Lazily Yours.

Chapter 488: Nightmare

Chapter 488: Nightmare

Lyca almost couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the people's skin being hanged inside the room or freezer.

There were about five, no ten? Perhaps twenty skins hanging inside the room. "What the hell?" Shen Qui let out a surprised gasp. Then the two walk inside the room. Walking past the skin hanging on the ceiling, they saw another room. This time, no password was required to enter.

When Lyca saw the contents of the room, she couldn't help but frown. She was right and wrong at the same time. Xu Ke isn't eating flesh but drinking blood. The wooden table inside the room immediately attracted her attention. This wasn't because it was placed at the corner most part of the room but because all the tables inside were made of alloys, except this one.

"Ronan said, he will reach us in about three minutes. We need to leave so we can blow this place up."

Lyca only looked back at him in response. She can't leave. This time, she needed to see Xu Ke die. "Do you trust me?"

"No, you can't stay here alone without me."

"You "

"No matter what you say, I am not going to leave you behind."

"Qui'er "

He shook his head. "Won't work. If you badly want to die, then let's do it together."

She pursed her lips. Seeing Shen Qui's resolute expression, she let out a sigh. She knew that convincing him to leave her would be hard. This man is stubborn, but she absolutely understands him. She examined the blue liquid next to her. "Fire should work against him."

"Ronan said, he looked like a monster now. He was crawling towards us."

"He was crawling towards the blood." Lyca's only regret is losing all of her toys and poison. Xu Ke actually took them when she got in. "Do you have a bomb?"


"Put it outside."

"Confirm to Ronan that he could see everything in this room."

"Yes, he already said that earlier."

"Good." Lyca nodded. "Put the bomb and wait for me. We're leaving."

"I thought "

She snorted. "You are too handsome to die."

Shen Qui stared at her before he laughed. Is this really the time for jokes? With that, Shen Qui started placing the bomb outside and inside of the room and set it to sixty seconds.

"Done." He said. "We have fifty-seven six seconds to leave this place."

Lyca nodded. She made sure to destroy everything about the creature and brought the small notebook that she found hidden in the drawer of the wooden table. "Let's leave this place."

Following Ronan's instructions, the two quickly left the room and closed that secret room inside Xu Ke's office.

The loud howling sound surprised Lyca, but she and Shen Qui didn't stop running towards the exit. Her heart started racing, sweat trickled on her forehead as Shen Qui grabbed her hand and led her out of the place.

The scene actually reminded Lyca of an action movie where the Male Lead would lead the female lead out of a burning building. The thing is she wanted to be carried by him.

Wait, why was she thinking about things like this in the middle of such a crisis?

It seems that seeing Shen Qui again, awoken the pervert side of her again.

The mechanical sound of the door pulled her back from her stupor. She squinted at the sudden onslaught of the sunlight, her vision blurred before she felt herself being lifted by Shen Qui.

She used her hand to cover her eyes and let him carry her out.

It's been so long since she saw the sunlight, seeing it again somehow made her a bit lighter. She started to hear some explosions behind her and was tempted to look. But in the end, she didn't.

She let out a sigh of relief, hoping that everything is done now.

It should be right?

"You can open your eyes now."

Lyca didn't hesitate to follow Shen Qui's words. Then she realized that they were already inside the car. She watched as he took his helmet off and gave her a gentle smile. "I miss you" he uttered.

"I " Her words were interrupted when she suddenly saw a piece of debris towards their car. Her eyes widened as the debris made its way into Shen Qui's head.

She saw his eyeball jumped out of its sockets before she let out a scream.


Lyca sat up in a jolt.

Realizing that it was a dream, she immediately let out a sigh as she patted her chest, her heart was racing so fast, she thought it was real. It was almost a year since the facility was destroyed along with Xu Ke and yet sometimes, her dreams about the events that happened would still cause her a lot of nightmares.

She looked at the empty side of the bed before she held her temple. She recalled what happened and couldn't help but put a smile on her face.

After getting out of the facility, Lyca actually fainted. No suspense, no zombie apocalypse, or some monster versus the overpowered Lyca, she just fainted into his arms. In Lyca's mind, fighting a monster was actually unnecessary. Why would she hurt herself when the explosion could kill him?

All she needed to do was mixed the blue liquid and some other liquids inside that room to cause the temperature from the explosion to triple.

Her wise and a bit lazy decision was indeed effective, but in the end, she fainted from exhaustion. This made Shen Qui carry her like a princess with the background of the fire behind them.

Isn't it a bit romantic?

When she woke up again, she was already inside a comfortable tent. They were still near the facility, and that was when Ronan and Shen Qui confirmed that Xu Ke was indeed destroyed from that explosion. Of course, seeing Xu Ke explode from the video made her believe that the man was indeed dead.

Ronan was quick to hack the satellite, hiding the explosion from other people's eyes. Then, he created news of some power plant accident in the area. The news obviously scared a lot of people, making them avoid the facility.

After a few weeks, Lyca's people and Ronan confirmed that both the inside and outside of the facility were unsalvageable. The best course of action is to dump some ground and concrete to cover the huge hole from the underground facility.

Soon, the passing of the president was announced, prompting the vice president to take over.

"Good morning beautiful"

Lyca turned towards Shen Qui who suddenly arrived with a huge smile on his face.

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