Lazily Yours.

Chapter 430: Backlash

Chapter 430: Backlash

Shen Qui slowly walked behind Lyca, towering next to her as he observed. He knew his wife had a special way of knowing if someone is looking at them secretly and he was getting curious how she does this. He stared at Long Yi's crazed eyes before he thought of cultivating internal energy. Lyca taught him how to do it.

She also said that this world doesn't have any mana around it, meaning magic wouldn't exist. But how did she do it? Slowly Shen Qui thought of Lyca's instructions. Feel the earth, feel the wind, the air surrounding you. Close your mind, until you feel you are alone, safe in a place that only you know.

He continued standing next to Lyca until he felt relaxed and lighter. Slowly, he felt Lyca standing next to her. He knew that even if he closed his eyes, he would know that she was there. Then he felt Tang Jinyi and Long Yi. He could feel their breathing, their hearts beating. It was like he was watching them when, in fact, he was only staring at Lyca.

It felt weird.

He felt his heart started to beat slower, calmer. It was as if he was sleeping.

But he was awake, and he could see everything that was happening to him. Shen Qui lowered his head and closed his eyes. For some reason, his head already started to ache. Was it an effect of sensing other people? He gnashed his teeth, determined to also sense the other two bodyguards who took a few stepped back earlier.

Sadly, his head ached as if it was about to break. He frowned, the deep lines between his brows deepened.

"Look at him? He won't even defend you from a rival! He is just someone who is hiding behind his woman's skirt! Is that really the person that you would spend your life with? A coward?"

Lyca's face darkened. It wasn't because of Long Yi's insults, but because she could feel something coming from Shen Qui. It was some sort of hot energy. She could clearly feel his uncomfortable state. A curse word left his lips. Of course, Long Yi thought that she cursed because of his words.

He smirked. "I know you understand what I was trying to say. He is nothing but a coward, some trash that you pick up on the streets. Isn't it time that you threw him away now?"

"Escort him out," Lyca said under her breath, and Tang Jinyi who was standing near her instantly signaled his people to grab Long Yi.

"Lyca, I am not done talking!"

"Yes, you are." Tang Jinyi said. "Drag him out!"

"I said I am not yet done talking. Lyca! Can you hear me?"

Lyca, on the other hand, was already standing in front of Shen Qui. Just as she expected, he didn't even notice her standing close to him. She gritted her teeth and slowly lifted her hand to touch his forehead. "Jinyi please help me bring my husband to the guest room."

"He is sick?"

Lyca nodded. She could lift Shen Qui, but she wouldn't risk showing her strength in front of everyone else. "Fever."

"How come he got sick? Aw! Too hot! Shall we bring him to the hospital? This temperature is "

"No. Let's take him to the room first."

"Then do you want me to call the doctors?"

"No. I can take care of it." Lyca looked at Shen Qui's pale face and sighed. He was standing, but his consciousness already left him.

With Tang Jinyi's assistance, they arrived in one of the guest rooms on the second floor of the house. "Please leave us alone. I will take care of him." Lyca said when Tang Jinyi voiced out his concern for Shen Qui. "Please don't tell grandfather," Lyca said.

"Alright. If you need any assistance"

"Of course. I will call you." Lyca forced a smile out of her face before she closed the door, locking it. She then walked towards Shen Qui and examined his state. This man actually forced himself to sense his surroundings. It backfired since his body wasn't ready for it.

She removed his shoes and made sure that he was comfortable before he started massaging his body. Using her knowledge of acupuncture, Lyca prepared Shen Qui's body. In her previous world, this phenomenon is pretty popular, but it is only for people who can use magic. Usually, they would lose consciousness and have a really high fever until their mana would heal them.

This world didn't have mana. So Lyca needed to use her own internal energy to heal him. Just like when she healed him the first time. Closing her eyes, Lyca held both of Shen Qui's hands and channeled her energy without any hesitation. Lyca couldn't help but wonder why Shen Qui experienced such backlash. In the first place, he didn't have any mana in his body.

Using Internal Energy alone shouldn't use a backlash that could cause a fever. Lyca recalled the first time that she used her energy to sense her surroundings. She was sixteen. Almost immediately, she suffered from a headache, but that was it.

At that time, she wasn't able to sense anything around her. It was a failure. Instead of trying again, Lyca slept and try again another day.

After about five tries, she was finally able to use her internal energy to sense some ants that were around her at that time. Then it took her another ten or more tries before she sensed some humans that were sitting two meters away from him. At that time, her head ached too much, she had to stop and recover.

Still, she didn't have a fever or lost her consciousness. Again, losing consciousness usually happens if they were using mana, not internal energy.

So what happened to Shen Qui?

Maybe it was because he was already older?

Questions upon questions started to pile up in Lyca's head. The more she asked, the more she realized that she knew almost nothing about using Internal Energy. She didn't inquire Shen Qui about his uncle because she was too lazy to ask questions.

Lyca sighed.

At the end of the day, her problems stem from her laziness, ah.

After a few more minutes, she opened her eyes and realized that he was still hot. Though, his face looked more normal than before she started helping him.

Lyca stared at Shen Qui. Now that she thought about it Shen Qui actually learned how to use internal energy to help his injury at such a young age. How did he learn it? He is someone from Earth, and this cultivation is not something that a normal mortal child could learn.

Did she miss something?



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