blood relative.

“Did you have to take the fastest mount to come from afar?”

“If I had to ride the fastest mount, I would have rode Sleipnir. Wrong. hmm. Wodanaz! You tell me.”


He really didn’t want to get attention, but the dwarf professors didn’t let Lee Han go.

Lee Han replied while managing his expression.

“Aren’t you here so that we can improve our ability to deal with dangerous monsters like the Thunderbird?”

At Lee Han’s answer, some students burst into laughter as if it were nonsense.

The ride training class is a class where you ride a beautiful and cute horse and go around the area, not a < Survive from Monsters > class.

Why on earth do you do such training…

“That’s right! After all, there is a reason why you like thunder!”

‘Damn it.’

I hope you are really right

Lee Han shook his head.

Anyway, if I became close with Professor Thunder Step, I would have no choice but to meet Professor Lightning Step a lot.

Buying attention from professors is dangerous, but earning hatred from professors is even more dangerous.

I’d rather have affection…

“Professor Kyo? Wasn’t it horseback riding class?”

“Right… that’s right. Why do we have to train ourselves to avoid the thunderbird?”

Some students asked in bewilderment whether they hadn’t grasped the situation yet.

Why not ride a horse and evacuate the thunderbird?

“What if I meet a thunderbird while riding a horse! It’s just training!”

Lightningwalk was angry, as if asking for some nonsense. The students who asked about it were to the point of dying.

‘Thunderbird is a rare monster that can only be found in high skies or mountain ranges…’

Lee Han thought to himself, but didn’t say it out loud.

I had to be careful about saying the right words in front of the professor.

“But don’t worry. Because you guys will ride the horse you love so much. Wodanaz. come forward I need you to help me with my class.”

Receiving gazes of awe and jealousy, Lee Han stepped forward.

Awe aside, Lee Han wanted to beat the students who gave him a jealous gaze.

‘These guys who don’t know the speed of others…’

“The horse is the most basic mount you can see most in the empire. A guy who doesn’t know how to ride this must be considered unqualified to travel. If you want to ride a more difficult mount, you should at least learn how to ride a horse well.”

Quite a few students made bored faces at the professor’s words.

Because there were more students here who knew how to ride horses than those who did not.

As each of them had traveled enough on horseback for different reasons, they were thinking, ‘Is there anything new to learn?’

But Professor Lightningwalker was not offended by the sight.

Rather, he smiled kindly.



Lee Han felt ominous in that smile.

‘This isn’t just a horse riding class!’

It was clear that this school was not an ordinary horseback riding class.

“ruler. Go to the stable!”

The stables located near the main building had neat and spacious facilities.

The stable, which looked like a huge warehouse with three floors, opened as if it were alive when the professor approached.

‘It’s enchanted.’

Lee Han could feel the magical energy hanging over the stable.

Well, since it’s not just raising ordinary horses, they must be protected with magic.



Exclamations erupted from everywhere.

The appearance of the horses stretched out on both sides of the stable was enough to impress young students.

The horses with various coat colors, such as white, black, brown, and gold, were runners with good pedigree at a glance.

Can you ride a horse like this?

It was only natural that the eyes of the students brightened.

However, Lee Han was not fooled. He whispered to Yoner next to him.

“be careful.”


“Think of an alchemy class. Professor Lightning Step is a blood relative of Professor Thunder Step. Do you think there will be no traps?”


Yoner nodded hurriedly with a look of realization.

Professor Lightningwalk stroked his beard and smiled mischievously. Then he said to Ian.

“As a disciple who will help me with my lessons from now on, I will give you the authority to choose a horse first.”

From behind, there were clicking sounds of jealousy and envy.

Even if he put up with other favors, he couldn’t stand choosing his horse first.

Once chosen, the horse will become Lee Han’s partner for a semester, but wouldn’t that mean the best horse is being taken away?

‘… you must be thinking. Fools.’

Lee Han remembered the smile that flashed on Professor Lightning’s lips.

“it’s okay. I’ll choose later, so I’ll give it to the other students. It doesn’t seem fair that I pick first.”


“A guy like you!”

The same top students were admiring.

Others are blinking their eyes because they want to choose a horse first, but such a concession.

It was an honor that only true nobility could show.

“What then?”

“Let’s each decide the order in the tower, then come out one by one and choose. If they overlap, we draw lots again.”


The students split up and started to line up.

The Blue Dragon Tower students also gathered and cast lots to determine the order. The first thing that caught on was Cainan Island.


Cainando was delighted.

It was as if the bad luck of being caught by the thunderbird earlier had been rewarded.

The Blue Dragon Tower students were blatantly disappointed.

“Is it Cainando by all means?”

“I should have let Wardanaz take it first.”

“joy. The losers talk.”

Cainando ignored his friends. Lee Han became curious and asked Yoner.

“Does Cainando know how to read a horse?”

“Well…well. I guess you don’t know.”

Gainando strode forward and chose the largest and most ill-tempered white horse.

Students from other towers looked at Kainan-do in dismay.

Big words are not good.

Besides, considering what he had to tame and become close to, he shouldn’t have chosen a horse that seemed so filthy.

If you don’t do it, you may have problems while riding…


“100 million!”






All the students gathered were amazed.

Apart from the fact that Gainando was head-butted by a horse and fell backwards, all the other students were also beaten or spit on one by one.

The horse…

Why is it so ferocious?


Purrung! Fuheung! Hehehe!!

The horses in the stable, which had been waiting patiently, began to howl at the same time.

The look of fiercely glaring at the students as if they were looking at their enemies.

It was the moment when the hidden wildness exploded.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! i said You have to learn how to ride a horse well. Your first assignment is not horse riding. Get to know the horses here. Did you really think I could pick up the words for a novice like you!”

“What… what…”

“It’s too much…!”

Some of the students who hadn’t taken the alchemy class wept with disappointment. But the lightning steps did not stop laughing.

“If you take care of and take care of your horse morning and night, at least one good horse might open up to you. that’s your goal only one! Getting close with just one!”


‘That’s obviously not an ordinary word.’

Lee Han was sure.

No matter how you think about it, it wasn’t a common saying.

What kind of horse in the world is that kind of bullshit…


As Lee Han pondered over which of these horses would be the easiest to get close to, a hand that looked like a lid from a lightning-walking professor came up on Lee Han’s shoulder.


“really. Wodanaz. I will choose a word for you.”


Is it really necessary?

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