Lazily Yours.

Chapter 462: Ego Bigger than his Brains

Chapter 462: Ego Bigger than his Brains

As annoyed as Lyca was, she could only laugh at herself when she woke up in a room alone. Hey, at least that man didn't do anything stupid while she was sleeping?

Lyca sat on the bed, her eyes roaming the room she was in. The simple yet beautiful muted colors around her weren't enough to hide the fact that the room had no windows. Aside from the door opposite her bed, there was no other exit or any way to get the sunlight.

"If you want to imprison me, at least give me food," she said. The sound of her stomach grumbling made her want to curse at Xu Ke. Just as she let out another sigh, a mechanical sound echoed inside the room. Xu Ke walked in, smiling.

"I wouldn't call this imprisonment. At least not permanently. I will release you once I successfully resurrected Shen Qui."

She gave him a look, disbelief flashing in his eyes. Even until now, Xu Ke still thought he could use everyone that she loves to control her. However, this isn't her priority, right now. "I'm hungry."

"Bring her food."

"You know, the moment I would get out of here I will kill you."

"I am looking forward to you changing your mind."

"That's won't happen."

"Even if you see Shen Qui alive?"

"He's dead! I saw his body! Burned! You can't bring back the dead, Xu Ke. This world is different."

"What if I can!?" he insisted. "There is nothing impossible as long as you put your mind into it."

She snorted. "You only wanted my help. I know you too well for that."

"I already told you. I wanted your help. There's no need to deny that."

"I am helping you."

"Even if I will resurrect Shen Qui?"


Xu Ke pursed his lips just as two men walked inside. One was bringing a convertible table while the other was holding what looked like a lunch box. They immediately arranged the food in front of Lyca and excused themselves.

"You don't believe me?"

"Cichars cannot resurrect the dead," Lyca said. "It's a poisonous creature. It knows nothing about saving."

"Who told you that I will use Cichar?"

Lyca lifted an eyebrow.

"I already told you, revealing too much is not very good. Especially revealing too much to someone like you."

Xu Ke doesn't trust her. But that is already expected. Isn't that why she was here? Isn't that why she chose this method? She sneered inwardly and started eating the food. "I don't like spicy." She said.

"You used to like spicy food."

"Not anymore." She said and started eating the sweet and sour pork.

"You've changed."

"Did you expect me to stay the same after what you did?"

The smile on Xu Ke's face vanished. "About that "

"No need to talk about the past. I don't care about it anymore."

"You no longer hate me?"

"Hate requires emotion." Something she doesn't have, or at least not to him.

"You baffled me."

"Thanks for the compliment," Lyca said. "I tend to be baffled by myself too."

"Seeing you like this is really refreshing."

Lyca snorted. Just because she was showing the previous her, doesn't mean she was still the same woman that he once knew. "If this world has magic, I would have used my own magic to kill you. Even if that meant, I would die too."

"That's harsh."

This world is harsh, Lyca thought inwardly. Life is harsh. Only death could give you peace. Or not. Lyca already died once. But what happened? She woke up in another world. Fate intervened and decided that she was too evil to rest in peace.

She continued eating while Xu Ke stared at her. "I think you are the only one who can help me." Xu Ke said.

"What about Huang Qingyun? I thought he is helping you?"

"Huang Qingyun?" Xu Ke frowned. "What does this aha! You knew about Huang Ying, don't you?"

She just stared at him, not responding. Seeing this, he continued, "Huang Qingyun, wanted me to help resurrect his wife. So, I decided to help him."

"In return, he would test your poison to live subjects?"

"Smart. Huang Qingyun is handling some of my business abroad. He is a very busy man."

Lyca nodded."Stop lying. I know you are only using him."


Before he could say anything else, she decided to press him for more information. She needed to talk to this man to finally piece all the pieces together. "The real one is dead?"

"Why would you think he is me?"

"Did Huang Ying saw your face change? Is that why you did that?" Lyca's suspicions started because of that incident with Mr. Park. She recalled that Xu Ke was seldom seen in public. Some people thought that the President is only protective of him.

But what if there is another side of the story?

Xu Ke needed identities. He needed to be everywhere to have his experiments. However, his character was too dubious. He would always doubt everyone around him, he was too suspecting. Thus, he used other people's identity to be able to do whatever it is that he wanted.

That is the only explanation she could come up with.

Xu Ke was too paranoid to trust other people. Thus, he would try to do it himself.

"You are becoming smarter and smarter. I hate it." Xu Ke only smiled at her. "Knowledge could get you in trouble."

"Lies," Lyca said. "Ignorance could get you in trouble. Not knowledge." Knowledge could get her anywhere but trouble. In fact, she could only rely on her knowledge to save herself and everyone else around her.

"You have a point. You know I am trying to wrap my head into the reason why you agreed to come here." He said. "You wanted more information about me?"

Lyca heaved a sigh of relief. Those words only made her thankful that Xu Ke's ego is actually bigger than his brain. "What if I do?" she asked.

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