Lazily Yours.

Chapter 519: Blood

Chapter 519: Blood

A few hours later.

Gabi yawned as she closed the book she was reading. It turns out that reading about history could actually make her forget about the time. She looked at the clock and realized it has been two hours since she walked inside her office. She couldn't help but wonder what happened to Aren now.

She smiled as she walked out of her office.

"Eh? Gabi?"

Gabi turn around and smiled at Alfons. "Brother what are you doing here? Are you done drinking?"

"How come you are here?" Alfons asked. Seeing Alfons looked like he had eaten poop, Gabi couldn't help but chuckle. She had to stop herself from laughing out loud.

"What kind of question is that, brother? I am doing something in my office. I didn't realize that it was already too late. So"

"I thought you already slept?"

"I was about to. But I realized that I needed to do something and send it to my secretary. It had something to do with grandfather. I thought I would finish it in thirty minutes. It turns out, my lack of knowledge in business management would become a problem. In the end, it took me more than two hours just to finish it."

"Really?" Alfons' face contorted into an ugly scowl. This time, it looked like he had eaten a bigger poop. Gabi pinched her leg just to stop herself from laughing. Who would have thought that she would see this man now?

"It seems that you are drunk, brother. You should quickly go to your room. No need to worry about your friends. Spencer already prepared rooms for them for the night." With that, she started walking towards her room. "I will ask the maid to prepare a sumptuous breakfast for everyone."

"Wait "

"Hm? Do you need something?" Gabi asked when Alfons suddenly grabbed her wrist. "Brother it's already late. If you need something, just tell me tomorrow. You are drunk and I am really sleepy. So"


"Huh? Brother?" Gabi tilted her head, her brows furrowed. "Did something happen?"

"No. I just I need to talk to you right now."

"About what? You looked pale Is there an emergency?"

"No, I just I want you to introduce me to your grandfather."

"Eh? But my grandfather already knows you." Gabi smiled. "It seems that you are already drunk, brother. If you want, I can help you towards your room."

"I said No!"

"B Brother?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. What I meant is that Please help me out. I need to interview your grandfather."

"Brother why don't we talk about this tomorrow? I am exhausted." Gabi slowly removed Alfons' hands around her wrist. "It's pretty late. I should sleep now."

"But "

Before Alfons could complete his words, a loud shout suddenly echoed inside the whole mansion.


Gabi looked at Alfons. "Did you It's coming from my room!" She didn't wait for Alfons to react as she dashed towards her room.

"Ah please no more!"

Gabi opened the door and turn on the lights inside her room. It was as if a bucket of water drenched her body as she quivered at the view in front of her. Eyes wide, her jaws dropped. In front of her was a mess.

Harry's and Aren's clothes were all over the floor. Her bedside lamp was broken, its pieces scattered on the floor and on the bed. And there was blood blood everywhere.

Gabi felt her heart left her as memories of her death surge inside her head, wreaking havoc, reminding her of the things that happened before her death. Her chest raised and fell. She could feel her body shake as memories of her son, dying in front of her, replayed over and over inside her head.

She could feel her heart turned cold, her body numbed.

"We heard someone scream!"

"What What is happening?"

"Young Miss?"

"Young Miss are you alright?"

She thought she heard Spencer and Nonim's voice. She could feel relief flashing inside her already cold body. The blood in front of her automatically reminded her of the moments before she died. The torture doesn't matter anymore. What mattered was Luca.

Her son.

The little man who lost his life in front of her.

The little man who owns her heart.

"Young miss!?"

"Take her somewhere away!"

"Young miss!?"

Gabi wanted to say something. She wanted to tell them she was alright she was fine. How could some blood scare her? But for some reason, her throat hurt. It felt dry, like a desert. She could hear Luca's laughter around her. It seemed so close, yet too far.

Gabi's lips trembled as hot tears fell from her eyes.

She thought she had mourned enough. She thought she could forget the pain of losing someone she dearly loved. She was wrong. Gabi clutched the clothes that covered her chest as if she was holding onto something that could save her life. She hugged herself. She could feel her consciousness leave, her gaze turned hazy.

She doesn't care.

She held her chest like it was her lifeline.

"Nonim! What are you waiting for? Take the young miss away from here!"

"Ah, yes!"

Gabi felt someone grabbed her, but she was too occupied to even think about the current scene that she carefully planned. She was too busy trying to suppress the pain from an invisible wound made by an equally invisible blunt sword.

Since she came back, Gabi had never cried like this. She thought she was strong enough to suppress her emotions. Act like a cold, two-faced lady. But one look at that scarlet liquid and all the memories came rushing in like a powerful storm, destroying the gigantic walls that she tried to build around her heart.

Her emotions flowed like lava. It was hot- too hot.

And that was the last thing she remembered before she finally lost her consciousness.

'The young miss fainted!'

'Someone call a doctor!'

'Young miss?'

'Young miss, are you alright?'

'Young miss, hang in there!'


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